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Serious question

Alex L.

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I fail to understand why this is being discussed as an either/or dilemma.


Serendipitously find both in the same girl, or find each separately in multiple girls.


Paradoxically, the more you search, the more difficult it is to find. Rather, let the goods come to you.

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Get out the violins boys. To all the wise people who have ever told you to look at the mother first...respect. I went out with a girl in high school but I was dumb, and naive and well..insert every negative adjective here. She was rather plain, rather quiet and I wasn't into her as much as she was into me. I kept going out with her because...well...her mom was smokin' hot, it was summer and I kept seeing her in a bikini. Flash forward...the girl turned out to be a model, make decent money...which she invested. Now she is HOT, has money, has a house on a canal down in Miami, etc...you get the idea.


Moral of the story...don't overlook the shy girl with a hot mom while you are keeping score on all the ass you are getting.

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Find the ass first.... Then when times get hard you have something to hold onto. Its the girls job to like you, its your job to make money and like sex. All women will get on your nerves at some point. If the ass is good at least you have a good reason to put up with the bullshit.



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You should find a chick that used to be fat. Ex whales have all the self esteem issues of a fattie, so they will do anything to please you in the bedroom and you know they aren't opposed to stuffing things in their mouth..


valid point

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Girl that is all. I don't want to explain to my wife some day that I banged x amount of women just because it was "fun". I would like to think my respect and love for that woman would trump getting "ass"


I like this guy!


Find a girl that can put up with all of your cars and buying cars and what not. Usually we are pretty hot! ;);) Believe it or not you all are pretty annoying as well. Its not if you can put up with a us, its if we WANT to put up with a pigheaded guy(which is what most of you are sounding like)! Thank God Sean isnt like the rest of you!

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I like this guy!


Find a girl that can put up with all of your cars and buying cars and what not. Usually we are pretty hot! ;);) Believe it or not you all are pretty annoying as well. Its not if you can put up with a us, its if we WANT to put up with a pigheaded guy(which is what most of you are sounding like)! Thank God Sean isnt like the rest of you!


shhhh, men are talking.

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I like this guy!


Find a girl that can put up with all of your cars and buying cars and what not. Usually we are pretty hot! ;);) Believe it or not you all are pretty annoying as well. Its not if you can put up with a us, its if we WANT to put up with a pigheaded guy(which is what most of you are sounding like)! Thank God Sean isnt like the rest of you!



To me the theroy of waiting has a lot to do with age. Some can handle it pre-25, some can not. Most people are such a mess they have a hard time telling you what day it is. Get schooling out of the way, get a job, etc. Then look at being serious.


Personally this was learned the hard way. Spent way too much time and money on the High School sweetheart only to find out I was funding parties and suck you off sessions while she was away for college. In the end I did what I wanted, got a little smarter, experienced a wild aray of things and still turned out to be a decent person and Father.

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I like this guy!


Find a girl that can put up with all of your cars and buying cars and what not. Usually we are pretty hot! ;);) Believe it or not you all are pretty annoying as well. Its not if you can put up with a us, its if we WANT to put up with a pigheaded guy(which is what most of you are sounding like)! Thank God Sean isnt like the rest of you!


Don't you have overpriced haircuts by students to advertise in the parking garage section?

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I like this guy!


Find a girl that can put up with all of your cars and buying cars and what not. Usually we are pretty hot! ;);) Believe it or not you all are pretty annoying as well. Its not if you can put up with a us, its if we WANT to put up with a pigheaded guy(which is what most of you are sounding like)! Thank God Sean isnt like the rest of you!


I haven't met but a couple girls like you, and you are by far the best looking. Girls who are into cars, that aren't stupid about it, aren't crackheads, and actually look decent are so few and far between it isn't funny. Sean is a lucky guy and better appreciate you, seriously.

Granted I'm not out there looking for girls, and haven't been for a long time, but I really wouldn't want one thats into cars, I'm far too selfish to share my toys or money for toys.


okay and to Sean, don't take this as me hitting on Erica, she's cool, but not for me, you have nothing to worry about


edit: I am actually drunk, and this doesn't sound right, sorry

Edited by Cordell
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