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Go snorkeling on the Great Barrier Reef. We flew into Cairns and then took a ferry to Fitzroy Island where we stayed for 3 nights. Truly amazing experience that I don't think you'll find anywhere else. We also spent close to a week in Sydney and there's plenty to do there. A few highlights were the Opera House, Powerhouse Museum, the Taronga Zoo, the Australian National Maritime Museum, and we did a dinner cruise on Sydney Harbour. The one thing we didn't do and wish we would have was go to the western side (outback). We spent 20 days between Australia and New Zealand and I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Edited by TA In Progress
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I stayed there for 5 weeks, in a nice place called Townsville. The Great Barrier Reef runs along it. We were out there to do some training, so I only had weekends off. The dollar was stronger then, so it was like $.70 to there $1. In that area it seemed like everyone was really down to earth, yet money wasn't an issue for anyone. A very rare combination. If you went there single, you wouldn't be for long. There were 145 of us Marine's there, and 15 came back engaged. 11 followed through. The ratio was 6 to 1. women to men, and they all seemed to take really good care of themselves. The guys there had no game at all. They were still looking to club a chick over the head and drag her back to their cave. I will say the Men were Men. Not the metrosexual pretty boy's I see all over Columbus. Maybe to there own fault, but none the less, they were good dude's. Pub's were awesome and dance club's were all you'd want them to be. Why I don't live there is beyond me. I know the local dude's are rough and tough and don't like local girl's getting with dude's form outside. There is a strong since of community there. And the guy's were quick to fight to make a point.

Funny how I'm writing this, I can't seem to remember anything but going out to the club's/pub's and spending time with the girl's we met. I remember that there are white bird's there called Cockatoo's, they are fucking annoying and they are as common as a Crow here. However, they are considered exotic and sell around the world for like $1,000. Imagine our Crow's being worth that, WTF? haha

The Jungle there was pretty crazy. 5 of the worlds deadliest snakes, look um up. Wallaby's or Kangaroo's were all over the place, more than Deer are here. Just leave them alone and they won't bother you. We were told about many people having bad run in's with them that sounded more like a gang beating in the end. They will fuck you up, but it's cool to see them around. Leach's were pretty common in the bush. It seemed like no matter how much I made sure my clothes were tucked in, or thing's tied up tight, I still found a Leach on me, like a Tic back here. Spiders were common, but not an issue if you weren't in the bush. They have this one spider called a Banana spider. It makes it's web between trees, it's more like a net than a web. This fucking spider's the size of your hand. I was on point running a patrol through this tree grove, and had a nice up close in counter with one. I may have pooped a little. They have Rat's the size of Racoon's and they run in the tree's like Squirl's. And the Bat's, holy shit, they have bat's. We were at an outdoor Pub playing volleyball with some chick's having a great time. It was just about dusk. Then this huge fucking shadow swooped over us and then we HEARD it! This bat landed, in what I think was a Palm tree. Though it sounded more like it crashed into the tree. The thing was the size of a Pterodactyl. Any way's, when it landed in the tree, the whole top of the tree was moving around, swaying. That's a big fucking Bat!!

They have most of the same fast food there. I remember the movies being a little behind us from what we had in the theater's. There is a dislike/tension with the Aborigines. It's different than the White's and Black's issue's people have here in the US. It's almost like they are looked at as dirty and bum's, like our white trash stereo type.


I'm guessing most of this you might not run into. But, If I were going back there, I would go camping. There is so much more I wish I could have seen and done there. The people seemed really great and I remember feeling like I could do anything there and be happy.


The star's are different. The toilet water goes the other way when you flush it. And the season's are opposite ours here. Southern hemisphere Vs. Northern hemisphere.


Would like to hear what you think and how things are down there, once you're there. Looking forward to the update.

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all you need to know:


I knew that would be the song. lol Still an awesome song.



All I can say about Australia is go. I had an opportunity to move to Australia when I was 19. I had met all the prerequisites and blew it off for, though I wouldn't admit it at the time, a damn woman. No, a girl. :fuuuu:

There's still a small opportunity in the future to move to New Zealand for us. If it comes back up at least 1yr from this August (daughter will be 18 ;)), you better believe I won't miss this chance.

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Id like to start out in a major city, Sydney just comes to mind as its the most notable, work and travel for a few months an then take the last month and just travel. Maybe buy a car while were there. Its crazy all the things you think about when doing a move like this. Cell phones, dialect and slang barriers, banking, etc. Ive got a a room mate from OSU who studied abroad for 6mo and one of the EMS students i had last quarter is from Australia and going back as soon as his fiancée is done with dental school. Ill get in contact with them for sure.


I think ill start talking to a travel agent and then move on to some job placement services. I know you can do nursing abroad, and ive got the ER/ intensive care medic experience that should help me land at least a as needed or part time job.


either way thanks for the past experiences, i cant wait to sink my teeth in to this project

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Girl I graduated with moved there a few years back and has yet to return to the states. Loves it there and is actually marrying a guy from there/ planning on staying forever. Never heard any complaints.
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