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Screw Reynoldsburg


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I just got my tax statement for my Reynoldsburg property. House is assessed @ 118k, which is BS in itself as it won't sell for that - I've tried. Property tax went up to $2740 a year.




That is seriously a Dublin tax rate. I just looked up a couple Dublin homes at the 120k price range, and their tax rate is the same. But let's see:


- Dublin has FAR better schools

- Dublin isn't turning into the fucking ghetto

- Dublin is in a far better area of town


It's no wonder Reynoldsburg is turning into a complete shit hole - they are pricing everyone out of there, leaving crappy renters to live there instead.


When I bought the joint in 2002, taxes were $1550 a year. In 9 years, taxes take a $1200 hike??!! I sure as hell couldn't tell you where the money went, as it was a far nicer place to live back in 2002. Luckily the neighborhood my property is in hasn't went to hell, but it is only a matter of time.


Thank god I don't live there anymore, or I'd also be paying fucking School Income Tax to them too.

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Thats an unfair hit on Reynoldsburg. Unfortunately for you, your house was purchased over by the shitty side that only got shittier. The house assessment seems fair to me based on location and what houses have typically cost over there. Hell I couldnt have bought a huber home for under $115k over ten years ago. Could you get $118k out of your house with the economy the way it is, it might take awhile, but everyone is in the same boat. As far as schools, your on the shitty side of town for that as well unfortunately. The schhols that my 2 youngest go to are great, huge parent involvement, great programs set up to help kids based on intelligence. Now my oldest goes to RHS but when we purchased, there was suppose to have been a new HS on this side of town by now. While Dublin has nice areas with big houses, there are those neighborhoods in Reynoldsburg although smaller. Unfortunately Reynoldsburg has kind of had to stick with the cards it was dealt. There is no major/historical downtown that gives smaller cities their character. Unfortunately Reynoldsburg was already established when these newers cities started learn from the mistakes each other made and compensated for them as they expanded. While I dont absolutely love reynoldsburg, I would certainly live here before even considering dublin. When I bought my house I bought one in an area that stood teh chance of turning to hell the least or at least last. I also looked for what other areas tax rate was when comparing the house I bought.
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You're just pissed because you can't spend that extra money on a snowblower for your 1 mile long driveway or some shit :rolleyes:


My neighborhood is just fine and my kids go to a good school. Don't get butthurt just because you became a yuppie and can't sell your "middle class" house.

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  DarkFormula said:

My neighborhood is just fine and my kids go to a good school. Don't get butthurt just because you became a yuppie and can't sell your "middle class" house.




I miss the old Joe when he would start up his loud car and I would feel in it my house.....


Now he eats steamed sprouts and espresso and will soon have a smart car.

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If you feel that your property is being over-valued, you can file a complaint.




Deadline is March 31st.


Oh, and my current taxes are $4,160. Well at least until I file for a reduction with fairfield county.


  Nitrousbird said:
I just got my tax statement for my Reynoldsburg property. House is assessed @ 118k, which is BS in itself as it won't sell for that - I've tried. Property tax went up to $2740 a year.




That is seriously a Dublin tax rate. I just looked up a couple Dublin homes at the 120k price range, and their tax rate is the same. But let's see:


- Dublin has FAR better schools

- Dublin isn't turning into the fucking ghetto

- Dublin is in a far better area of town


It's no wonder Reynoldsburg is turning into a complete shit hole - they are pricing everyone out of there, leaving crappy renters to live there instead.


When I bought the joint in 2002, taxes were $1550 a year. In 9 years, taxes take a $1200 hike??!! I sure as hell couldn't tell you where the money went, as it was a far nicer place to live back in 2002. Luckily the neighborhood my property is in hasn't went to hell, but it is only a matter of time.


Thank god I don't live there anymore, or I'd also be paying fucking School Income Tax to them too.

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  wnaplay said:
I would do it as well, but I do not want a potential buyer years from no ask me why I am trying to sell my house for more than its valued at.


Is the lose of a couple thousand in a future sale worth paying hundreds or thousands extra each year in taxes? depends on how soon you are looking to sell.


for me, I would rather save about $1,800 each year in taxes.

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  beer30 said:
if you think your house value is overstated for tax purposes, fight it and save yourself money. Me on the other hand isn't saying shit because I don't have to pay taxes on that additional $60k.


I negotiated to have the value by the auditor dropped by nearly $30k last year. No way in hell I was going to NOT do that in this market. ALL areas of town have been impacted. More so for the folks who purchased between 1998 and 2007 as they likely paid top dollar during "the good times".

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On the frankilin county tax auditors website it states what your house is worth. When I go to sell it I dont want someone seeing that my house is valued at a significantly less amount because a few years earlier I decided to seek out a lower tax payment. I regularly go on the tax website and see that my numbers have changed every year. My tax has increased each year I have been here as the value(not in this economy) of my home increases. I would never buy a home for more money than it is valued at no matter how much I liked the house and hold the county appraisal at the same value as an independent one. I have never had an independent appraisal done, nor has the bank ever sent anyone out. I literally was pre approved for a certain amount of money, looked for months, found this house that was foreclosed on and the same day I signed the papers and had the keys. I never had it inspected(although I have been a contractor for years), or an appraisal done.
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  Jones said:


I miss the old Joe when he would start up his loud car and I would feel in it my house.....


