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HOLY CRAP ... how did I miss the fun ... ??? At least it wasn't me ... :D

Wasn't even riding with this dude and the "red bike leading" question arises and my screen name gets thrown out .... :eek: .... hehehe...

to each his own ... you showed, you don't like that style of "group" ride ... fine... either show next time with a different idea of what to expect ... or don't show... your choice.. you are not stopping any one of us from riding. You are definitely not hurting anyone's feelings...

Be happy to ride with you, share pointers, techniques, etc ....

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Tpoppa you are a asshole, taking every lean like you are reaching for the pavement. You and the Asian dude can have fun sucking each other off in your motogp street fantasy. Im gonna find some better dudes to ride with...

LMFAO!!! Jesus-Titty-Fucking-Christ, where did you find this guy?

Shouldn't you be doing wheelies in a parking lot with Kellen Winslow?

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And Jbot, I got a real issue with anger and expressing myself. I tried really hard not even to look at you guys when you came back. My mind was already made up to leave before you even brought it up.

What am I supposed to do? pick a fight with you guys for riding like pricks? Seems like it would be easier to just let you go about your way. Your style will probably cost you enough one day...

Getting seperated by that car was total bullshit. Did you guys jet out so you wouldn't be stuck behind him? Might have been hard to continue your pace if you didnt... Not to mention that asshole in the cage flipped me off when I made a motion asking for room to pass and rejoin. You guys didnt give a fuck though, you just rode off, and hit a fork in the road when the rest of the pack couldnt see you...

Really cant wait to ride with you guys again... :beathorse:

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Tpoppa you are a asshole, taking every lean like you are reaching for the pavement. You and the Asian dude can have fun sucking each other off in your motogp street fantasy. Im gonna find some better dudes to ride with...

You guys need to just ride your own ride and relax. Grow up! The name calling is pretty childish.

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Tpoppa, Never wheelied in my life... Keep talking shit man...

Bound to see your ass around town...

Just like you were going to beat ass of the guy who was in the car that wouldn't let you go around?

Chill the fuck out!!! You have anger issues.

To fight is a radical instinct; if men have nothing else to fight over they will fight over words, fancies, or women, or they will fight because they dislike each other's looks, or because they have met walking in opposite directionsGeorge Santayana quotes

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man, I didn't even ride with you and I hope I run into you .... you are a petty P.O.S. that doesn't deserve anyone's time. Why can't you just say that we don't ride like you are used to and don't prefer to. Call it a day and go away.

Your petty comments are unnecessary and foolish. All be it, funny as hell for blowing this out of proportion ... but J.C. man, such negativity from someone who should get release from just riding... group or not...

And if you want to ride in a group that's so tight your butt f'n the dude in front of you ... feel free... you think that is safe? just don't come ride with me unless you change your thinking.

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I do post on the BRP forums from time to time harb...

I really do have anger issues though, and the cager did set me off... I go to counseling to calm down. Pretty much log on this board to voice my opinion. Didn't know I could not speak my mind...

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I do post on the BRP forums from time to time harb...

I really do have anger issues though, and the cager did set me off... I go to counseling to calm down. Pretty much log on this board to voice my opinion. Didn't know I could not speak my mind...

speaking your mind is one thing... but you are out of line... go to a small room and do your anger management exercises

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...I can smell the shit storm coming.

I think communication is going to be the key to resolving issues like this, both pre-ride, during the ride and after. I don't have 40,000 miles in group rides (props to whoever that was), but I've been on more than I can remember...and they were well organized rides. I think what's happening here is that this part of OR hasn't had many organized rides, and people are cutting their teeth on the whole concept.

I'm going to share a few things that helped me/us when I was riding with DSB and others. Some of you already know this...some of you most likely don't..and the others will tune me out. Here's my two cents on what works:

-For bigger groups, or groups where people don't know where they're going, a Chatterbox works wonders. If ANYONE has a Chatterbox, you should speak up when the ride is being planned. One rider in the front and another somewhere near the middle/back can keep the group together. That being said, most people don't have em, and they aren't necessary to have a good ride. Just one of those 'nice to have' items.

-Someone needs to lead the group....you can't have too many cooks in the kitchen, and on the other end of the spectrucm, you can't have the blind leading the blind...UNLESS you're scouting, and then it's expected. Leading the group means you need to keep the group together...however you have to do it. Sometimes traffic happens...cows in the road (last year joke) ..whatever. The leader can't get so far ahead the rest of the group that when he takes a turn only those right behind him knows where he went. That brings me to my next point

- Having a mixed group of riders , based on skill level, is a difficult thing to work and make everyone happy. It's best to split up into two groups IF the faster group is not wanting to wait up for the rest. Pick a meeting spot and stagger the start times. This also requires double the ride captains. Next point..

