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Junkyards in Ohio


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It doesn't matter. Alot of times it's peoples first exposure to a specific junk yard. I'm not asking that much. I would think that with craigslist and message boards around, they would be more inclined to do more. It's not like people have to deal with junk yards anymore.
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its not a good junkyard if the person who answers the phone isn't a dick....


get over it you fucking crybaby


i concur..



if a junk yard has good customer service, youre probably gonna pay for it. when i was shopping for a long block last year i called probably every place in town most places quoted me 275-350 i called 1 place where the person was polite and helpful, and they were asking 450.







id rather deal with assholes and pay less. grow thicker skin nancy.

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Why in the hell would you even call a JY? Most don't know what they have on a day to day basis and could care less if you come down or not. Get in Your car with a toolbox and start making the rounds.


Most i find these days its such a hassle to do this because you have to ride around with an employee and they won't allow you to take off your own stuff, so a tool box is worthless..

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Real usefull post. lol.


well after you answer the phone 5 or 6 hundred times and its some punk ass kid like you wanting 50 prices and then never shows the person on the other end starts to get a little short with people by say noon....



if you can't handle it stick with car-part.com or buy new the help is freindlier and you won't have to get your panties in a twist about it.

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Junkyards suck anymore, why bother? I mean if you're looking for random parts to some late 80s, 90s average POS that they made a gazillion of then your good, cruise down to which ever yard you like and find what you want. However if you need something specific, or desireable you'd better get on the web and track that shit down. Most yards that have the more specific stuff that hotrodders want will have it on the web somewhere, ebay or craigslist.


Personally I don't care to deal with people no matter how nice they are so I stick with the web.

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It's called part if the job and being able to handle it. So now I am some young punk ass kid. lol. I haven't said anything negative about you at all and I'm being cool about it. Honestly bro, life is too short and there is more important things to be bothered with than useless internet drama.


I get the fact that you work at a parts store and deal with all sorts of calls, so do I work. So I get why you're all defensive about it. At the same time its called being professional. One bad call doesn't give the right to carry over to the next.


Cordell, I agree with you. Since I am new to the area sort of. I figured it would be worth a shot too see what is there is available junk yard wise. I just like to have back up plans just in case the message boards, craigslist, etc doesn't pan out.

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