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If this doesn't say police state, I don't know what does.


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I think saying "police state" is the best way to say "police state". The video is a good representation, but it doesn't say "police state", sorry.


Edit: To clarify, I'm not talking about the old guy yelling "this is a police state." The video itself is a representation.

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That dude in the mirrored sunglasses, Adam, is a well known protester freak who does nothing but stir shit like this up. Search for the thread a while back about him wearing a hat in court, etc..... Him and his followers do this all the time.
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That dude in the mirrored sunglasses, Adam, is a well known protester freak who does nothing but stir shit like this up. Search for the thread a while back about him wearing a hat in court, etc..... Him and his followers do this all the time.


I find this kind of behavior absolutely necessary. They aren't just stirring things up, they are finding the limits of which we are all being forced to oblige by. If no one knew the limits, you could find yourself in a life threatening standoff with police for any sort of behavior that they don't agree with. It is the same attitude that started the Revolutionary War, but the difference this time around is that we are losing to ourselves.

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It is the same attitude that started the Revolutionary War, but the difference this time around is that we are losing to ourselves.


Seriously? They were losing to themselves (e.g., there were more "Americans" fighting for the British than the colonies) during that time as well. Learn a lot more about history. There are a lot of parallels than can be drawn from different points in history to the present if you're willing to try hard enough.


Roman Examples:

The Roman style of funding wars devalued their coinage based on the theory that they would fix that after war.

The Republic and later the Byzantines used barbarians to fight proxy wars. - We did this throughout the Cold War and have tried to continue even as we are drawn into more conflicts.

The East shifted all of its problems to the West (specifically Attila in the 450's AD), causing the West to collapse. - We shift our problems away from their center in an effort to diminish the consequences (e.g., Arizona vs Feds with immigration)


Revolution Examples:

A relatively small group of disgruntled subjects started a revolution against a tyranny many were willing to accept.

The British government abused its power and ignored basic rights whenever they were inconvenient.

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Seriously? They were losing to themselves (e.g., there were more "Americans" fighting for the British than the colonies) during that time as well. Learn a lot more about history. There are a lot of parallels than can be drawn from different points in history to the present if you're willing to try hard enough.


Roman Examples:

The Roman style of funding wars devalued their coinage based on the theory that they would fix that after war.

The Republic and later the Byzantines used barbarians to fight proxy wars. - We did this throughout the Cold War and have tried to continue even as we are drawn into more conflicts.

The East shifted all of its problems to the West (specifically Attila in the 450's AD), causing the West to collapse. - We shift our problems away from their center in an effort to diminish the consequences (e.g., Arizona vs Feds with immigration)


Revolution Examples:

A relatively small group of disgruntled subjects started a revolution against a tyranny many were willing to accept.

The British government abused its power and ignored basic rights whenever they were inconvenient.


I applaud your knowledge but I fail to see why you waste your time on someone as worthless as myself.

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I applaud your knowledge but I fail to see why you waste your time on someone as worthless as myself.


1. Everyone deserves education.

2. I really enjoy history.

3. Your worth will be determined later. If I already said you were worthless, consider this your second chance.

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if only there was some war we could reference to in american history where we fought against our own country to settle a disagreement which had an out come with a winner and a loser, where we could say "we lost to ourselves"



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if only there was some war we could reference to in american history where we fought against our own country to settle a disagreement which had an out come with a winner and a loser, where we could say "we lost to ourselves"




Too bad the Civil War was fought over more than just a disagreement.

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I remember one chitfest back in the day and cops were acting like that (I.E. we own you) even though nobody was really doing anything wrong. Buddy knocked a 40 upside coppers head, dropped him flat, night ended in a massive riot (squad cars getting pelted with rocks/bottles..police cowering behind cruisers, the whole 9 yards)...Police state my a$$. Them were the good ol' days @ OSU. :bangbang:


That being said these whiny cry-baby hippies seem to be intentionally trying to piss the off the man, never a good idea. They got what they deserved.

