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Worst Christmas Ever


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So this year, we celebrated Christmas on New Year's Eve. My brother is a rookie cop and he wasn't able to get back to the area until then. My Dad has been having lots of stomach issues recently. So on Thursday the 30th he goes in for a colonoscopy. Results are due back Monday. Friday the hospital calls and he missed it as he was making everyone breakfast. They call again and it is only 10 am. He answers and they want him in on Monday for a CAT scan. He goes in and they say there is a cyst on his liver and they want to do a biopsy. He goes in Monday and they try to do a biopsy. Turns out it is a solid mass and not a cyst and it is not actually on his liver. So they go back in today. Doctor says they are certain it is cancer. We get final results and a sample back on Monday and he heads to Cleveland clinic on Tuesday. Mom hasn't told me what kind of cancer it is but, supposedly it is all over the diaphragm and the lining that holds all your guts. There are lumps all over the place. Mom and Dad were up all last night researching and the prognosis that most people get is 6 months. Apparently, it is very aggressive. We will find out more next week.
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Sorry to hear mang. My dad just got over a battle with colon cancer then liver cancer right after. Depending on the stage of it he has a good chance of making it through. Kemo will shrivle him up a bit but everything should be ok. Half the battle with cancer is in the mind. Keep him optimistic. Its disheartening hearing this shit.


Also be aware that lots of cancers are genetic. If he's having severe issues now, get yourself checked out before its too late. Cancer runs in my family so frequent checks are scheduled for the rest of my life.


Be strong brother. If you need support, I've been there.

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Dude I am sorry to hear this. You need anything call me, even if you need some one to b.s with.


I may take you up on this. I need to let everything sink in. Looks like they are moving to Cleveland to be closer to the clinic so I will need to keep busy when they arent around.

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I may take you up on this. I need to let everything sink in. Looks like they are moving to Cleveland to be closer to the clinic so I will need to keep busy when they arent around.

Just let me know. I always have beer in the fridge in the barn and always working on something out there. If you need to get away for a while. My phone is always on.

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I am sorry to hear this.


My brother has been doing chemo/radiation for 5 years for a brain tumor, so I know what you are going through. His has gone back and forth between shrinkage and growth. Now on shrinkage, so we are happy. Tell him and your family to stay positive.


Good luck.

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Get in touch with Dr Chalikonda at the Cleveland Clinic and look into the HIPEC procedure he does. My fiancées mother had this procedure done with amazing results. She was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer (ie spread to the liver) and this procedure has given her more hope than traditional chemo treatments.


Also, homeopathic methods work wonders as well. From helping with the affects of chemo and actually fighting cancer. If you are interested I can give you a list of things that have helped her in her fight as well.


God bless you and your family. Cancer is a fight that can be won, don't give up and always be positive.

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sorry to hear. im kinda in the same boat with you. on the 28th my grandpa had to have surgery to have a mass in his bladder removed. they think its cancer, but waiting for the results to come back. it sucks because a couple days afterwards, he couldnt piss or anything and had to go back to the ER. he's not my blood grandpa, but hes the only grandpa ive known since my paternal grandpa died when i was 10. scary shit for sure...ill keep your dad in mind
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Thanks for all the well wishes. I knew that this was a hard situation but, always having watched people go through it I never realized how hard it was. Stupid stuff is setting me off and any alone time I can't help but break down. The only thing I am thankful of so far is the strength to keep it together in front of him. Somehow we have both known since New Year's Eve. We went for a ride to Dublin to get some medicine and talked for awhile. He mentioned "the c word" but never would come out and say the whole world. He also talked about how he hoped he could make it through. It just makes it so much more real when the doctors confirm it.
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Shit, man, sorry to hear that. I truly hope everything works out. My best wishes go out to you and yours.


What's with this holiday?! On the 27th, I went for a root canal that had complications. Was in pain thru Turkey day, Xmas, and new Years. On the 28th, my dog, my best fuckin friend in the world for 12yrs, got sick. 29th, I took him to the vet. The next day, he was gone. Cancer on his spleen and liver and nothing that could be done.


You guys have the time and the means. Be supportive and strong. Many people can beat cancer these days. My aunt recently made it out after a bout with cancer. It can be done. Good luck.

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I'm very sorry to hear about this news. Last Christmas, my father was given 2 months to live with Stage 4 tonsil cancer. We didn't celebrate anything last year.


This year, we ALL celebrated Christmas and my dad is *cancer free*.


Find the best cancer centers you can; there are ways to beat this!




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sorry to hear, man...my mother in law was just diagnosed with cancer right after thanksgiving and was given like 3-4 months...

she had been going to doctors in mansfield for a variety of issues, and no one thought to even check her for cancer and then she had a doctor's appt. down here and they found it and it's all over her body :(

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Official diagnosis came in today. Adenocarcinoma (sp?). He is going to Cleveland Clinic on Friday to see what the plan is. It is inoperable and will have to hope for Chemo to work. Thanks to T Rex for the recommendation, he will be going to see Dr Chalikonda.


Sucks even more today because I was talking to Mom and turns out he has been going to the Doc in town for months complaining about cramps and other issues. He even asked for CAT scans and the like. Doc kept telling him it was pulled muscles and stress. He finally got a referral for the colonoscopy which got us headed down this road.


On top of that, we had to put down his cat today (only 4 yrs old). He still has her sister but, now they are both a little more lonely. His cat was eating constantly and kept losing wait. She couldn't control her bladder or bowel movements and cried all the time. Vet was not totally sure but suspected cancer.


My girlfriend just got word that she has to go in for a biopsy on Jan 27th. *fingers crossed*


What is it they say....When it rains it pours?

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