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Traffic Citation = Good News

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CPD got me on Chantry pulling an illegal U-Turn because the FIAT I was driving was running on fumes and I didn't want to run out on a test drive. I earned it, I'm not complaining about crooked cops or anything.


The good news is, this means that every crime in Columbus must've been solved if Columbus's finest are that bored. Maybe we really don't need to have any more cadets going through....

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The good news is, this means that every crime in Columbus must've been solved if Columbus's finest are that bored. Maybe we really don't need to have any more cadets going through....



they can only stop or prevent what the see. Unless you would like them to just come to your home to "make sure" there's nothing illegal happening.


You choose.

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hey you are most likely the first ticket to a new fiat in Ohio





Shit, $126. I've got no tickets in over 5 years, fucker couldn't just give me a warning? Meh, may as well take next monday morning to fight it, see if the guy doesn't show up to tell his side. My manager will understand, he just got a ticket a couple weeks ago :D.


edit: Officer Strozyk was as professional as I've ever encountered. Certainly a departure from the Boston PD I was used to. I call him "fucker" in the kindest way possible.

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Shit, $126. I've got no tickets in over 5 years, fucker couldn't just give me a warning? Meh, may as well take next monday morning to fight it, see if the guy doesn't show up to tell his side. My manager will understand, he just got a ticket a couple weeks ago :D.


edit: Officer Strozyk was as professional as I've ever encountered. Certainly a departure from the Boston PD I was used to. I call him "fucker" in the kindest way possible.


You're fucked. I went to court last week to try and get out of a u-turn which was $120 ticket. The did me a huge favor by changing the charge to a non point violation. The u-turn is a 2 point violation by the way.


The new ticket to save me the points was $145. Legal extorsion at its finest. The officer that pulled me thought it was important enough to stop me in the rain while turning around on a residential street. If I had backed into a driveway instead of choosing not to trespass I would of been ok.

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EH, strozyks a good guy, you should goto court if you believe that you can overturn it. CPD does not goto court on the first date. That is your arraignment from there it goes to a pre trial and then a jury trial/motion hearing. If you have had no tickets possibly the prosecutor will cut you a break....
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What's really important here is whether or not you were on three wheels when you did it. Make that turn like a boss.



One point though, was it marked as a no u-turn area? With the car lots and what not over there it likely happens quite a bit.

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I make u-turns all the freakin time in heavily patrolled areas, just make sure you're in the clear before you bust one...


I looked left to make sure there was no one in the road, I turned, I looked right to make sure there was still nobody, and as I was accelerating I saw him turn onto Chantry and get on the gas.



He was just heading back to the station and wanted to raise some revenue. I was pulled over for less than 3 minutes.

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That's all cops have done for me, write me a fucking ticket. I've never had them serve or protect jack shit, a bunch of worthless fucks that couldn't make it in the private sector.


Don't stereotype all police, There are plenty of officers who daily go out and make a larger impact then you will ever know

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Don't stereotype all police, There are plenty of officers who daily go out and make a larger impact then you will ever know


True but in the case of something like this, come on already. Dude works at a car dealership, schlepping a living like all of us and on the clock out testing a car, swings an innocent u-turn.....in perspective a firm warning maybe even a written one, is all that's necessary.


Problem lately is that cities all need revenue and cops are more revenue generators than protectors any more. IMO, the city should just load up on speed cameras like AZ and save on all the costs associated with Freeway patrols, CHP's, etc......we could dramatically lower costs and increase revenue without the cost of bodies and vehicles out there. Lowering headcount of those enforcing traffic violations wouldn't break my heart one bit for them.

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I make u-turns all the freakin time in heavily patrolled areas, just make sure you're in the clear before you bust one...



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