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Weight loss and a long time goal...


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So as some of you know Ramsey who has been a long time member here has had a goal to drop below 300lbs for some time. We teamed up last year for a few months and he made significant losses during that time and carried on even when our schedules conflicted. We lost contact for about 10 months and in that time he has manged to keep most of what he lost off.


Well fast foreward to this past week. i contacted him to get this ball rolling again. We both have set schedules at work and are able to connect atleast 2 times a week. We talked last night for a good hour getting his nutrition and daily habbits back in order. He has begun utliizing this today and is well on his way to acheiving his goals.


We will be meeting up Sat and wed, hopefully incorporating one more day in there as we progress down the road. Kris is a very good guy and passionate about this goal. He has expressed his concerns to me many times through PM`s and face to face conversations.


I would like to thank kris for once again allowing me to come into his home and help him with his long time goal.



I will be keeping this updated as he progresses.



100lbs off by thanksgiving starts TODAY!!!!

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That is a very good documentary!


Thanks man i appreciate the extension of help. But i have been a personal trainer for several years now and i am the district manager of precision fitness and wellness..


100lbs in 9 months is a big goal but i have helped people acheive 70-80lbs in the same time frame.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would like to lose 40 lbs but it's so hard being on the road I don't eat out alot but being in a truck all day only thing you can pack is sandwiches and snacks and I'm not a fan of just water so I usually dring 3 or 4 cans of Diet Coke a day

So I'm Lost

and can't afford a trainer or gym Membership

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I would like to lose 40 lbs but it's so hard being on the road I don't eat out alot but being in a truck all day only thing you can pack is sandwiches and snacks and I'm not a fan of just water so I usually dring 3 or 4 cans of Diet Coke a day

So I'm Lost

and can't afford a trainer or gym Membership


Stop the diet soda... 1 every other day is ok, but 3-4 a day is just bad. I just recently weened myself off to 1 or 2 over the weekend and feel much better.

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I would like to lose 40 lbs but it's so hard being on the road I don't eat out alot but being in a truck all day only thing you can pack is sandwiches and snacks and I'm not a fan of just water so I usually dring 3 or 4 cans of Diet Coke a day

So I'm Lost

and can't afford a trainer or gym Membership


I know some people have said in the past that droping diet pop and switching to water will help you lose weight. I've been off all diet pop for over a year and didn't lose a single pound(not why I stopped drinking it though)


I will say that overall I feel better having switched away from pop, though I do think that the flavor the pop gives you, sometimes curves your desire to snack. Plain water gets old.


And while everything ultimately casues cancer in some way shape or form, if you read up on the artificial sweeteners they put in pop, they are really bad for you. Studies claiming fat build up around organs, to dulling the "Your full" receptors in your stomach, to any number of things. I'm guessing a lot of it is just BS, but at the end of the day, I know water isn't going to kill me, lol.


Back on topic. Good for your friend in making another effort to get back into the swing. Eating is, in my opinion, just like any other addicition out there, hard to kick. Which is why a large majority of the people that lose weight gain it all back w/in 5 years.


I've tried to diet a few times myself over the years, and it's tough. I'm now going 3 weeks strong and have come across a few hurdles myself. Just not losing the weight as fast as I did a few years back. I personally believe my recent(past 18 months) weight gain and slower than pervious weight loss is due to antacids. I stoped them 2 days ago, and it will be a battle I'm sure for my body to make the adjusment away from them, but I know along with losing weight other benifts come with it. Easier breathing, better digestion, etc.. I'll know in a couple weeks if the change helps. I'm not buying that my matabolism is that much worse at 31 vs 26. If anything I'm 2x more active now vs 5 years ago. We'll see.

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I know some people have said in the past that droping diet pop and switching to water will help you lose weight. I've been off all diet pop for over a year and didn't lose a single pound(not why I stopped drinking it though)


I will say that overall I feel better having switched away from pop, though I do think that the flavor the pop gives you, sometimes curves your desire to snack. Plain water gets old.


And while everything ultimately casues cancer in some way shape or form, if you read up on the artificial sweeteners they put in pop, they are really bad for you. Studies claiming fat build up around organs, to dulling the "Your full" receptors in your stomach, to any number of things. I'm guessing a lot of it is just BS, but at the end of the day, I know water isn't going to kill me, lol.


Back on topic. Good for your friend in making another effort to get back into the swing. Eating is, in my opinion, just like any other addicition out there, hard to kick. Which is why a large majority of the people that lose weight gain it all back w/in 5 years.


I've tried to diet a few times myself over the years, and it's tough. I'm now going 3 weeks strong and have come across a few hurdles myself. Just not losing the weight as fast as I did a few years back. I personally believe my recent(past 18 months) weight gain and slower than pervious weight loss is due to antacids. I stoped them 2 days ago, and it will be a battle I'm sure for my body to make the adjusment away from them, but I know along with losing weight other benifts come with it. Easier breathing, better digestion, etc.. I'll know in a couple weeks if the change helps. I'm not buying that my matabolism is that much worse at 31 vs 26. If anything I'm 2x more active now vs 5 years ago. We'll see.


Artificial sweeters (aspartame) is basically poison. It's chemical makeup contains methanol, then the sweetener itself breaks down into formaldehyde in your body.. Very small amounts but still; it's poison

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Cardio is not the way to lose weight. Proper diet will net you losses even if you avoid the gym though.


Pair a good diet with low weight/high rep weight lifting, you will cut up while losing lbs. I used to run competitively and can tell you that running even up to 70 miles per week does very little for me in terms of weight loss. Some runners will actually gain weight at a certain point, say they are running 70 miles per week and increase to 85 or 90, they begin to gain weight.

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Cardio is not the way to lose weight. Proper diet will net you losses even if you avoid the gym though.


Pair a good diet with low weight/high rep weight lifting, you will cut up while losing lbs. I used to run competitively and can tell you that running even up to 70 miles per week does very little for me in terms of weight loss. Some runners will actually gain weight at a certain point, say they are running 70 miles per week and increase to 85 or 90, they begin to gain weight.


GL guys- dont forget to incorporate weight training with your cardio. Its as important, if not more important than the cardio itself. But your diet is by far the most important.


The diet by far what I am focused on the most, weight training is second with a fast pace high rep compound movemt workout. And by cardio I mean burn extra calories.

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The diet by far what I am focused on the most, weight training is second with a fast pace high rep compound movemt workout. And by cardio I mean burn extra calories.


Good, you are doing it correctly then. Id get rwdboostcoupe to draft you up a plan for some circuit training. That works really well. Diet first, then lifting, then cardio. That should be the focus.

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Cardio is not the way to lose weight. Proper diet will net you losses even if you avoid the gym though.





My diet has been "cleanish" the past 3-4 years but recently (3 weeks going), I've cut out ALL sugar. All of my meals have veggies/protein/oils/nuts/distilled water.. that's it. Very little fruit, if any.. My energy level has went up drastically, I sleep great and overall body feels much better.. I have a cheat night on fridays or saturdays which is usually pizza/beer. In the morning, I feel like complete BUTT after eating processed foods.

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