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Need advice asap!!!!!!!!


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This has to be one of the dumbest fucking ideas I've ever seen someone have other than buying an STi with a beach painted on the side.


You had a friend buy a fucking laptop for you. The agreement was the laptop would be paid in full with your Obama money. Obama let you down like millions of other Americans. You wanna beat said drug dealer/pill pusher up because YOU owe him money. How about you do yourself a favor and fucking give the laptop back and wait till you have the money to pay cash.


Why don't people understand this....pay cash for shit. Do NOT finance a god damn computer. If you need to finance something like that, you have much bigger issues than not having a laptop.


BEST POST out of the whole thread. LMAO. :lol:

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Right here is all I needed to see.


You are a dirt bag, period. "After bills and stuff." HE SHOULD HAVE BEEN YOUR PRIMARY BILL. You should have paid him before spending the money on other shit.


Now you are a deadbeat and want to pay installments. He didn't agree to that, so no wonder he is pissed. Since you are obviously some broke dick that can't pay people back, and assuming you have nothing worth selling to come up with the money, try this:


- Give him the laptop

- Pay him weekly for the laptop, covering MORE than what is being pulled from his check weekly, so that he isn't out any cash each week

- Once you pay him back (WITH INTEREST), then request to have the laptop returned.


He isn't your fucking Rent-A-Center.


Here is an example of how I was in a bad spot and did what I could to NOT be a deadbeat:


Back in 2002, I bought a house. Moved out of a close friend/roomate's place (he was moving out of state). He had some furniture, TV, etc. he didn't want to take across country, so I purchased it off of him as I needed to furnish my home. Because I had to make a down payment on the house, I didn't have enough cash (couple grand) to pay him all at once. I made agreed upon payments (ON TIME), but a few days after moving into my house I was laid off. I made payments (ON TIME) for a while, then things started getting tough. At this point, he said it was okay for me to wait until I got back on my feet. Instead, I sold what I could and sent him money, and made it a PRIORITY to pay him back. I could have waited a couple years to pay him back, but I'm not a deadbeat and made sure he got his money, even if that meant selling some things to do so.


How about you do something in your life to straighten your act out and take care of business. You obvisouly can't afford this laptop (otherwise, pull from savings, cash withdraw a credit card, etc.). Stop buying shit you can't afford. Sell some stuff, pay him back, and learn to NOT BE A DEADBEAT.

So true +1 to you my man. To the op your friend is not the problem here it is you. Lucky he isn't someone serious because I know people that would put you in the ER over 50 bucks just because they can. Thats real talk right there... You need to sack up and pay the money. Since you were so quick to talk shit about him having a pill problem something tells me you used that money to pay off some drug debts of your own or you as well have a drug problem. Most people do not call people out on that shit unless they are trying to make themselves feel better about their very own actions. Im guessing you just assumed you would get a break and he wouldnt be after you for the money and now that you have partied it away he wants it and now you have nothing to give him. If I was your friend I would have taken care of this a long time before it has gotten to this point... Be happy your friend is a pussy.
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You dont have money to pay a previous debt that you have an unsettled issue with but you have 1k to buy a car with right now....




I think everyone else here is just sugar coating it myself, you just sound like a piece of shit to me.


You are exactly like the guy who posted the thread that said he had to sell all of his personal belongings that was worth a dime or more to be able to afford to have a baby. Now he gets a little money in his pocket so he does the best thing possible with it and buys a broke ass piece of shit rx7 so that he can have a sweet "race car" instead of doing something responsible, you know like providing for his childrens future or something.

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I got a great idea, I will let you borrow a little bit of money to help you buy that car you need. You just have to promise to pay me back in whole soon but then default and tell me you will make payments, only to want to kick my ass because I am not happy with that.



I have a perfect daily driver car for you to buy and only for $800. However, I will not sell it to you because again, your a piece of shit.

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1) Friends who lend money to each other won't be friends for long.


2) You borrowed money, you can't pay it back, and you think you should beat his ass?


You need to sell some shit ASAP and pay him back with an apology.


And in the future, pay cash.



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I got a great idea, I will let you borrow a little bit of money to help you buy that car you need. You just have to promise to pay me back in whole soon but then default and tell me you will make payments, only to want to kick my ass because I am not happy with that.



I have a perfect daily driver car for you to buy and only for $800. However, I will not sell it to you because again, your a piece of shit.


+1 i got a car i could sell him for a grand, but id rather see him pay his debts. in fact i posted in his wtb a car thread and got an infraction for it, its whatever though. the guy needs to not fuck his friends over.

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nothing like buying a car, killing the engine then wanting what you paid for it back out of it.



LOL, the douche expects someone to pay 1k for a 240k mile, POS Neon with a fucked up motor? I'm sure it is in awful condition inside and out too.

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