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Alex L.

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He ain't mad. He's 17. Oddly I remember telling you the first day you were on here to keep your head down and lurk for a while. And stay out of the kitchen.


Nobody listens to Patterson.


He did not listen, now the .44 of CR will make sure his e-baby don't grow no more...

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First off, if you want to be a part of this community, you won't tell the Admin how it is. This is our forum to run the way we choose. If you don't like it GET THE FUCK OUT.


Second, You started all of this. Now you want to cry because you obviously can't stand the heat and are getting butt hurt because an Admin won't close a fucking worthless thread? On CR, threads stay open unless they go out of control..... This hasn't gone anywhere near that point. Grow the fuck up. My 11 year old step-daughter has more back bone than you. She got called a bitch on the playground and continued to play, and IGNORED them. Stay out of the damn thread, lurk on the board for a while, don't come to meets for a while.... And when you do, don't act like a fucking douche and all will be fine.

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First off, if you want to be a part of this community, you won't tell the Admin how it is. This is our forum to run the way we choose. If you don't like it GET THE FUCK OUT.


Second, You started all of this. Now you want to cry because you obviously can't stand the heat and are getting butt hurt because an Admin won't close a fucking worthless thread? On CR, threads stay open unless they go out of control..... This hasn't gone anywhere near that point. Grow the fuck up. My 11 year old step-daughter has more back bone than you. She got called a bitch on the playground and continued to play, and IGNORED them. Stay out of the damn thread, lurk on the board for a while, don't come to meets for a while.... And when you do, don't act like a fucking douche and all will be fine.


Hear that? That is the smack being laid down.



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I guess we will never know...


Bring it on fuckers... ;)




Really? How about you stop asking me to close this damn thread?


I told along with others to just lurk, chill, let this stuff just roll off your back. You did not listen so now guess what? You must deal with it.


Maybe if you were not such hot bag of cock people would stop telling you to kill yourself.

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I think the T-bone damage was addressed in his intro thread, school lot, collect insurance $$=prelude.


This thread is mildly entertaining.


I was told a lady ran a red light and the money went to his one of a kind rims

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Fun facts:


1.) Despite the thread he created about me, the money invested in Cody's Civic has all been his dad's.


2.) Cody hasn't done any of the bodywork on his car, rather someone at the bodyshop while Cody watched.

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