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I sure hope you guys keep this going for at least another couple pages. I was really enjoying reading both sides of your arguments.


I have my own beef and my own land so I can understand both sides. Keep it up guys.


Taco bell is one of those things you like when you're eating it, but know it's kinda wrong on some levels....[insert mom joke]

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Here is some fact on why our food industry is the way it is. It comes down to bottom line, and how much money people can put in their pockets. And companies buying their way into government.


Clarence Thomas was Monsanto's Attorney he is now a Supreme Court Justice. He wrote an article that prevented farmers from saving their own seed. And Monsanto can sue farmers if they find their seed in the farmers field.


Monsanto had ties with the Bush administration, Donald Rumsfeld, was CEO of Searle Pharmaceuticals, this company was sold to Sargento. Rumsfeld made near 12 million from the sale. He was also Bush's Secretary of Defense.


John Ashcroft was the United States Attorney General during the Bush Administration, he received Record Number Donations from who? Monsanto.


Michael Cantor, was a Board Of Directors for Monsanto, he moved into the Clinton Administration as United States Trade Rep, then later became Secretary of Commerce.


Robert Shapiro was an attorney for Searle Pharmaceuticals, later becoming CEO of Sargento. Then moved on to be part of Clintons Advisory board.


Wendell Murphy (NC State Senator) was Board of Directors for Smithfield foods.


Margaret Miller was the Chemical Lab Supervisor for Monsanto, she is now the FDA Branch Chief.


Linda Fisher, VP Gov & Pub Affairs for Monsanto, she then became the EPA Deputy Administrator.


Michael Taylor, King and Spaulding Lawyer, whos client was Monsanto, became Deputy Commissioner for Policy. As a lawyer he advised Monsanto on labeling food as being genetically altered. As Commissioner he oversaw the FDA's decision to not label altered food. Oh wait, he was also the Vice President of Public Policy for Monsanto.


The above reasons are why Tim can not provide "proof" to be read. The last 25 years of our government have been dominated by the companies they are supposed to regulate. This is raw power in the government. It deliberatly keeps comsumers in the dark when its about where the food comes from, how its processed, and what it does to your body.


There is a case in California, with a company that is fighting to not label "cloned" food. Every type of labeling that you may love to read (that big white square with all the info about what your eating) was fought by companies that produce the food. Because they dont want us to know whats in it.


I now this is off the topic of meat but it has the same background meaning. Just remember when your eating your mcdonalds hamburger that your not eating 1 cow, your eating 1000 cows.


Every word I typed is all fact. I will not provide you with any links, look it up.

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So killing out of season does that have fawns that they left while going out to forage food is proper management to you? Quite the man you are.


If in fact, Ohio's deer population is about 750,000 and growing, which I've yet to hear it's in danger of shrinking to levels that are dangerous, I really don't care. Baby deer and mom will be just fine. More food for the carnivores in the area.

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Personally, I care to only make my opinions off of facts, rather than assumptions.


I would too, but when companies are using the legal system to hide those facts, what does that tell you? If you still feel you need "facts" then you're playing right up to what they are wanting. Covering up the facts doesn't negate their existence. However, for me, it sure does emphasize that the negative facts do in fact exist. I don't need them at that point to figure that out. That's like someone pleading the fifth. Bullshit, facts exist but are being "protected" :rolleyes:


With the HUGE amounts of money that are involved in mass production of the food industry in this country is in the news, you bet your ass there are folks hiding things from the public. Just follow the money. In just about every single situation, if there's corruption suspected, just follow the money. It will lead to those that are the scammers and along that trail will be what they are doing that's no good. Hit a road block where someone is hiding the release of information and hell, you might as well have the facts as the red flag can't go any higher for me. You obviously feel different.

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Here is some fact on why our food industry is the way it is. It comes down to bottom line, and how much money people can put in their pockets. And companies buying their way into government.


Clarence Thomas was Monsanto's Attorney he is now a Supreme Court Justice. He wrote an article that prevented farmers from saving their own seed. And Monsanto can sue farmers if they find their seed in the farmers field.


Monsanto had ties with the Bush administration, Donald Rumsfeld, was CEO of Searle Pharmaceuticals, this company was sold to Sargento. Rumsfeld made near 12 million from the sale. He was also Bush's Secretary of Defense.


John Ashcroft was the United States Attorney General during the Bush Administration, he received Record Number Donations from who? Monsanto.


Michael Cantor, was a Board Of Directors for Monsanto, he moved into the Clinton Administration as United States Trade Rep, then later became Secretary of Commerce.


Robert Shapiro was an attorney for Searle Pharmaceuticals, later becoming CEO of Sargento. Then moved on to be part of Clintons Advisory board.


