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Any Jobs For Teenagers?


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Any Jobs For Teenagers?


I am a high school student and I have been looking around for jobs for quite a while now. I've tried Kroger, Meijer, Wal-Mart, Chick-Fil-A, and no-one's contacted me. I've tried calling them a few business days after filling out my application, and I have never been given a job. Anyone have any other places I could try?

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What do you like to do / see yourself interested in in the future?

I have many interests. My first choice is probably a Corporate Lawyer (good money), but my second choices are probably something in media, marketing or business.

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I have many interests. My first choice is probably a Corporate Lawyer (good money),


Advice from a wiser (older but not old) owl. Do what you enjoy. Having fun makes working hard a breeze and with that will come the money. My wife has her own law practice and while she works very hard, she works less than most corporate bums and makes more.


Follow your heart. /old man talk off.

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Advice from a wiser (older but not old) owl. Do what you enjoy. Having fun makes working hard a breeze and with that will come the money. My wife has her own law practice and while she works very hard, she works less than most corporate bums and makes more.


Follow your heart. /old man talk off.

That's the way I was leaning towards. Owning my own law practice/firm, but I am not 100% sure.

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Unless you've got contacts in the business, you'll probably be stuck working "typical" teenage jobs... fast food, retail, that sort of stuff. So, with that in mind, and as others have said, what do you like doing? Personally, I spent four(?) summers as a lifeguard between high school and college, two working electronics retail (Best Buy/CompUSA), and one in an electronics repair depot. Try to find something that's at least sorta close, but don't stress if you can't find exactly what you want. It's just one summer, and school's more important anyway.
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How old again? Which side of town?


I turned wrenches from 14-22 during high school and college, and liked it. I always thought working at a shop was somehow a step above flipping burgers or bagging groceries.

I'll be 16. I'm located in the New Albany area.


Unless you've got contacts in the business, you'll probably be stuck working "typical" teenage jobs... fast food, retail, that sort of stuff. So, with that in mind, and as others have said, what do you like doing? Personally, I spent four(?) summers as a lifeguard between high school and college, two working electronics retail (Best Buy/CompUSA), and one in an electronics repair depot. Try to find something that's at least sorta close, but don't stress if you can't find exactly what you want. It's just one summer, and school's more important anyway.

Most places I have tried are either not hiring, or you have to be an adult.

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Advice from a wiser (older but not old) owl. Do what you enjoy. Having fun makes working hard a breeze and with that will come the money. My wife has her own law practice and while she works very hard, she works less than most corporate bums and makes more.


Follow your heart. /old man talk off.



This man speaks the truth.

Do what you can see yourself doing 10-12 hours a day 6-7 days a week if you have to, without putting a gun to your head.

When you are new and trying to make a name for yourself, it's hard when you literally hate being there.



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This man speaks the truth.

Do what you can see yourself doing 10-12 hours a day 6-7 days a week if you have to, without putting a gun to your head.

When you are new and trying to make a name for yourself, it's hard when you literally hate being there.



You made some good points! I want to enjoy going to work (if that's possible, lol).

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Is there a Dairy Queen near you? My first job was at DQ and I ended up working there for 6 years. For a fast food job, it wasn't bad at all. Perfect high school/college job

There's a DQ in Gahanna, that's about 5-10 minutes away.


Abercrombie has a corporate office up there that had a fake store they hire people to fold cloths in..

I have a few friends that work there too. One dude said he would try to hook me up with a job there.


I worked at a movie theater all through high school. It wasn't bad

The closet one to me is Stoneridge and Easton. I'll try Stoneridge probably.

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Take it from me: find your career early and stick with it. Drop out of school if you can so you can fully dedicate yourself to the job. That's the best way to get it done. Hell, by the time you're 30, you could be up to $10/hr.

It would take a while to even get up to that.

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It's worth it. Trust me.















































































































































































Trust me.

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