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Calling out the trash that comes to sawmill.


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I would not be opposed to coming out sometime, however the idea of people up there acting like fucktards does not appeal to me and does make me fear for the safety of my cars. I have to much money wrapped up into them for some dumbass in a $500 car going full retard and damaging one of them. Now is it likely that it would happen probably not, but the possibility is still there.
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It has been a while since I scared some tool with a loud radio by walking over and slaming his trunk and giving the death stair... Might need to come out again now that I have some better than a farm truck to roll



I'll try and process and post some images from C&C yesterday. There's a couple vintage Mustangs that I think you'll really appreciate given your Merc.

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Now is it likely that it would happen probably not, but the possibility is still there.


You put a large number of aggressive idiots in a situation where they'll inevitably feel the need to prove their machismo, and its more likely to happen there than anywhere else I'd say.

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It has been a while since I scared some tool with a loud radio by walking over and slaming his trunk and giving the death stair... Might need to come out again now that I have some better than a farm truck to roll


Lol nice. If you see a white Chevy 1500 do it to that truck.

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Watch a primered civic with no hood decide it would be a good idea to run into a port-john, then come back and post again. Watch the Westsiders come around guns ready, then post again. Watch people come too close to an accident a few more times, then post again. Watch a car flip over (I was out with Ant at the time), then come post again. Watch Linn beat the fuck out of cocklx, then laugh. Watch a car do dumb shit then wreck outside the thrift store, then come post again. Get kicked out of 5+ places, then come post again.


You obviously have no clue what the trash in the Columbus "car scene" is capable of.


So did you get to see the drunk guy roll his explorer on 70w? Or was that the honda on the ramp?

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Cars an coffee is an awesome thing minus being at 8am on my day off. You wil never have a ricer problem that early in the morning.


The funny thing is I've met nearly as many non CR folks there who either just heard about the gathering from others/boards or in some cases were just cruising by and have since decided to show up each week.


Does anyone know how the guy with the ZR1 found out about c&c ?

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out of curiosity what is the mean age range for the sawmill crowd? Sounds to me like a bunch of "kids" (18-25) trying be badass. I was that old once, and did that same shit, think it goes with the territory. Eventually your testosterone straight fucking plummets and your just like "meh"...least thats how I got. Miss them days tho.
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i've said this before. we actually have the owners permission to be at home depot. hence why the cops leave us alone.


but of course, the more people think its cool to blast bass and drive through the parking lot like idiots (and the bikes too), the bigger chance we are going to lose this spot.


its disappointing considering how its been a relatively solid spot this year, but i believe its going to be at the end of its leg soon.


friday night i watched multiple cars haul ass through the parking lot. some that stuck out were a white sti, a stock accord with a turbo badge, and a couple bikes that thought wheelies increase their penis size. there were more but those were the few that stuck out.


while i believe the majority of the people there just want to hang out and bullshit about cars, theirs always that few that fuck it up. Unfortunately, no matter where we go this will continue to happen. Thats why we lost Kroger, QSL, Circut City, and multiple others.


Only thing we can do is enforce the 'rules' ourselves.

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Who actually holds permission to be in the lot? Did they just say the group could be there, or did one person get the acknowledgement?


Someone needs to get in touch with the owner about the problem, and be given permission to tell people to leave (else have the police do it)

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Who actually holds permission to be in the lot? Did they just say the group could be there, or did one person get the acknowledgement?


Someone needs to get in touch with the owner about the problem, and be given permission to tell people to leave (else have the police do it)


That I know of, the owner said he had no problem that the group was there as long as we didn't fuck around in the parking lot or trash it.


I feel if we talked to him about the 'issues', he'd probably just kick everyone out.

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That I know of, the owner said he had no problem that the group was there as long as we didn't fuck around in the parking lot or trash it.


I feel if we talked to him about the 'issues', he'd probably just kick everyone out.


yea like you said, i think we need to just take the kicking out into our own hands. i mean we usual have a big enough group from CR that a fight breaking out or the such shouldnt be much of a problem.

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Sounds like you probably just need a megaphone, and someone to stand up and publicly ridicule those whom act like jackasses.


Really it will just get worse there. Eventually the thug types will start hanging out there at all hours of the day, and probably start fights. The sooner someone takes charge over the area the better.


Even though I haven't gone down there this year, I'd hate to lose the opportunity to. If no one has a megaphone, I'll look into purchasing one.

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i mean we usual have a big enough group from CR that a fight breaking out or the such shouldnt be much of a problem.




Till you find the one dumb piece of shit that doesn't take kindly to being "kicked out" of anything, by anyone, and decides to do something really stupid.

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Till you find the one dumb piece of shit that doesn't take kindly to being "kicked out" of anything, by anyone, and decides to do something really stupid.


like somebody getting cut with a short sword at a thift store and needing 130+ stitches.

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