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Alex L.

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Really? How about you stop asking me to close this damn thread?


I told along with others to just lurk, chill, let this stuff just roll off your back. You did not listen so now guess what? You must deal with it.


Maybe if you were not such hot bag of cock people would stop telling you to kill yourself.


It takes years for the young ones to understand the error of there ways.


I think someone should namerape Cody change his name to BOC(bagofcock)

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You're all little punks. Every single one of you, except Cody. He's my troll friend and I will now be sticking up for him. Prepare to be destroyed. Edited by Hal
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Hmm I was wondering who that acne infested female was who flipped me off for no reason. Should of known it was your wife.


I had to get over and turn, and you were being a jackass and kept speeding up. And yes I "zipped" over so fast omg, going 40 MPH.


I have a dent because I got tboned?? In the school parking lot?? Since you know it all. GTFO with your shitty pontiac that couldnt even beat a contour.

Let's start off slow. You flew past me on Cleveland Ave. Something along the lines of "There's that faggot Cody" was uttered in the car. this was followed by my wife's urgent need to express her feelings toward you. Because of this, I sped up a bit to pull beside you so that her true emotions may speak to you through the words of universal sign language. You looked like you had been crying already, so she gave 1 quick display of the traffic finger, I then slowed my speed. At this time it appeared you dropped back, but NOT FOR LONG ZOOOM RICER FLYBYE quickly followed by blasting across 2 lanes. you did this at 40MPH? Not possible. I was doing 50 and you passed me like I was standing still. I think the moral of the story here is that we shouldn't be so quick to judge honda owners and call them ricers, that we should work from a system that states innocent until proven ricer. Last night sir, you were proven a ricer.


Next subject: Lets talk about why you attack everyone's lady. It's clear to my you're just sexually frustrated, and probably a virgin, (:fa:) so whenever a guy gives you problems, you naturally verbally attack his lady to prey on the "weaker sex". (sorry ladies, not my opinion of women, just Cody's.. be mad at him) I assume this gives you tremendous feelings of power, almost like you're seeking payback for all the women in your high school that won't give you the time of day. :dumb:


Down to specifics here:


Because you are upset with something I said, you claim my lady is acne infested? Nope. Not Nikki, Her skin is fine. You must have been daydreaming about that girl you stalk at your school. I forget her name, I'll have to ask Nikki's sister what it was. While we are on the subject of your romantic life, would you care to elaborate why you brag to everyone in school about owning a blow up doll, and how you're going to take pictures of it with your car? From what I hear you talk about it a hell of a lot. Is your inflatable friend going to accompany you to prom? I bet you wouldn't have to buy her a ticket, merely deflate her until you're inside the dance. Does your friend have a name? When will we get to meet her? I'll tell you what you should bring her to the car meet. You can bring her deflated (so you don't get any weird looks on the way to sawmill) and we can inflate her in the parking lot so you won't be so lonely at the meet. Is she a big (inflatable) lady? If so, I can bring my portable air compressor. I'm sure everyone here would love to meet your lady friend.. It might help us understand why you feel the need to make fun of all of our women.




I heard about the gym class frisbee incident too, that was good for a laugh. :gabe:


Ok Cody, you want to play time for you to learn some life lessons the hard way.


Here is Cody's super smart answers to my reminder....








I was going to ban you, give you a chance to cool down and maybe learn a thing or to. At this point I could care less, not going to ban you, and toss you to the wolf pack of CR.


Time for you to learn a lesson about actions and what happens afterwards.


Enjoy the ride bitch...

Handled like a bauce.



He ain't mad. He's 17. Oddly I remember telling you the first day you were on here to keep your head down and lurk for a while. And stay out of the kitchen.


Nobody listens to Patterson.


:yuno: listen to Patterson?


First off, if you want to be a part of this community, you won't tell the Admin how it is. This is our forum to run the way we choose. If you don't like it GET THE FUCK OUT.


Second, You started all of this. Now you want to cry because you obviously can't stand the heat and are getting butt hurt because an Admin won't close a fucking worthless thread? On CR, threads stay open unless they go out of control..... This hasn't gone anywhere near that point. Grow the fuck up. My 11 year old step-daughter has more back bone than you. She got called a bitch on the playground and continued to play, and IGNORED them. Stay out of the damn thread, lurk on the board for a while, don't come to meets for a while.... And when you do, don't act like a fucking douche and all will be fine.


If wagner's post deserved 1 fuckyeah, this deserves at least 3 dozen. Here's a few to get you started. :fuckyeah::fuckyeah::fuckyeah::fuckyeah::fuckyeah:

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.......wow. Cody, you have just won the award for being the dumbest mother fucker i have ever met. You didnt start anything? Guess what? People dont usually get there own thread on here unless you really piss someone else off/ do something really stupid. Not only that fact, again, several people on here have given you great advice (apologize, or leave for a while, and not just this thread). But again, you have done neither. so why you expect everyone to just like you all off sudden is beyond me. Not to mention some one calls you out on something stupid YOU did, and turn around and make jokes about his wife? Your a fucking tool.


