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This is why you don't get a Kimber


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I have a Kimber Ultra Carry II, and it jammed on me a few times in the first few hundred rounds. I was told that the springs need to "break in" when I asked about it. They said it's mainly a problem with the shorter barrell guns. I will say that I've had zero jams in the last 500+ rounds after the supposed "break in". I like the gun a lot, though my favorite is my cheaper M&P 9mm. Never had a single problem ever.
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How could you act like you've seen every gun ever made shoot and act like you know it's reliability? LOL...


I get what your saying, although I do think kimbers are overated but my taurus 1911 has treated me great with 1 malfunction in around 4k rounds and people say they are shit too. But maybe i just got a lucky one.

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He's got quite a few...


LOL... let's say he has FIFTY Kimber pistols (yeah right)... how many do you think have been produced? 50,000? 100,000? 500,000? I'm sure his experience represents a statistically meaningful sample....(yeah right).


That's like saying you believe global warming is causing the ice caps to melt because you pissed a 3" circle in the snow and some steam puffed up..."but I've seen it with my OWN EYES!"



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I call BS when ANYONE says they have ANY handgun and have NEVER had ANY jams.


I know my Wife's 1911 in 9mm jammed up a storm for the first 300-ish rounds. Afterward, it's a rock star, no jams at all. Multiple other new handguns I have owned acted the same way. After 500 rounds.... they were smooth as silk. Until they got to that point.... they might as well of been a jam-o-matic.






PS - My SA, and the Misses DW were both purchased used.... so, I have no idea how they ran brand spanking new...

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