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home electrician question


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i want to run 220 to my garage.

right now i only have one line running out there.

i want to run a dedicated 220 to my detached garage for an air compressor or welder.

the most i have delt with wiring and electrics is extending existing outlest in the wall to another location.

so i have no idea where to even start.


my lines now that go to the garage are over head, so thats the same route im gonna take with the 220.


where do i start?

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Pull the breaker out that runs to the garage now, take to Hardware store of choice, tell them you need that style for 220. Basically it'll be a double of the 110. There are a bunch of different styles. I've always found it easier to take the old one with me and match it up. There is probably a style name for each but I've never bothered to find out. Match the wiring that you get to the maximum amps pulled. Get a roll of wire, fasteners, plug of choice.


If you are gonna be going back and forth between the two I would make them so they can plug in to a single outlet. Like a Stove or Dryer. Mount it on the wall. At that point wire Compressor and Welder to math the socket on the wall, and you're all set.

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To start you need to figure the distance you are gonna run the wire(from the board to where the outlet will be). That will give you the gauge of wire you are gonna need to run once you do the amperage to foot conversion. Find out what type of panel you have in your house and get a breaker(30-40amp depending on the amperage of what you will be running). You will also need to figure out what type of plug you will be running 3 or 4 wire or whatever plug you need to use. Of coarse you will have to get your misc electrical accessories( boxes, wire nuts, wire locks, breaker, conduit(on all brick wall), and recepticle.
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I agree with Joe ^. Also how much current is your welder/ air compressor going to pull to determine the gauge of wire you need?


Say if you doing a 50 amp circuit, I would run 6 gauge 3 conductor(copper 60c) out there. If you hanging it, make sure the wire is UV resistant or it won't last too long.



Your garage is fairly close, I would think about trenching it out there. Put it in some pvc conduit and be done with it.

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