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Note to self...


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At work. Not safe.


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She's a chunkier girl, appears to be older. It's not like the biggest ass you've ever seen, but your standard chunky butt that gives off a wiggle. It's bigger than what would be considered normal for a girl of even her size, she also has pretty big thighs. Bonus points for having a nice kooka, no roast beef there.


That's the best I can do.

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She's a chunkier girl, appears to be older. It's not like the biggest ass you've ever seen, but your standard chunky butt that gives off a wiggle. It's bigger than what would be considered normal for a girl of even her size, she also has pretty big thighs. Bonus points for having a nice kooka, no roast beef there.


That's the best I can do.




I tried to +rep you just for using the word "kooka". :) Wouldn't let me...

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Just tell her it was delicious and you couldn't resist...or it was nasty and you were trying to acquire a taste for it. That way it looks like you suffered for her. :D




Enjoy. :p


Ha, i was waiting for someone to say it. hate on haters, i always use protection and im clean as a whistle. Besides this all happened like 3 years ago.

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Bet that shit clapped when you hit it.


HELLLLL YEAH.... Its odd b/c i usually like more petite girls (my ex excluded) but i figured what the hell might as well try. She was a bit skinnier (if you want to call it that) back then and her boobs were a bit smaller, she got new ones last year when i saw her.


Crazy thing, the bitch could eat too, and i dont mean cock i mean like 30$ worth of taco bell. She went through the taco bell drive through and ordered a box of 10 soft tacos ... FOR HERSELF! I walked into her hotel room and it was like an obese hoarder lived there, pizza boxes, fast food wrappers, chips, soda, shit was everywhere.

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HELLLLL YEAH.... Its odd b/c i usually like more petite girls (my ex excluded) but i figured what the hell might as well try. She was a bit skinnier (if you want to call it that) back then and her boobs were a bit smaller, she got new ones last year when i saw her.


Crazy thing, the bitch could eat too, and i dont mean cock i mean like 30$ worth of taco bell. She went through the taco bell drive through and ordered a box of 10 soft tacos ... FOR HERSELF! I walked into her hotel room and it was like an obese hoarder lived there, pizza boxes, fast food wrappers, chips, soda, shit was everywhere.


Apparently F...king is hard work. :D

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At work. Not safe.


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i got you






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You should write a book. Chad Kultgen wrote a book of his experience with a bitch with a fat ass. He's famous, the book is titled "the average american male"


Your book should be called "Fat Asses: A New Hope"


ha, really? damn i'll have to read this book. it was pretty good but book worthy? maybe a decent size pamphlet?

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time to upgrade..






I have no idea what dudes last girlfriend looked like, but it would have to be pretty bad for him to consider that chick an "upgrade".

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I have no idea what dudes last girlfriend looked like, but it would have to be pretty bad for him to consider that chick an "upgrade".


Who my ex-gf? She wasnt bad looking at all but she did put on some relationship weight (cough 40 fucking pounds cough) but how shallow is it to dump someone for that huh?

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Yeah, 40 is too much...my buddy getting married in august told his fiance if she put on 10% of her current weight (like 108), she was gone...and she gets 6 months from a pregnancy to get back down to the limit. Lol


Makes sense though, because hes a little guy (maybe 5'8, 120lbs)...wouldnt look right if she was bigger than him...hahaha

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You sir, are quickly becoming my hero. :D


You need to up your standards my man.


That's not shallow that's a damn good reason


Thats exactly what i was thinking. shit i lost over 25lbs since december, working out, eating better. I do what i have to do to at least be presentable and not a fat slob shit she shouldve returned the favor.

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