Now he eats steamed sprouts and espresso and will soon have a smart car.

LOL - steamed sprouts and espresso - yuck. I did get my wife an espresso machine, but I'm not drinking that filtered dirt. And I'm still noisy, I just have more room to do it. Luckily most of my neighbors have quads/dirtbikes, so no one complains about my loud ass Raptor. :)


  beer30 said:
lol that does suck. But don't you rent it out aka pass the cost onto the tenants?

I make nothing on that place. I am just going to sell it at a loss when their lease is up. I am already getting about the max amount of rent you could ever hope to get, mostly because of all the updates I did to it.


  Twistedrx7 said:
um mine is 5k suck it up, and mine is in pataskala. be happy with the amount you are paying.

Taxes on the home we live in are about that - but it's a lot nicer home/lot more land/FAR better area too - and still a far lower rate than Reynoldsburg.


  wnaplay said:
Heres mine, theres no love for ya :) $3,531.88

That's crazy. My wife's condo, which was next to Durance Park (which is on Griggs Resevoir), Columbus address but was really between Upper Arlington & Hilliard, Hillard Schools, was only $3300/year - and we sold it for a little over 150k. It was a awesome location.


  dakotart said:
If you feel that your property is being over-valued, you can file a complaint.




Deadline is March 31st.


Oh, and my current taxes are $4,160. Well at least until I file for a reduction with fairfield county.

I would, but I doubt they would devalue it enough to make a siginificant difference, and it would likely hurt the potential sale next year more than I would gain from the tax savings. If I were keeping it, I would have already done so.


  DarkFormula said:
You're just pissed because you can't spend that extra money on a snowblower for your 1 mile long driveway or some shit :rolleyes:


My neighborhood is just fine and my kids go to a good school. Don't get butthurt just because you became a yuppie and can't sell your "middle class" house.

I already own a snow blower. :) I'm pissed I can't sell the house because over over taxation and a declining area - that's pretty fucking legit. But I guess that makes me a yuppie, lol.


How can anyone think the Reynoldsburg tax rate is fair? It's not? I'm sorry if I am pointing out that the area is quickly on the decline, taxes are crazy, and the city officials think fixing it is blowing money on "fancy" street signs or other shit that doesn't fix the issue. Mind you, I've been pissed about this for a while, but this new tax bill is $300 more than last years, so this problem is on the rise!

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  wnaplay said:
On the frankilin county tax auditors website it states what your house is worth. When I go to sell it I dont want someone seeing that my house is valued at a significantly less amount because a few years earlier I decided to seek out a lower tax payment..


It won't matter. it's just the auditors appraisal for tax purposes. The value of your home isn't impacted by this. They will pull comps (which also show on the auditors web site) and a third party appraisal to set it's price.

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My taxes in Grove City are $7207.44 for 2010 and they are going up again because of the tax levi for Southwest Schools which is one of the worst districts in the state. With the housing market mess I am pretty much stuck until I can recoop some of our investment.
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  Nitrousbird said:
LOL - steamed sprouts and espresso - yuck. I did get my wife an espresso machine, but I'm not drinking that filtered dirt. And I'm still noisy, I just have more room to do it. Luckily most of my neighbors have quads/dirtbikes, so no one complains about my loud ass Raptor. :)



I make nothing on that place. I am just going to sell it at a loss when their lease is up. I am already getting about the max amount of rent you could ever hope to get, mostly because of all the updates I did to it.



Taxes on the home we live in are about that - but it's a lot nicer home/lot more land/FAR better area too - and still a far lower rate than Reynoldsburg.



That's crazy. My wife's condo, which was next to Durance Park (which is on Griggs Resevoir), Columbus address but was really between Upper Arlington & Hilliard, Hillard Schools, was only $3300/year - and we sold it for a little over 150k. It was a awesome location.



I would, but I doubt they would devalue it enough to make a siginificant difference, and it would likely hurt the potential sale next year more than I would gain from the tax savings. If I were keeping it, I would have already done so.



I already own a snow blower. :) I'm pissed I can't sell the house because over over taxation and a declining area - that's pretty fucking legit. But I guess that makes me a yuppie, lol.


How can anyone think the Reynoldsburg tax rate is fair? It's not? I'm sorry if I am pointing out that the area is quickly on the decline, taxes are crazy, and the city officials think fixing it is blowing money on "fancy" street signs or other shit that doesn't fix the issue. Mind you, I've been pissed about this for a while, but this new tax bill is $300 more than last years, so this problem is on the rise!


well at least they spend the money on something. pataskala passed a tax this year that was supposed to help fix streets and what not. i live just off the north side of summit (if you had been down that road recently before they finally fixed it, im sure your cars suspension hates you). people called and complained that the whole road needed to be repaved. What did the ass holes do? they filled the holes with gravel several times before getting enough complaints and finally fixed it right.

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