Wendell Murphy (NC State Senator) was Board of Directors for Smithfield foods.


Margaret Miller was the Chemical Lab Supervisor for Monsanto, she is now the FDA Branch Chief.


Linda Fisher, VP Gov & Pub Affairs for Monsanto, she then became the EPA Deputy Administrator.


Michael Taylor, King and Spaulding Lawyer, whos client was Monsanto, became Deputy Commissioner for Policy. As a lawyer he advised Monsanto on labeling food as being genetically altered. As Commissioner he oversaw the FDA's decision to not label altered food. Oh wait, he was also the Vice President of Public Policy for Monsanto.


The above reasons are why Tim can not provide "proof" to be read. The last 25 years of our government have been dominated by the companies they are supposed to regulate. This is raw power in the government. It deliberatly keeps comsumers in the dark when its about where the food comes from, how its processed, and what it does to your body.


There is a case in California, with a company that is fighting to not label "cloned" food. Every type of labeling that you may love to read (that big white square with all the info about what your eating) was fought by companies that produce the food. Because they dont want us to know whats in it.


I now this is off the topic of meat but it has the same background meaning. Just remember when your eating your mcdonalds hamburger that your not eating 1 cow, your eating 1000 cows.


Every word I typed is all fact. I will not provide you with any links, look it up.



All your stuff is pretty common knowledge, but there is a lot more background too it. Just like how Frito Lay has been suing farmers over washing and keeping seed that was sold to them to grow potatoes and corn used by Frito Law for decades. Monsanto suing over that is not a new thing.



I am really busy this afternoon, I will respond to everything tonight

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If in fact, Ohio's deer population is about 750,000 and growing, which I've yet to hear it's in danger of shrinking to levels that are dangerous, I really don't care. Baby deer and mom will be just fine. More food for the carnivores in the area.


I'm still waiting for you to tell me where your land is to see if you still have the same attitude after being caught and facing fines and restitution.

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Ah, so you know you are doing something wrong, yet talk it up like you are some hard ass doing it.


Yep, just like every speeder on the road and everyone who downloads a song or a movie. We're all just fucking assholes. :rolleyes: what's it like to have odor free shit?

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Yep, just like every speeder on the road and everyone who downloads a song or a movie. We're all just fucking assholes. :rolleyes: what's it like to odor free shit?


Yet a lot of those guys speed right past the same spot they know where the cop sits every day. They don't hide. You are hiding. If you feel so strongly about what you do, why not just not give a shit about it and stand up for what you believe in? Go to court, fight it, try to change things?


Oh I know, because you are just an ass.

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LOL Irony.


MY Job > Your Job.

My W2 > Your W2.





Probably, since you don't get a W2 when you are self employed.

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I can't imagine working for you, do you ever want to shoot yourself ?


Nope. You can't imagine working for me because we do our Due Dilligence before making decisions and require everyone to get up before noon. Of course most people that work for me are in Texas and Oklahoma working 12 hour days

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What Ive posted is not really common knowledge. Im sure 99.7% of CR doesnt know any of that. There really isnt anymore background on it then money, companies buy their way into government.


But it goes back to proving fact, how can you prove something that is consumed by the companies and the government hiding it? Its pretty hard.

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Yet a lot of those guys speed right past the same spot they know where the cop sits every day. They don't hide. You are hiding. If you feel so strongly about what you do, why not just not give a shit about it and stand up for what you believe in? Go to court, fight it, try to change things? Oh I know, because you are just an ass.


Hiding? No. Offering myself up to the animal cops and a stupid law. Not going to happen either. I think I quoted you on that already. Dumbest shit I've heard. However, consider the source.....


I have no need to try and prove my point to you or your tree hugging friends who worry about what I do on my land. Right or wrong to anyone, I don't care. Again, we agree to disagree. I gave you the facts that it's not impacting the deer population in a negative way.


Last time I checked, the state didn't pay for the damage they did to my plants/property, I did. The state didn't pay for the thousands of people who totaled their vehicles due to deer, etc....thus the state can kiss my ass if they think I'm going to answer to them in anyway regarding the taking of a deer. The buck is mine as is his bitch Bambi. Perhaps when the state takes some fiscal responsibility to help me deal with them, they can have a say so on my land that I pay taxes on.


I also have no interest wasting time trying to change the laws. They don't impact me either way. Never have and never will. It's pretty easy to pop a deer in 50-120 acres of land that is in the middle of BFE. Hate me if you wish but as you say, without proof, the situation doesn't exist. So far your logic goes, I never have taken a deer, ever in or out of season, anywhere.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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