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someone fill me in a bit on this? i see i can stream movies and shows through my xbox (or online, etc) for like $8/mo...is that unlimited? also, how long does it take a show to come onto netflix? is it basically once the season DVD comes out?


i guess for a free month trial and $8 it wouldnt break me to try it out, just curious for opinions and such

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IMO, right now, it's just okay. We use it but mainly for the kids movies. They are catching up in terms of content but it depends on what you're looking for.


Post up 3-4 shows and I'll check it out for you.

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It's highly dependent on what you're interested in watching. For me, having 12 seasons of Southpark, most of the Family Guy seasons, The Office, and a decent selection of Top Gear episodes, that is worth 8 bucks a month. If you rent more than 2 or 3 DVD's a month it's a no brainer.
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netflix user for 6 years now.


Personally, we have used every bit of the 20 dollars we spend in the winter (blu-ray and 2 dvd's at a time, AND streamgin)


We watch documentary's movies and TV shows. We have never grown weary of our selection and we have considered dropping cable all together and only keeping internet, and netflix streaming. During the summer and other warm months we drop it down to instant play only.


True, there are not alot of new releases, but i seriously think that in the next year or two that will dramaticly change as more streaming devices are readily available. (currently we have a tv and xbox that both can stream it. )


We are definatly happy with it.

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We have the streaming +1 rental. Streaming selection is ok. Check to see what TV shows they have. Often they will put the ones up from last season to try and get you hooked. I don't watch a lot of TV shows through it. A fair amount of their stream movies are crap but there are some blockbuster types.

Takes about 2-5 seconds for a movie to start once selected on streaming.

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I've enjoyed it. I canceled my premium cable channels to offset the cost. Mainly I've been watching shows I missed. Most recently Battlestar Galactica was a show I wanted to watch but never made the time. When you look at what they have vs. the total of what is out there it's pretty slim, but I've always been able to find something worth my time to watch.
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I have the streaming and 1 blu-ray. I used it a lot when I first got it. I've thought of cancelling, but I've started to stream quite a bit. They have a lot of neat documentries and some decent movies streaming. It is kind of pick and choose what they put on streaming I think. Some TV seasons will go on pretty quick, but they've only had season 1/2 of Dexter on there for a while. You have to request DVD's for season 3/4.
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i have it and used the shit out of it for a long time. Now i use it from time to time, but way better than getting up and dressed to leave the house, burn gas, stand in line, and drive back.


I just turn on my xbox naked and enjoy.

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so do they have a package/whatever that gives the same selection you'll get at blockbuster as far as new releases? like as soon as they come out on DVD i can stream through my xbox? is that what the $10 plan is that JP is talking about?
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so do they have a package/whatever that gives the same selection you'll get at blockbuster as far as new releases? like as soon as they come out on DVD i can stream through my xbox? is that what the $10 plan is that JP is talking about?


No, i have no idea what he is talking about.


All New Releases are delayed by 30 days.

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BTW you can have it on upto 6 different computers/phones/gaming systems. I stopped my plan, but I have the phone, work computer, and 360 on my dad's plan. ;) So you can share it if someone just wants the streaming part of things.
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