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Great article on manners and rudeness


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It amazes me how clueless some people are when it comes to manners, but more likely is the case that they just don't care about anyone else but them self.




Good article. At the office I see a number of folks show up to meetings with their BB's and phones. Our director is very cool about it all, but rules are you either power them completely off and put them away or you can leave. He's very open and transparent about it to everyone calling everyone out immediately and very clearly in front of all. Funny thing is I've heard people complain or comment about it but never do I see anyone stand up and tell him that during the meeting. :rolleyes:

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This just in...PEOPLE SUCK.


Just left Lowe's after picking up a new router and saw a guy struggling with 3 sheets of tongue-in-groove plywood he was trying to load into his truck. I help him load it up and tie in some loose items he loaded up as well and not a single "thank you".


karma is a bitch

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Too bad the people that need to see/read the article never will. As it says too many people feel they are just too damn important and should be able to inconvenience (if not endanger) everyone else for their inatentiveness.


A few examples in just the past 2-3 days that stick out in my mind...


1) Lady backs out of a space in a gas station parking lot, stops, blocking the drive in and out plus some pumps and sits dialing her phone.


2) People running red lights, or making left turns after the light changes - I'm not talking about the first car or two, but sometimes the third in line.


3) While towing a car home this weekend, guy is in the far right lane of a two lane exit to the right, decides he shouldn't be there, slams on the brakes, crosses both lanes and the median to get back on the freeway to his left.


This doesn't even take into account the "passive aggressive" left lane drivers who refuse to move over/drive next to other cars for miles on end.


One can only hope stupidity catches up to them someday.....

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This is when you say "oh ya man no thank you needed glad I could help you out, oh you didn't say thanks hmmmm"

This just in...PEOPLE SUCK.


Just left Lowe's after picking up a new router and saw a guy struggling with 3 sheets of tongue-in-groove plywood he was trying to load into his truck. I help him load it up and tie in some loose items he loaded up as well and not a single "thank you".


karma is a bitch

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Really like many have said karma's a bitch, and I don't really care quite honestly because when it comes down to a job promotion people are gonna pick the person that has some respect and manners (myself as I was raised like that), over some constant BB messaging, rude, inconsiderate asshole.
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What's said in this thread is spot on. What is said in that article goes far beyond what has been said here.


I am cool with being polite to others, not walking out in the world feeling you are the center of the universe, and all that similar jazz. But this article is taking it to a level of politeness censorship. Not saying something because it may be offensive to others. I am very much against anything that brings on more censorship. The beginning of the article was spot on - half way down it went to shit.

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This just in...PEOPLE SUCK.


Just left Lowe's after picking up a new router and saw a guy struggling with 3 sheets of tongue-in-groove plywood he was trying to load into his truck. I help him load it up and tie in some loose items he loaded up as well and not a single "thank you".


karma is a bitch


That is absolutely ridiculous. It's so rare these days that you actually encounter a stranger willing to help someone. The least he could do is show a little gratitude.


I'm not going to pretend that I'm Mr. Perfect Mature Guy, but there are certain things that almost everyone learns growing up that they should never forget. Respecting your elders and superiors, yes sir/yes ma'am, helping people in need, etc. Not because you have to, or because you expect a reward, but because it's the right thing to do. A little respect and courtesy goes a long way.


You know what they say about southern hospitality? Well, from what I've experienced, it's absolutely true. For example, the last time I went on vacation in North Carolina, EVERYONE that lived there was incredibly nice. Everywhere we went whether it was the beach, campground, restaurants, farmers market, supermarket, gas station, literally everywhere. It was like a whole different world. Last time I went to Tennessee it was the same story. It's nice to know that there are still some places where people respect one another.

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Last time I went to Tennessee I needed someone to jump my battery, and the first 3 people I asked refused to help. I approached a 4th person and spoke in a southern accent ( mine's pretty solid ), and he gladly assisted me.
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This just in...PEOPLE SUCK.


Just left Lowe's after picking up a new router and saw a guy struggling with 3 sheets of tongue-in-groove plywood he was trying to load into his truck. I help him load it up and tie in some loose items he loaded up as well and not a single "thank you".


karma is a bitch


I would have told him to quit being a pussy and pushed him down.

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You know what they say about southern hospitality? Well, from what I've experienced, it's absolutely true. For example, the last time I went on vacation in North Carolina, EVERYONE that lived there was incredibly nice. Everywhere we went whether it was the beach, campground, restaurants, farmers market, supermarket, gas station, literally everywhere. It was like a whole different world. Last time I went to Tennessee it was the same story. It's nice to know that there are still some places where people respect one another.


From what I understand of those that have lived there it's a fake nice. They will say hi, etc. to everyone only because it's what you are supposed to do, but nothing really beyond that. Someone could hate you and ask you 'hi, how you are you doing?' That doesn't mean they like you or are being nice to you. You would never realize it's fake when you are just visiting there for a few days.

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From what I understand of those that have lived there it's a fake nice. They will say hi, etc. to everyone only because it's what you are supposed to do, but nothing really beyond that. Someone could hate you and ask you 'hi, how you are you doing?' That doesn't mean they like you or are being nice to you. You would never realize it's fake when you are just visiting there for a few days.


