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This is why there needs to be more open carry education


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Oh and at the end of the article they mention that the police department has now gone over the Open Carry law numerous times with its officers and the 'right way' to approach an oc individual.


That's good to hear. From the small bit I've read on the ohio ccw forum, someone sent letters to every sheriff's department in the state on the subject.

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Cop saw guy OC firearm, stopped him and IMHO was taking precautions when "ordering him on his knees." The dude saying he has permits and whatnot isn't proof yet. I bet if he'd just obeyed the cop, the cop would have gotten to what he'd call a safe position (maybe disarmed the guy even), then checked for permits and sent him on his way.



If I am carrying, open or concealed, because I have a legitimate concern for my safety, and am within my rights by law ... I'm not surrendering my weapon to anyone, not even a LEO. If said LEO decides to arrest and disarm me, then he can explain to a judge why he chose to violate the rights of a law abiding citizen who was not a threat to anyone but a criminal.


I agree that the active recorder is suspicious as to his motive for open carrying. But in his defense he may have used the recording in court if he had been mugged and shot and killed the mugger.

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If I am carrying, open or concealed, because I have a legitimate concern for my safety, and am within my rights by law ... I'm not surrendering my weapon to anyone, not even a LEO. If said LEO decides to arrest and disarm me, then he can explain to a judge why he chose to violate the rights of a law abiding citizen who was not a threat to anyone but a criminal.


I agree that the active recorder is suspicious as to his motive for open carrying. But in his defense he may have used the recording in court if he had been mugged and shot and killed the mugger.


I believe in Ohio that a cop is allowed to disarm you during a stop.

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I believe in Ohio that a cop is allowed to disarm you during a stop.


Yes, they are. They are required by law to give back your firearm at the conclusion of the stop. You do not have the right to tell them no.

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as said above i can not believe that many officers did not know the law. i also cant believe that they decided to charge him after he released the tape. by the sounds of it on the tape they have a lot more to lose in the end then they could ever gain.


in part two (after the suspect had been detained and was in cuffs). i couldn't believe the officer, while talking to the guy, started being belligerent (at least in my eyes) with the "suspect" after the "suspect" had stated the he did try to tell him he had a license to carry and offered to show him the license. i cant imagine turning around to a hey junior, to see a gun pointed at me.


i am not really a big fan of open carry personally, but that doesn't matter here. he was well within his right and this officer's actions were completely unacceptable. at least in my eyes. either way this type thing makes me weary and woeful of ignorant officers anytime i would concealed carry.


also they said it was illegal to have a recorder... has anyone (better then me at this) looked into this? is that illegal (cant believe it would be) or where they/he(the officer) wrong about that too? also it sounds like someone is kicking the recorder away from the conversation when the officer finally has to tell him that he was in fact within his rights.

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also they said it was illegal to have a recorder... has anyone (better then me at this) looked into this? is that illegal (cant believe it would be) or where they/he(the officer) wrong about that too? also it sounds like someone is kicking the recorder away from the conversation when the officer finally has to tell him that he was in fact within his rights.


I guess it depends on the states laws, but in Ohio voice recording is only illegal if no one in the party knows they are being recorded. If you are recording, you obviously know it is going on. The other person doesn't have to be informed.

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yea i knew that for phone calls at least... here in ohio. i had to record a phone conversation years ago. was trying to find info on it there. no luck so far.





there is multiple parts to that and a good listen.

Edited by Spidey2721
adding the AH HA!
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I still can't believe some of these comments. Again here is another example of someone who can't do their job. Your excuse for not knowing the law is irrelevant. If I break a law I have never heard of I will get in trouble. It should be exactly the same for any form of law enforcement. This guy was obeying the law and tax money was wasted on this LEO's ignorance of the rules of his job.


This is how it should of went down. Sir do you have a permit for that gun? Yes I do officer can I show it to you? Yes please but I would like to grab your firearm from your holster. I will give it back to you when we are done is that ok? Yes officer. OKAY your papers are valid and you have no warrants out for your arrest. Here is your firearm back have a nice day.

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