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Do they have to honor that price?



I guess my pump was the only one that had that mistake and it still showed the correct price on the bigger screen. The manager claimed it was just frozen.

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Nope. I've had the same thing had at wal-mart, showing like $.02/gallon and they didn't honor it. When I pumped gas it calculated the regular $3/gallon price. Good luck.


That blows. I'm not fighting it or anything. Just curious what the law was behind that.

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Much as I hate the whole "Government! Save us!" mentality going around, they really need to do something. Gas hitting $4/gal was pretty much what caused everything to explode a couple years ago. Petroleum products, gas and diesel especially, are involved in nearly EVERY step of manufacturing for everything out there. A dollar in gas ends up being $50 or more by the time a product makes it to market. We can only absorb so much before everything goes up and shit goes to hell again.


And when are they going to get sick of being slaves to the middle east? I mean, really...

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Picked up 93 at costco last night for $3.15/gal, on the drive home I saw every other station at 3.29/gal for 87. I shoulda stopped for a lottery ticket.


I got 93 at 3.03 Monday night, thought it was a fluke but two stations were similar price, then a mile down 87 was 3.19. Lol.


you guys gotta tell me where you get your gas from, both my cars need premium.

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Much as I hate the whole "Government! Save us!" mentality going around, they really need to do something. Gas hitting $4/gal was pretty much what caused everything to explode a couple years ago. Petroleum products, gas and diesel especially, are involved in nearly EVERY step of manufacturing for everything out there. A dollar in gas ends up being $50 or more by the time a product makes it to market. We can only absorb so much before everything goes up and shit goes to hell again.


And when are they going to get sick of being slaves to the middle east? I mean, really...

I agree. Especially considering that the second largest reserve after the middle east lies in Canada. Also, we have, I believe, the largest shale oil deposit in the world. Canada has some serious reserves, as well. They've also come up with some incredible ways of retrieving that oil now that's much more effecient, cost and otherwise, than previously thought up. Supposedly, ability to retrieve that oil effeciently has been an issue. Hell, I thing the gubberment is purposely using up all the oil elsewhere first. One, they can pretend its running out and charge more, lol, and two, once everyone else's is gone, we can go, "Woohoo, who has all the fucking oil now?!" haha ;)


yea in a matter of months we prolly looking back at this thread and saying "shit i would be ecstatic to find gas for 3.20 per gallon." not looking forward to it.

ANd that's how they fucking get you. Keep slowly raising, then drop it a bit. But never as low as it was before. Then wait awhile and start the fucking process again. This way we're trained up and we're fucking happy little sheep when it drops a bit.

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yea in a matter of months we prolly looking back at this thread and saying "shit i would be ecstatic to find gas for 3.20 per gallon." not looking forward to it.



Reason why I ordered my summer tires tonight, price of petroleum goes up, price of tires will soon follow.

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I agree. Especially considering that the second largest reserve after the middle east lies in Canada. Also, we have, I believe, the largest shale oil deposit in the world. Canada has some serious reserves, as well. They've also come up with some incredible ways of retrieving that oil now that's much more effecient, cost and otherwise, than previously thought up. Supposedly, ability to retrieve that oil effeciently has been an issue. Hell, I thing the gubberment is purposely using up all the oil elsewhere first. One, they can pretend its running out and charge more, lol, and two, once everyone else's is gone, we can go, "Woohoo, who has all the fucking oil now?!" haha ;)

This has crossed my mind a couple times.. But I just have trouble accepting that the people who would make a strategy like this would accept a 100-year view. These people are concerned with their wallets *now*.


Granted, I think this is how it's going to end up. The world will drain the middle east dry and then they'll come begging to us for oil and we'll gouge them for a change. But I think it'll be a matter of cause and effect, not some master plan.


Though if this does come to pass in my lifetime, I'll be laughing my ass off as the middle east tries to do their usual BS and the rest of the world tells them to shut up and stay in their hole.

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