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Fast Five question


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I know I'm probably a little late to the party on a movie that opened 2 weeks ago or whatever, but I have a question. At the beginning of the movie, 3 DEA agents get murdered in the course of a robbery. The movie makes a big deal about how it wasn't Vin Diesel and Paul Walker, but everywhere in the US that wouldn't matter. Everyone involved in a crime is responsible for everything that happens during the crime, and everyone from the Brazilian bad guys to Dom to Spilner to Vince to Mia would be guilty of first degree murder in that situation. I don't know how the legal system works in Brazil, but in the states it's pretty clear cut. So right off the bat I'm feeling like these guys are murderers.


Fast forward to the end, after a bunch more people get murdered in the middle thanks to these clowns trying to pull off "one last big score." They're dragging this 10 ton safe through the city, potentially murdering any number of civilians and generally being assholes about private property. Then they get to the bridge and instead of cutting the safe loose, they turn it around and proceed to murder the fuck out of a whole bunch of cops. I mean, you don't see anyone get murdered, but having a 10 ton safe smashed into your car at highway speeds is most likely going to kill you. At the very least, it's attempted murder. And yeah, they're "crooked cops," but it's not like they deserve to be murdered for that. They might not be happy with the system, but how's a rookie cop gonna change things? He's got kids at home and needs to put food on the table, so what's the big deal, right? Nope. Murdered. Safe to the face.


And then the big twist at the end is that the safe was empty. Meaning they could have just cut it lose and driven away because they already had the fucking money. Meaning that not only are they both massive murderers, but none of those murders were even necessary for their plan to work. WTF!? Is anyone else bothered by this?


Other than that the movie kicked ass.

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Given it's just a movie and make believe it doesn't bother me. Pure entertainment where cops get shot all the time.


It bothers me more that kids on campus toss beer bottle at cops then whine like babies when the pepper spray and mace are broken out.

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Get murdered, first degree murder, these guys are murderers.


Fast forward to the end, get murdered, potentially murdering, proceed to murder, get murdered, kill you. It's attempted murder, deserve to be murdered. Nope. Murdered.


massive murderers, those murders were even necessary.


Thesaurus. Use one.

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I never looked at it that way. So now when people here talk about murders they have committed they can just say it happened in "Brazil".


I don't like the phrase "murdered out". It's offensive to cars everywhere and really not necessary. Not to mention it's a bit racist.

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Fucks given, none.


Common man its a movie, like anyone could pull a 10 ton safe with 2 Chargers out of a police station and down the streets at high speed, although I thought it was entertaining.

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I'm willing to suspend disbelief for physics, but that's not the point.


It'd be like if Luke Skywalker, just before attacking the Death Star, started robbing a bunch of people at light-saber-point and then murdering them after pocketing their wallets. And then to make it worse, you find out that the entire Rebel Alliance is on board with this. That's just their thing. They fight the empire and murder people for cash. It's in their charter or something.


Would you still be cheering for him as he made the trench run? You're supposed to root for the protagonists, not question their morals.

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I'm willing to suspend disbelief for physics, but that's not the point.


It'd be like if Luke Skywalker, just before attacking the Death Star, started robbing a bunch of people at light-saber-point and then murdering them after pocketing their wallets. And then to make it worse, you find out that the entire Rebel Alliance is on board with this. That's just their thing. They fight the empire and murder people for cash. It's in their charter or something.


Would you still be cheering for him as he made the trench run? You're supposed to root for the protagonists, not question their morals.


I did mention a thesaurus earlier. You could still use one. If you don't have one, type your post in Word and use the synonyms feature.

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It'd be like if Luke Skywalker, just before attacking the Death Star, started robbing a bunch of people at light-saber-point and then murdering them after pocketing their wallets. And then to make it worse, you find out that the entire Rebel Alliance is on board with this. That's just their thing. They fight the empire and murder people for cash. It's in their charter or something.


You don't think any innocent people were on the Death Star when Luke blew it up. Twice! He was nothing but a terrorist and a murderer obsessed with his "force" religion. He was basically like a space bin laden.

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You don't think any innocent people were on the Death Star when Luke blew it up. Twice! He was nothing but a terrorist and a murderer obsessed with his "force" religion. He was basically like a space bin laden.


Bullshit. The Death Star blew up Alderaan. Everyone on board was complicit in that act. Also, they were on their way to blow up the moon that the Rebels were hiding on, so it was self defense. Regrettable maybe, but no space Bin Laden.




murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder

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Bullshit. The Death Star blew up Alderaan. Everyone on board was complicit in that act. Also, they were on their way to blow up the moon that the Rebels were hiding on, so it was self defense. Regrettable maybe, but no space Bin Laden.




murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder


Luke Skywalker might not be happy with the system, but how's a storm trooper gonna change things? He's got kids at home and needs to put food on the table, so what's the big deal, right? Nope. Murdered. Blown up Death Star.

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Bullshit. The Death Star blew up Alderaan. Everyone on board was complicit in that act. Also, they were on their way to blow up the moon that the Rebels were hiding on, so it was self defense. Regrettable maybe, but no space Bin Laden.


Terrorists think the people they kill are also complicit by living in the "system". Were there no cooks or janitors on the death star? What about the second time it was blown up while it was still under construction? How many innocent contractors lost their lives trying to feed their kids because osama skywalker thought they were infidels?


I've always had a strong belief that the "rebels" were a bunch of murdering, space jihadist, "force" fanatical, child killers who just tried to give the empire a bad wrap.

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