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Derek pretty much covered everything, as you knew I was out of town this weekend and not much to say after we spoke on the phone.


But I'll add a couple points....


We discussed rear ends HEAVILY, and it was my understanding you knew and were planning on making it one of your first upgrades/changes to the car. We both agreed how WEAK the factory rear ends for the car, let alone that it's 26 years old, has 130k on it, and has probably TRIPLE the torque going to it than it was built for.


You had been out a few times to inspect/discuss the car and knew the history of it. You knew I had taken it to the track, parked it in the garage, and forgot about it due to not working. Nothing leaked in the entire THREE months it was parked, and the quick 5 minute drive I took it on last week went just fine.


That break in the axle appears fresh, and obviously wasn't there when you left or there wouldn't be fluid still leaking after 20 miles of driving.


The car has plenty of power for what it is and driving on SLICKS having just bought the car, who WOULDN'T play around with their new toy? I sure as hell would, and fully expected you to, but I CAN'T be blamed for problems caused by that.


I agree it SUCKS hardcore how it happened, but shit happens and there's only so much anyone can control.


I told you a few places to check for rear ends and sure if you buy one from a junkyard you'll probably pay a premium over a forum, but like I said, I wouldn't go that route and from what I understand you weren't planning on that either.


If you don't want the car anymore I know someone who may buy it, they just didn't have as much as I needed for it so they didn't buy it.

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as said before it was making noise before i left. with no plate or insurance no i did not play with my new toy. the broken case i'm pretty sure was me from when it lock up and i forced it to keep going. after pulling it apart tonight and seeing every thing i would say the noise i was hearing was the center pin working its way out so no mater what it was it was on its last leg. the final straw was it getting lodged and me giving it more throttle to get it in a parking spot. as you said you beat on it pretty hard the last time you drove it which could have started the center pin being that it wasn't far you probably didnt here it as it was only a faint noise until i got on 71. yes it sucks but it will be moving again tomorrow hopefully.
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as said before it was making noise before i left. with no plate or insurance no i did not play with my new toy. the broken case i'm pretty sure was me from when it lock up and i forced it to keep going. after pulling it apart tonight and seeing every thing i would say the noise i was hearing was the center pin working its way out so no mater what it was it was on its last leg. the final straw was it getting lodged and me giving it more throttle to get it in a parking spot. as you said you beat on it pretty hard the last time you drove it which could have started the center pin being that it wasn't far you probably didnt here it as it was only a faint noise until i got on 71. yes it sucks but it will be moving again tomorrow hopefully.


Ok, well glad you made quick work of it. Go easy on the replacement factory rear end....as it's not meant for that car. Hope you get to enjoy it like I did and even more so.

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its not even factory the only ones i could find were 82-83 i am going to swap the axles as for the lincoln lock ill skip on that. im just going to drive it nice and easy untill i get the 8.8 ready to go under it. then we will see some real damage to the newish stock rear just before i change it.



hopefully it will be a much larger hole/twisted drive shaft either way it will be epic

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Me patter$on and bdazgsx got the rear back in.thanks for the help patter$on as for bdazgsx 3 hours of driveway trolling was more than enough. so me and james took it out on 270 to test it out. only one word can describe it "hellafun". at first we had a 09 si staring us down but it son realized it didnt want none as i down shifted.but sure enough a we trolled a civic hatch. grabbed 3rd and away we went. pulled 14-15 lengths on him before i let off.

found out the turn signals are not working hopfuly turborust may know whats causing that

if so please let me know im thinking it might be the switch

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glad you are having some fun now! as i said before I bought a replacement switch because that's what derek figured out and tracked down to being the issue. It should be in the box O parts I left in the car.


Does your face hurt from grinning so big? LOL I know mine did.

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glad you are having some fun now! as i said before I bought a replacement switch because that's what derek figured out and tracked down to being the issue. It should be in the box O parts I left in the car.


Does your face hurt from grinning so big? LOL I know mine did.


Ya I seen it in there last night but at that point I was to tired to change it


As to the grinning no it was much more of a clenched shiver quite cold brah


It is. A mcnasty 60 to 120 though

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I drove this thing today for the first time. Two realizations.


1 I don't fit in an FB very well. Certainly not for the rotund type. Since Chris is a Garden Gnome he'll be just fine.


2 It is a freaking rocket. 2nd and 3rd to 4 grand was enough for where I was driving it. I'm impressed with hos 13 second car...

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