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Photo shoot today the 4th of June


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Well like I said in my advice thread, I was doing a photo shoot. Im very new to all this... I need ALOT more experience to find better viewpoints, angles, and i need to get better at choosing what cars deserve more pics. :( (oh yes also I need to get use to making better decisions when it comes to apeture's and all that garbage.)


I spent way to many pics on the black TL! :( I wanted to spend alot of time on the silver TL Type-S but weather kinda fucked me... And I ended up taking too many pictures of the black TL.


I also took a good amount of pics of the JANKY teg.


(some pictures were just me testing things out, and other pics were just straight shitty pics. No picture in here really popped for me)


BTW these pictures are RAW. Not edited.. Im hoping pdqgp can help with editing?


Album (ill post the decent ones umderneath)




These were just in the parking lot where we met.. Nothing interesting in the backdrop.











^^^sadly the best rolling shot... It was my first time... If I was to do it again. I would do it without blocking 71 traffic, have him get over one more lane, a different angle, and not over expose the fuck out of the pic.

















The janky teg













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TL type-s... Very upset with these photos. Would of loved to get more car spots... And they are underexposed (right?)























The storm coming in!!!








^^^ we stopped on that overpass ramp to watch the winning!! Other cars stopped.





^^^^ the ramp we stopped on because of rain.





^^^^ That was a 1/20 shutter speed??? I thought it was cool.


Thoughts??? I have notice that alot of my pics like to come out grainy??? Would a filter help that or no??

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I numbered the pics so its easy to say oh I like # this this and this...


Easier to say which one you like, or which one you would have done something different with.

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TL type-s... Very upset with these photos. Would of loved to get more car spots... And they are underexposed (right?)


Don't be upset. Learning is a process. Photos can be tweaked easily too. Exposure is a bit low, but in one tip would be to begin shooting RAW. I can move an image up or down 3 stops without issue if in RAW.


1/20 shutter speed??? I thought it was cool.


Nice job with that shot. Water is fun to capture. It's a good start at understanding the relation between shutter speed and impact. Also the ability of IS in the lens.


Thoughts??? I have notice that alot of my pics like to come out grainy??? Would a filter help that or no??


Grain is likely from ISO 800 on a camera that is from circa 2002. Sensors have come a long way. No big deal really. Given a RAW and full size image, I can eliminate the noise in the shadows without issue. Grain/noise is over rated anyway. Notice in a lot of my edits I actually put grain back in depending on the effect.


Well like I said in my advice thread, I was doing a photo shoot. Im very new to all this... I need ALOT more experience to find better viewpoints, angles, and i need to get better at choosing what cars deserve more pics. :( (oh yes also I need to get use to making better decisions when it comes to apeture's and all that garbage.)


You did better than you thought in terms of composition and angles. Now you just need to be more mindful of framing. Practice and reading and looking at examples. Keep horizon lines straight and be mindful of verticals too. Nice job man.


I spent way to many pics on the black TL! :( I wanted to spend alot of time on the silver TL Type-S but weather kinda fucked me... And I ended up taking too many pictures of the black TL.


I also took a good amount of pics of the JANKY teg.


Teg pics actually have a lot of potential. Keep in mind, unless your in a studio getting 10-20% keepers is a good target. In studio I can nail 95% of my shots. However, I do event photography and the keeper rate drops. However, you don't need 100 keepers. The idea behind a typical photo shoot is to get 10-20 maybe two dozen keepers with 5 -6 money shots.


IMO the one thing people overall need to do better is to determine which shots to keep and which ones to toss. I see photogs blasting through 500-600 shots and turning them all over to a client. Crazy. Clients pay to have money shots and keepers, not every shot.


(some pictures were just me testing things out, and other pics were just straight shitty pics. No picture in here really popped for me)


Takes practice and through that practice, you'll get to see your style and what works for you. Then just go with what you're good at and learn to develop more techniques over time. Again, you didn't do too bad here.


BTW these pictures are RAW. Not edited.. Im hoping pdqgp can help with editing?


RAW as in not touched or RAW as in not JPEGs? If you want me to edit full size pics for prints, I'll need the full size images, especially interested in RAW from camera shots.


These were just in the parking lot where we met.. Nothing interesting in the backdrop.


Backgrounds are relatively easy to change. No worries.


sadly the best rolling shot... It was my first time... If I was to do it again. I would do it without blocking 71 traffic, have him get over one more lane, a different angle, and not over expose the fuck out of the pic.


I did what I could with the rolling shot. Think high-key. Again, you make do with what you have.


Here are a handful of fairly quick edits on the downsampled web images I snagged from here.









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Sorry they are Jpeg, i meant raw as in not edited.


I like the Quick edits of the teg! Did you make the background more, blurred on the last one??? I like... :)


Thanks for the advice... You always have great stuff to say.. pdqgp for mod of the darkroom. lol

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Sorry they are Jpeg, i meant raw as in not edited.


I like the Quick edits of the teg! Did you make the background more, blurred on the last one??? I like... :)


Thanks for the advice... You always have great stuff to say.. pdqgp for mod of the darkroom. lol


Read up on RAW. You'll buy yourself a lot of headroom on the highlights and in the shadows. Don't worry about shooting in RAW just yet though. Keep practicing. Once you're ready to make the switch you'll learn from having shot both.


The bokeh is enhanced in some of them. Not that it needed it, but it does help. I am a fan of several techiques and tend to use them all to some extent. Toned images, strong bokeh, noise where appropriate, glowing shots and soft images.


Many P&S users tend to have very contrasty over sharpened images. 99% of the images that WOW people will tend to lean the opposite way.

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one thing to remember: you can always lighten a photo but you cant darken one without losing quality. so those that are underexposed are fine, a little editing and they will brighten up and look great without losing any color or anything.


in regards to pdqgp, yes not every shot will be a keeper but you still want to think through every shot. dont go out and shoot 1000 photos only to get a handful of ok ones. youll never learn anything.

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Hahaha ya everyone on forums hates the teg... I think its a neat, weekend drunk art project lol. If you knew the owner, the car kinda reflects his funny personality. The road sign is bolted down with spark plugs and the emblem on the front of the car is a beer bottle opener...


I didnt post all those pictures thinking they were keepers, or even that good. I just wanted you guys to get an idea of what I was trying to do, angles, and what not.

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Just playing with a bit of a Gothic Look.





I didnt post all those pictures thinking they were keepers, or even that good. I just wanted you guys to get an idea of what I was trying to do, angles, and what not.


My point about keepers isn't about not focusing on each shot or just rapidly shooting. It's about the reality of the business. Keepers and money shots not tons and tons of images. Think of each shoot when you come back with say 200 shots as to what 12 of those 200 are going to tell the story of the event or represent what it is the client/you are looking to capture. That's all.

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Wish you could of been there. That place was ghetto as fuck. To cops drove by and said you guys should not be here hahaha.


I will use a polarizer next time... I had it on but took it off.

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