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Ok CR.. how in the fuck do I get rid of this (TV issue)


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So within the past year this has been on my 42" Toshiba LCD TV. Tried different HDMI cables, happens on my 360 and regular TV, different HDMI ports on the TV. I've also tried the burn in thing with some program that puts snow on the TV for 10 minutes though my laptop. Any ideas? It's fucking bullshit that I went through 2 Toshiba TV's so far. First one I got when we were married in '99 and the tube went out in '01 or so. This one I've had for probably 3 years. Way out of warranty from Toshiba.


Yes, it's a big black fucking stripe on the TV. About an inch in diameter. Any ideas?




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Seriously looks like someone pressed their dick up to it.


Watch porn on your laptop.


Seriously, I'm biased on Plasma over LCD's. I came from Panny is why. Looks like at some point perhaps the screen was struck or pressed on and it caused some damage. Are there marks on it indicating such? Usually LCD's will suffer from dead pixels or hot pixels and also lamp failure.

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Nothing is made to last anymore especially electronics. It's probably time to get a new one.



Absolutely true. I'm pissed right now as one of my several thousand dollar camera lenses is going back for repair. BULLSHIT if you ask me as I baby my gear too.

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Watch porn on your laptop.


Seriously, I'm biased on Plasma over LCD's. I came from Panny is why. Looks like at some point perhaps the screen was struck or pressed on and it caused some damage. Are there marks on it indicating such? Usually LCD's will suffer from dead pixels or hot pixels and also lamp failure.



Nope. When it's off you can't see it. Can't see any markings either.

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