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Ugh... Need Window Tint...


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  6 Speed S4 said:
I've always used Mr. Tint on Frank rd. They have done excellent work on all of my vehicles.


This. Haven't had any done in over 5-6 years though so I can only vouch from way on back experience. Heard nothing but good things about others listed here as well though.

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  B3NN3TT said:
I just called A2Z, and they got me in next-day. Dropping the SVT off in the morning...


Mind telling us what you paid? What % did you get too? I'm up in the air on where to go, what % tint to get? And what's a good price?



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  bmwohio said:
Good price...who did the work? Can you post a picture of one?



youseff at a2Z window tint






  Mudcrutch said:
yea roll down the window and take a pic of the top... the line where the tint is cut and meets the top f the window.
yea no thanks. fuck doing work


the tint has been on my srt for four years and not a single blemish

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They quoted me $169 for basic, and an extra $50 for upgraded film that won't go purple in a couple of years. I got 35% on the doors, and 15% on the back three.




So that was $219, with lifetime guarantee. Took them about 90 minutes or so. Good guys. I'm taking the Roush there soon.


Sorry about the big photo; I just resized it on PhotoBucket, so it will be under control soon...

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  NightHawk said:
Quality got me in the week I bought my car. I don't understand the wait.

yea and they also ass raped you on a price an you took it like a good little boy

  frenchy chan said:
is it more expensive to have hatchbacks tinted?

eeeh yes an no some places yes some no. instead of 5 windows(4 doors and a rear window you now have seven. 4 doors rear window plus two windows behind the doors(on most) so yea more windows to tint more $

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  B3NN3TT said:
They quoted me $169 for basic, and an extra $50 for upgraded film that won't go purple in a couple of years. I got 35% on the doors, and 15% on the back three.


So that was $219, with lifetime guarantee. Took them about 90 minutes or so. Good guys. I'm taking the Roush there soon.


Sorry about the big photo; I just resized it on PhotoBucket, so it will be under control soon...


when did you have that done? i'm trying to get a gauge on the pricing since a lot of people commenting in here, got it done like 4 yrs ago :)

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