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So after the Admin/Mod meeting last night...


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Well v8 beast prob just stepped down because I never have seen him do anything to warrent a demotion. As for everyone else we will know in a week or so when we no longer hear from them.


See post about killing puppies, using foul language, challenging people to real life fights, and being just an asshole in general.

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See post about killing puppies, using foul language, challenging people to real life fights, and being just an asshole in general.


Ha ha ha ha I looked have not found and defently do not remember this at all. I have a feeling this is sarcasim at its finest.

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I dont see any missing trolls, so i'm stumped..


Then again, Wagner hasnt posted in here :confused:


I don't want you to get all sad panda and report another post.


Besides I was told I have to be nice and let you fall to natural selection...

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...I am being made a Mod?






No, there were some names kicked around that are more evil than you could ever hope to be. Imagine the scene in boondock saints when they call in the old guy and that would be a start to the hell that would be released.

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No, there were some names kicked around that are more evil than you could ever hope to be. Imagine the scene in boondock saints when they call in the old guy and that would be a start to the hell that would be released.



I don't think Hal wants to be a Mod though... :D



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No, there were some names kicked around that are more evil than you could ever hope to be. Imagine the scene in boondock saints when they call in the old guy and that would be a start to the hell that would be released.



Hal as Il Duce ...... now THAT would make CR's entertainment value skyrocket :eek:



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