Seriously? He won an award? Do you hand those out in your basement while you jerk off to your killer posts that are just chalked full of epic(fail)? You're going to start calling people dumb when you can't even get simple homonyms correct? I think mommy needs to change your diaper, you seem to be getting a little bit cranky.


He did not listen, now the .44 of CR will make sure his e-baby don't grow no more...


First off, if you want to be a part of this community, you won't tell the Admin how it is. This is our forum to run the way we choose. If you don't like it GET THE FUCK OUT.


Second, You started all of this. Now you want to cry because you obviously can't stand the heat and are getting butt hurt because an Admin won't close a fucking worthless thread? On CR, threads stay open unless they go out of control..... This hasn't gone anywhere near that point. Grow the fuck up. My 11 year old step-daughter has more back bone than you. She got called a bitch on the playground and continued to play, and IGNORED them. Stay out of the damn thread, lurk on the board for a while, don't come to meets for a while.... And when you do, don't act like a fucking douche and all will be fine.

Hey Tina, fuck you and the admin you rode in on:masturboy:. Cody is more of an admin on here than you, Anthony, and Wags combined.


Really? How about you stop asking me to close this damn thread?


I told along with others to just lurk, chill, let this stuff just roll off your back. You did not listen so now guess what? You must deal with it.


Maybe if you were not such hot bag of cock people would stop telling you to kill yourself.

Deal with what? A bunch of angry 3rd grade dropouts? A bunch of idiots who couldn't properly insult someone, even if their lives depended upon it?


Maybe if you motherfuckers could learn to treat people with respect and nurture their good sides, this wouldn't be a problem. I think maybe that's asking too much from y'all. You're all so pissed off about wasting your youth that you just have to take all that angst out on the first kid you find on CR.


Fun facts:


1.) Despite the thread he created about me, the money invested in Cody's Civic has all been his dad's.


2.) Cody hasn't done any of the bodywork on his car, rather someone at the bodyshop while Cody watched.


Fun facts:


1) Despite his demeanor, Alex is just another little pussy, ginger, bitch.


2) Alex would blow a hobo to make a dollar.

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Let's start off slow. You flew past me on Cleveland Ave. Something along the lines of "there's that faggot cody" was uttered in the car. this was followed by my wife's urgent need to express her feelings toward you. Alas, I sped up a bit to pull beside you so that her true emotions may speak to you through the words of universal sign language. I then slowed my speed. At this time it appeared you dropped back, but NOT FOR LONG ZOOOM RICER FLYBYE quickly followed by blasting across 2 lanes. you did this at 40MPH? Not possible. I was doing 50 and you passed me like I was standing still. I think the moral of the story here is that we shouldn't be so quick to judge honda owners and call them ricers, that we should work from a system that states innocent until proven ricer. Last night sir, you were proven a ricer.


Wait, hold on just a second, you're admitting to pulling ricer moves for your wife? You admit that and then move on to calling someone else a ricer? Bitch, don't insult your own kind. Maybe if you and your wife were grownup enough to not have sudden impulses to use rude "sign language", this kid wouldn't have done what he did.


1. Borrow your dad's man pants.

2. Put them on.

3. Control your fucking woman.


Next subject: Lets talk about why you attack everyone's lady. It's clear to my you're just sexually frustrated, and probably a virgin, (:fa:) so whenever a guy gives you problems, you naturally verbally attack his lady to prey on the "weaker sex". (sorry ladies, not my opinion of women, just Cody's.. be mad at him) I assume this gives you tremendous feelings of power, almost like you're seeking payback for all the women in your high school that won't give you the time of day. :dumb:

He attacks "everyone's lady [sic]" because they roll around flipping him off. Maybe if they acted like ladies, this wouldn't be a problem. Is it his fault he was raised in high society where ladies acted like ladies?

Down to specifics here:


Because you are upset with something I said, you claim my lady is acne infested? Nope. Not Nikki, Her skin is fine.You must have been daydreaming about that girl you stalk at your school. I forget her name, I'll have to ask Nikki's sister what it was. While we are on the subject of your romantic life, would you care to elaborate why you brag to everyone in school about owning a blow up doll, and how you're going to take pictures of it with your car? From what I hear you talk about it a hell of a lot. Is your inflatable friend going to accompany you to prom? I bet you wouldn't have to buy her a ticket, merely deflate her until you're inside the dance. Does your friend have a name? when will we get to meet her? I'll tell you what you should bring her to the car meet. You can bring her deflated (so you don't get any weird looks on the way to sawmill) and we can inflate her in the parking lot so you won't be so lonely at the meet. Is she a big (inflatable) lady? If so, I can bring my portable air compressor. I'm sure everyone here would love to meet your lady friend.. It might help us understand why you feel the need to make fun of all of our women.


U jelly? I'm sorry he can fuck something that he has control over, maybe you'll know what that's like when you go get man pants.



I heard about the gym class frisbee incident too, that was good for a laugh. :gabe:



Handled like a bauce.





:yuno: listen to Patterson?




