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New use for the Round-Abouts in town


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and on the same note, if you dont know how to use a roundabout, find another route. just the other day i had a guy coming from the left as i was coming into the RA, he was in his left lane, which once i turned right, would still be to my left, then we merge up ahead a few hundred feet...he decides that right where my portion of the road comes in is a great time for him to get into his right lane (the one im using to turn), and then blow his horn at me and wave his hands in the air as if im the retarded one.


and people who stop when there is no traffic coming just to look left need to be shot. it says yield, not stop.

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and people who stop when there is no traffic coming just to look left need to be shot. it says yield, not stop.


Had this happen in Dublin just the other day. Then they look at me like I'm the fucked up one when I lay on my horn. :mad:


I think round abouts here are dangerous, only because so many do not know how to use them.


^^ fact

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