- Have a little community gathering BEFORE the ride starts to hash all of this out. Everyone comes with working bikes, decent tires, tank full of gas (I know..I know..) and GEAR. If you are going to ride like Rossi and you have jeans/shorts/tank tops/etc on, I won't ride with you. You may have the skill set, but if something goes wrong and you are a bloody mess in the middle of the road, two things will happen. 1, the ride will be ruined for everyone and that's not cool. 2, I will take pictures of your mangled body and post them all over the internet.

- I don't know if this was done, but have a preplanned route before the ride!! That way, everyone who isn't familiar with the roads can at least print it out and bring it with them if they get separated.

- Know your hand signals.

That is all.

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Alright so I didn't go on this ride (might have been a good thing, I don't know) but here's what I would advise.

#1 - Never try to ride above your ability level, especially on the street

#2 - Don't get offended if you don't feel like you are keeping up unless it is stated that it is bothering someone.

If they leave you in the dust and you never see them again, get offended. If they aren't giving you shit about your pace, they probably don't care and don't mind waiting for you.

#3 - Discuss the pace of the ride either here on OR or in person before starting it. People should know what to expect, and splitting into 2 smaller, more fitting groups, could be appropriate.

#4 - Don't call people names on the internet, it only makes you look foolish. State your point as an adult and people will respect your opinion.

#5 - If at any point you aren't enjoying yourself on a group ride, take off on your own, wind down, and enjoy yourself. There's no reason to continue following someone while angry, hell you'll probably increase your chances of hurting yourself 10 fold while doing so.

#6 - If you are leading a group and find yourself riding above the skill level of others in the group, be the nice guy and ASK what they think about the pace, or give some directions and suggest a meeting place in the distance that everyone can find.

I don't know, just a few suggestions off the top of my head to try and avoid stupid stuff like this from happening again because nobody needs to come on OR and make enemies, we all love and enjoy the same hobby....

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alright so i didn't go on this ride (might have been a good thing, i don't know) but here's what i would advise.

#1 - never try to ride above your ability level, especially on the street

#2 - don't get offended if you don't feel like you are keeping up unless it is stated that it is bothering someone.

If they leave you in the dust and you never see them again, get offended. If they aren't giving you shit about your pace, they probably don't care and don't mind waiting for you.

#3 - discuss the pace of the ride either here on or or in person before starting it. People should know what to expect, and splitting into 2 smaller, more fitting groups, could be appropriate.

#4 - don't call people names on the internet, it only makes you look foolish. State your point as an adult and people will respect your opinion.

#5 - if at any point you aren't enjoying yourself on a group ride, take off on your own, wind down, and enjoy yourself. There's no reason to continue following someone while angry, hell you'll probably increase your chances of hurting yourself 10 fold while doing so.

#6 - if you are leading a group and find yourself riding above the skill level of others in the group, be the nice guy and ask what they think about the pace, or give some directions and suggest a meeting place in the distance that everyone can find.

I don't know, just a few suggestions off the top of my head to try and avoid stupid stuff like this from happening again because nobody needs to come on or and make enemies, we all love and enjoy the same hobby....


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I am going to remind everyone that this ride was at 'Jeans' pace. There was NO knee dragging involved.

On the 50 miles or so that I was on the ride, the group was split in 2 by a car for 2 miles at the most. Apparently, for some of you this was a big deal. Sorry, but it wasn't a big deal to me.

On full day group rides (400-500 miles) the group is split by red lights, traffic, cows, etc about 50 times. When that happens we wait at the next turn off or stop sign and count bikes. If we are missing someone, we turn around and find them. That is what we did yesterday. It's NEVER been a problem before...I don't know why it's a problem now.

If this is unacceptable to you, maybe you should reconsider going on group rides. If you are more comfortable when the whole group rides the same pace and stays close...either trade for a H-D or say something BEFORE the ride.

Did you seriously buy a motorcycle that would out-accelerate and out-handle a Ferrari to take a 25mph turn at 25mph? I didn't.

Edited by Tpoppa
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Sorry I missed the ride. I need to get my bike back together. If jbot and tpoppa were riding gp pace, I need to be on these rides. As far as riding in super tight groups not a good idea on back roads. You must ride more on the freeways then back roads if this is how you group ride. I have only been on a few rides with ohiorider folks and they seemed to be fine with the pace that the 919 guy and "the asian kid" ride. I hope this season starts off better then this...

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