If wagner's post deserved 1 fuckyeah, this deserves at least 3 dozen. Here's a few to get you started. :fuckyeah::fuckyeah::fuckyeah::fuckyeah::fuckyeah:

Uh oh, you threw out one last shot without any significant baking. If I were going to review that comment academically, I would say it was worthless.


It's ok though, you followed that up with some nut swinging.

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It takes years for the young ones to understand the error of there ways.


I think someone should namerape Cody change his name to BOC(bagofcock)


Yes, it definitely takes a while. Have you gotten any word on when you'll understand the error of yours? "Hey guys, let's change his name using high school lingo, it'll be HILARIOUS."

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Oh no, ouch, that stung. Is that the best you can come up with? It's only fun when you beat on someone that can't fight back? Grow a pair and try again, pussy.

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Let's start off slow. You flew past me on Cleveland Ave. Something along the lines of "There's that faggot Cody" was uttered in the car. this was followed by my wife's urgent need to express her feelings toward you. Because of this, I sped up a bit to pull beside you so that her true emotions may speak to you through the words of universal sign language. You looked like you had been crying already, so she gave 1 quick display of the traffic finger, I then slowed my speed. At this time it appeared you dropped back, but NOT FOR LONG ZOOOM RICER FLYBYE quickly followed by blasting across 2 lanes. you did this at 40MPH? Not possible. I was doing 50 and you passed me like I was standing still. I think the moral of the story here is that we shouldn't be so quick to judge honda owners and call them ricers, that we should work from a system that states innocent until proven ricer. Last night sir, you were proven a ricer.


Next subject: Lets talk about why you attack everyone's lady. It's clear to my you're just sexually frustrated, and probably a virgin, (:fa:) so whenever a guy gives you problems, you naturally verbally attack his lady to prey on the "weaker sex". (sorry ladies, not my opinion of women, just Cody's.. be mad at him) I assume this gives you tremendous feelings of power, almost like you're seeking payback for all the women in your high school that won't give you the time of day. :dumb:


Down to specifics here:


Because you are upset with something I said, you claim my lady is acne infested? Nope. Not Nikki, Her skin is fine. You must have been daydreaming about that girl you stalk at your school. I forget her name, I'll have to ask Nikki's sister what it was. While we are on the subject of your romantic life, would you care to elaborate why you brag to everyone in school about owning a blow up doll, and how you're going to take pictures of it with your car? From what I hear you talk about it a hell of a lot. Is your inflatable friend going to accompany you to prom? I bet you wouldn't have to buy her a ticket, merely deflate her until you're inside the dance. Does your friend have a name? When will we get to meet her? I'll tell you what you should bring her to the car meet. You can bring her deflated (so you don't get any weird looks on the way to sawmill) and we can inflate her in the parking lot so you won't be so lonely at the meet. Is she a big (inflatable) lady? If so, I can bring my portable air compressor. I'm sure everyone here would love to meet your lady friend.. It might help us understand why you feel the need to make fun of all of our women.




I heard about the gym class frisbee incident too, that was good for a laugh. :gabe:



Handled like a bauce.





:yuno: listen to Patterson?




If wagner's post deserved 1 fuckyeah, this deserves at least 3 dozen. Here's a few to get you started. :fuckyeah::fuckyeah::fuckyeah::fuckyeah::fuckyeah:


holy wall of words. did not read.

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After reading this novel i have decided 2 things.


1 . Ginger can ruin someones internet life


2. I will take Cody under my wing and learn him the way. Give me a month and I promise I can teach this boy how to do it. If I fail, we can just stone him to death.

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After reading this novel i have decided 2 things.


1 . Ginger can ruin someones internet life


2. I will take Cody under my wing and learn him the way. Give me a month and I promise I can teach this boy how to do it. If I fail, we can just stone him to death.


doesnt work. i claimed sir fags alot as my troll minion and he hung himself early on, now i hate his guts. no saving what has already failed.

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After reading this novel i have decided 2 things.


1 . Ginger can ruin someones internetife


2. I will take Cody under my wing and learn him the way. Give me a month and I promise I can teach this boy how to do it. If I fail, we can just stone him to death.


1. How the fuck can that ginger do anything? He's more worthless than your shriveled up dick.


2. What are you going to teach him? How to be cocky failure? How to be slower than a Smart Car? How to spit game at fat security chicks at Polaris? I just don't see how you could be useful. If anything you would make him as bad as the rest of these weak fucks.

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I am sorry Hal that you liked my post so much that you didn't know what to do with yourself except to switch sides in a wild panic of insecurity since I don't have any nuts for you to swing off of. Its ok. We still love you.



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Maybe hal should spend some quality time with Cody.


Anyone wanna take bets on how quickly Hal will be back in here eating his words?


You just showed how much of a fuckin' noob you are. I won't ever be wrong, let alone admit it. How do you know I didn't teach this little kid all the internet antics he uses? He trolled you harder than anyone else ever has. Who else could teach him that? Gabe? Bullshit, his antics are just week old 4chan shit at best. My dogs shit more interesting things than Gabe has ever said.

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