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My dog just got in a fight with a skunk


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He wasnt directly sprayed, but deffinitly stinks. Just gave him about 5 baths with different solutions, smells good now. But, will it last?


skunk didnt die but got slammed back and forth. Doesnt look like my dog was bit, should i worry about rabbies?


My dog is a 80lbs bully breed about 2 years olds.

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Find said skunk and kill it, have it tested.


problem is, i freaked out It looked dead and was blocking my path to the door so i ran to arround to the front door. by the time i got to the back of the house to let dog in, skunk was gone.

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Call a vet?


Edit: more than likely your dog was just playing with the skunk. My guess is the skunk was crossing your yard and your dog spotted it.


emergency vet said unless he was bit, just try to clean him. i saw the tail end of the "playing" and the skunk was not having fun.

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My dog has been bit before and didn't bleed. Only way I figured it out was by finding a scab days later. Check your dog very throughly. And the skunk prob crawled off someplace and died. Maybe look in the AM.
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should i worry about rabbies?




only if you're afraid of jewish priests. don't think you have to worry about rabies unless the dog was bit. i'd look him over closely for any wounds, which i'm sure you've already done. sounds like a fairly stout dog

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My German Shepherd tangled with a skunk once. The best way we found to get rid of the Skunk smell was this mixture....


Mix 1 quart of Hydrogen peroxide with 1/4 cup of baking soda and 1 tablespoon of liquid dish soap such as Dawn which is a good degreaser. Wash dog immediately with this mixture, leave it on the dog for at least 5 minutes or until the odor is gone, then rinse. If the dog was heavily saturated with skunk spray, then you may need to repeat the wash. Be kind to animals; if it is cold weather, be sure to thoroughly dry the animal before putting outside. If you are like me who lives miles away from local store, keep an ample supply of ingredients on hand at all times so you can wash the dog immediately. This really works. I had to wash my dog a few times to KO the smell...

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only if you're afraid of jewish priests. don't think you have to worry about rabies unless the dog was bit. i'd look him over closely for any wounds, which i'm sure you've already done. sounds like a fairly stout dog


Wow this forum is full of awesome comments!! Haha the first part made me laugh...



In our backyard area we have seen an albino squirrel for about 2 years now, running along the fence and what not. My dog, GReddy, would always run up barking trying to play but it would always get away. Anways fast forward to last summer that albino was coming up to our house and eating up our swing bench and other patio chairs, stealing the foam out of the seats and running away. We figured this was to make a nest of some sort. Again fast forward to about 5 days ago, there was a albino squirrel running across the fence, but this one was very small looked really young, greddy ran out and was barking at it and what not. the squirrel ran but then stopped turned around and came back, and lunged at my dog, my dog is not a bighter, he likes to nose people and things, but he doesnt bite unless he feels threatened which i have seen him do. but for about 5 minutes the squirel actually played with my 70 LB lab, like he would climb on the fence jump on him, my dog would lay down roll around and what not. And the way to tell if he was playing or not was when the neighbors dog ran up and bit the squirel in the back and tossed it 6 feet when it wasnt paying attention. Lets just say i havent seen the squirel since. My dog was playing, that dog was going for a kill.



Your dog was prolly trying to kill that stinky fuck...

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got most of the smell gone, his face is still bad. So, I picked up some stuff from pet people that is safe for his face. Went to the vet this morning and is everything is good and he is up to date.


Time to skunk proof my back yard.

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only if you're afraid of jewish priests. don't think you have to worry about rabies unless the dog was bit. i'd look him over closely for any wounds, which i'm sure you've already done. sounds like a fairly stout dog


thanks, he is the pit i got from here. he has had it pretty good.


My German Shepherd tangled with a skunk once. The best way we found to get rid of the Skunk smell was this mixture....


Mix 1 quart of Hydrogen peroxide with 1/4 cup of baking soda and 1 tablespoon of liquid dish soap such as Dawn which is a good degreaser. Wash dog immediately with this mixture, leave it on the dog for at least 5 minutes or until the odor is gone, then rinse. If the dog was heavily saturated with skunk spray, then you may need to repeat the wash. Be kind to animals; if it is cold weather, be sure to thoroughly dry the animal before putting outside. If you are like me who lives miles away from local store, keep an ample supply of ingredients on hand at all times so you can wash the dog immediately. This really works. I had to wash my dog a few times to KO the smell...



thats basically what i used, but hard to get a good safe clean on his face with that.

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My German Shepherd tangled with a skunk once. The best way we found to get rid of the Skunk smell was this mixture....


Mix 1 quart of Hydrogen peroxide with 1/4 cup of baking soda and 1 tablespoon of liquid dish soap such as Dawn which is a good degreaser. Wash dog immediately with this mixture, leave it on the dog for at least 5 minutes or until the odor is gone, then rinse. If the dog was heavily saturated with skunk spray, then you may need to repeat the wash. Be kind to animals; if it is cold weather, be sure to thoroughly dry the animal before putting outside. If you are like me who lives miles away from local store, keep an ample supply of ingredients on hand at all times so you can wash the dog immediately. This really works. I had to wash my dog a few times to KO the smell...


This. My dad uses this on all of our hunting dogs when they get sprayed in the field which happens alot.

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Sux. Had two dogs get a hold of skunk in the backyard a couple summers ago. On top of that, it sprayed our a/c unit, too. Then, without thinking, my gf turned on the a/c and the smelll flooded the house. lol Holy shit, it was bad.
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