You could be right. I just remember certain times where the people seemed really genuine. We bought peaches from a guy who had his own produce store or whatever you want to call it, he talked to us about football for several minutes and added some peaches to our baskets because he didn't think there was a full peck in them, and some stranger followed us out of the store because my friend had dropped a $10 bill and the guy wanted to give it back.


That sort of thing happened every day we were down there.

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Good article. At the office I see a number of folks show up to meetings with their BB's and phones. Our director is very cool about it all, but rules are you either power them completely off and put them away or you can leave. He's very open and transparent about it to everyone calling everyone out immediately and very clearly in front of all. Funny thing is I've heard people complain or comment about it but never do I see anyone stand up and tell him that during the meeting. :rolleyes:


I'm in a different environment. There are a few occasions where they will ask for 100% focus but thats rare. Comprehending what my director is saying, while texting the associate director, and giving my employees direction through messaging is a way of life in my world. At the same time I drop my phone like a bad habit when I leave work and dont touch it again until the next morning.



P.S. If I get an important call while I'm in line ordering something I apologize, answer it, then put the person on hold until I am done ordering, ( or tell them I will call them back). If I see one more person on a phone in line acting like the worker is interupting their conversation I will go crazy!!!! Put the damn phone down, order your stuff, and move on!! Pointing at the damn menu rather than saying what you want... UGH!!!!!!!!

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This just in...PEOPLE SUCK.


Just left Lowe's after picking up a new router and saw a guy struggling with 3 sheets of tongue-in-groove plywood he was trying to load into his truck. I help him load it up and tie in some loose items he loaded up as well and not a single "thank you".


karma is a bitch


I'm forever amazed at some people's attitudes. I can understand soemtimes people have a fuck ton on their mind or maybe they were just having a terrible day, but that doesn't even begin to cover it all.


Similar story:

Saw a lady walking out of walmart here in Delaware with two carts full of vcr's. She was having a hard time controlling them out into the parking lot and I was going in the same direction so I offered to help her out. She actually had the f'n audacity to refuse my help (that's fine) and then allude to the fact that she's not falling for it and basically accuses me of planning to rip her off, in the middle of the day, in front of all these people watching her and NOT helping her. After first struggling past the urge to now rip her THE FUCK OFF to teach her a lesson. Long story short, I instead decide to explain to her in the most demeaning way possible that some people are really just kind and helpful and she just insulted one of the only ones in this parking lot apparently.


I go out of my way to help people. Whether in a store, on the side of the road, whatever. I'm amazed on how many people I've helped while at least dozens of people have just stared and gone on by. It's even more saddening that half the time I try to help someone or am polite to them, how almost suprised and thrown off they are, sometimes to the point where they dont' even trust my intentions! Hell, I'm very polite every time I even go thru the drive thru or in a corner store. People react suprised and positively. It's nice to see them come out of the shell they have to use to deal with the general public.

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This just in...PEOPLE SUCK.


Just left Lowe's after picking up a new router and saw a guy struggling with 3 sheets of tongue-in-groove plywood he was trying to load into his truck. I help him load it up and tie in some loose items he loaded up as well and not a single "thank you".


karma is a bitch


I use to give a coworker a ride home b/c he didnt have a car. I did it a handful of times, giving him numerous chances to say "thanks", he never did. So i just told him i was busy. Really I didnt mind doing it at all but have some fucking courtesy.

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I'm amazed on how many people I've helped while at least dozens of people have just stared and gone on by. It's even more saddening that half the time I try to help someone or am polite to them, how almost suprised and thrown off they are, sometimes to the point where they dont' even trust my intentions! .


Christine, you and I have met and are friends, so I'm only throwing this out there. I hear what you're saying and I agree with you completely. The only point I'll make is that perhaps it's not you, it's what's been more and more commonly seen on TV and in life that more often now than days gone by, people do have intentions of harm in such situations. It's put people on edge and made them more cautious around strangers. Even I'm more cautious.


You're a big guy. Even me at fair 185lbs, I'm not going to pick a fist fight with you nor would I want you to come after me :o Perhaps in some instances that can be seen as intimidating to people. I only say that as I've had similar reactions and think WTF? Do I look threatening? However, it's not what you or I think. They don't know us or our intentions and it's what's in their mind as could happen that causes such a reaction. Besides, not everyone shopping at Wal-Mart is all together sane.


~ just saying....

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You know what I don't get....why when people go to the grocery store don't they grab a cart from the parking lot and bring it inside? I've had my car loaded up and am on my way to the car corral and had people walk right by, some even refuse my cart when I simply say, "you're welcome to take this cart, I'm on my way home" They say no thanks or walk right by. WTF?


I always look around and not just because I'm a car guy, but I consider it courteous to grab a least one car on my way in. In many cases I'll just walk my cart inside when I'm done with it. The exception being when my kids are with me.

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You know what I don't get....why when people go to the grocery store don't they grab a cart from the parking lot and bring it inside? I've had my car loaded up and am on my way to the car corral and had people walk right by, some even refuse my cart when I simply say, "you're welcome to take this cart, I'm on my way home" They say no thanks or walk right by. WTF?


I always look around and not just because I'm a car guy, but I consider it courteous to grab a least one car on my way in. In many cases I'll just walk my cart inside when I'm done with it. The exception being when my kids are with me.


Bruhh, I didn't need your cart, I was just running in real fast to pick up some condoms, mybad.

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