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Cars and Coffee lawsuit!


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Aprils fools or not, Caffeine & Gasoline has my vote! Two things I can't live without. :D


I know Cars & Coffee has name recognition, but I think they'll be saying "Damn, we should have thought of that." when they hear of Caffeine & Gasoline. :bangbang:

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Well, I see Griot's Garage has the name "Caffeine and Gasoline" trademarked for some of their merchandise:







and a Google search shows that Griot's uses the name for their car gatherings at their retail locations and shows. So, I guess someone would have to look into the details of that before using it in a website. I'm not sure if calling our little gatherings a particular name could be infringing on thier t-shirt and coffee mug sales. If anything, I'd probably buy one of each from Griot's if our gathering adopted that name.


The gathering's already got it's theme song (by Elliot Randall & The Deadmen):


Bottom line is that these gatherings are Clay's, not CR's, if I remember correctly. So it's entirely up to him if any re-naming is in order. If "Columbus Racing" gets incorporated into any new name, then I'm sure it would have to have Anthony's blessing as well.

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Your wife, my wife and several others here are lawyers....if this is for real, let's call in a favor from a friend of theirs. I can help I think. Let's see if he's for real or wants to play ball.


There are no financial impacts being incurred so I doubt anyone is going to chase it down with real money.

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Coffee & Cars then.


^^ this


I like Caffeine and Gasoline. Clever.


^^ this is cool too. there could be a really kick ass and kick in the balls story throwing it in their face too.



BETTER YET: Tell him to gather his team of 5, we do the same and race for it. National Trails Race-Off for the name.


PUT UP OR STFU basically. :cool: We have plenty of fast cars here. Run what you brung. Make it for real near in the future to insure no project cars get worked on through the summer.

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What a goob. Why in the world would they worry about the name used in a local car forum? Am I missing something here? How about Cars N Columbus?

I know changin the name isnt whats up really. Docs idea is a solution though.

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Seriously, the other guy did call me the first year we were separately doing cars and coffee events, and he was wondering if I got a call from this company in Cali. He said they had trademarked Cars and Coffee and we would both have to pay to use the name. I laughed, and questioned their economic reasoning for trademarking "air".


I'm guessing Paul Milligan got involved with them anyway, since he controls the national Cars & Coffee forum - Columbus chapter :eek: wow! For whatever that's getting him.

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You, sir, are a turd.


And I'm going to send you such a scathing email as soon as I can get this damned Gmail Motion thing to work. :mad:


Remember, it's 1 thumb over your shoulder to create a reply, and you have to lick a stamp and place it to send your scathing email.

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We had a guy at work April Fools us today, convince a whole bunch of us about putting 5 dudes in the hospital on Saturday night during a failed ATM mugging (dude is small but an accomplished fighter/instructor, came in with a sprained wrist and a detailed story). The story started yesterday, and it just so happens that someone came into OSU with a coma on Saturday night to where one of my co-worker's wives works, so it made the story stronger. Literally 30 people doing research about what he could be charged with, trying to find news stories, calling eachother about it, etc.



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