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Girl Scout Cookies go on sale starting tomorrow. The past few years people have ordered and either never picked up or never paid so please be prepared to follow through this year and order responsibly :D I just dont have the extra loot this year to compensate for these orders.



So this year they are $3.50 per box (I know its high for a box of cookies but if you like them I guess...........)


Cases are $42


Cookies will arrive and will be available for pickup at the end of February. I can meet within reasonable distance of Reynoldsburg for multiple box orders.


Flavors offered this year are


Tagalongs-chocolate covered peanut butter cookie


Samoas-Chocolate caramel coconut


Thin Mints- Chocolate covered mint


Do-si-do's- Peanut butter sandwich cookie


Lemon Creme- Lemon sandwich cookie


Dulce de Leche- Caramel flavored caramel chips


Thank You Berry Munch- White chocolate chip and dried cranberry chip


Trefoils- Short bread cookie



Again this year the Girl Scouts are participating in the "Gift of Caring" program which allows people to purchase boxes of cookies which will be shipped to US troops overseas. Just let me know when ordering if you would like to buy cookies for this cause. The price's are the same, shipping is free, and you can send as little as a single box, or multiple cases(12 boxe's $42). Last year we were able to send 72 boxes to the troops.





List of orders:

Edited by wnaplay
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I know this may be a little out of the ordinary, but why have people Pre-Pay you with Paypal or something if they have big orders? and you can bank the money in paypal till its time, and if they dont pick up, its thier own damn fault?


how many boxes in a case?

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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 2 weeks later...
Dammit I see people with cookies all over the place...jason ur failing me I neeeeeeeds the coockies!!!!

Nobody in this region is allowed to have cookies or sell them until saturday. If you see people having them then they are from last year. The trucks dont even deliver them until saturday. Any troop caught selling now risks losing all their monies. Please tell me where you have seen someone with them.

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Nobody in this region is allowed to have cookies or sell them until saturday. If you see people having them then they are from last year. The trucks dont even deliver them until saturday. Any troop caught selling now risks losing all their monies. Please tell me where you have seen someone with them.


People at crown had them last night

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