Edited by acklac7
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I'm well aware, The civil war was about civil rights, But Didn't The south Disagree With the North's perspective on slavery?


The civil war was actually over States rights. The North had slaves too. The South just wanted to retain their state "sovereignty". After all....we are a republic.

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I find this kind of behavior absolutely necessary. They aren't just stirring things up, they are finding the limits of which we are all being forced to oblige by.


This childish behavior is not necessary. If you have a problem with authority like they do then take it up in a manner that can actually make a difference. Want to demonstrate, no one in the US is going to stop you, but there are proper ways to do it and insure your point is effectively heard. This group is just a fairly well organized bunch of whiny asses that can't effectively make a statement to save their lives.


The limits are know too. They don't have to show up in masses at the Jefferson Memorial to play word games and semantics like a teenager dicking around with cops. "what exactly is dancing officer?" STFU, haul their asses away. They were there to protest their own way, make a statement and cause a disruption. That's a major no-no and pretty selfish if you ask me to do that at the Jefferson Memorial. Spade is a Spade. They want to be arrested, they want to cause a disruption, again, that's what they do. Without much regard for those around them either.


If no one knew the limits, you could find yourself in a life threatening standoff with police for any sort of behavior that they don't agree with. It is the same attitude that started the Revolutionary War, but the difference this time around is that we are losing to ourselves.
So what you're saying is a group of organized individuals can't make a few phone calls or google the ways to properly demonstrate in Washington DC to make their point known?


You're saying they have to "push the limits" and get arrested acting like fools to figure all this out? WOW! I guess they really are a bunch of ignorant, immature and selfish people. Pretty similar to a kid throwing a tantrum in the store.


You're right, they could be in a life threatening situation with the police but the illness is upon them to learn how to properly organize and protest. I find it funny that they continue to make the choice NOT to do that and instead cause silly scenes and then cry foul. This group of people are truly stupid. Too bad Adam doesn't get them all to swallow some poison.


I also disagree that this is the same attitude that started the revolutionary war. That war started because in the end, the Colonists refused to be taxed without being represented. I think you've heard the saying "no taxation witout representation" Adam and his idiot followers have all the representation and visibility they want. They just choose to go about making their points in less than effective ways that in the end, do nothing to further their cause or cause them to make progress with those that really matter.

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You guys are all missing the back story...


In May, an appeals court ruled that the U-S Park Police were right to arrest a woman named Mary Brooke Oberwetter for going to the Jefferson Memorial with a group of friends shortly before midnight on April 12, 2008, and silently dancing to salute Thomas Jefferson's 265th birthday.


Whether you agree with them or not, they were trying to make a point, not just there trying to stir shit up.


afaik ALL charges were dropped against all that were arrested. So, can anyone here tell me what they were doing wrong? Whomever would bring charges in that situation clearly didn't think they broke any laws or they would have pushed the issue.


You shouldn't 'resist' arrest if you are being falsely arrested? Or not even arrested, just being told to leave because the cops don't like what you are doing and you aren't listening to them.

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Am I the only one who thought it was staged? Granted, I'm always calling shit fake, but it just seemed a little too - I don't know - canned to me. Admittedly, I didn't watch the entire video, either - I stopped after the one cop in the bicycle helmet (with no bicycle around) grabbed the guy in the white shirt, bodyslammed him, and screamed "last warning!" (Seemed his last last warning would have been given before le bodyslam, but who am I to critique police procedure?)
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The organizers issued a public call for photographers and videographers to document the event, and the inevitable arrests (watch below).



They broke the law, tried to make a big deal out of it, fuck them. People like this are the reason your "freedoms" are being taken away. They are the same fucks that complain about EVERYTHING and try to find shit wrong to bitch about.


They remind me of the causeheads in PCU. Throw meat at them and call it a day :)

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The organizers issued a public call for photographers and videographers to document the event, and the inevitable arrests (watch below).



They broke the law, tried to make a big deal out of it, fuck them. People like this are the reason your "freedoms" are being taken away. They are the same fucks that complain about EVERYTHING and try to find shit wrong to bitch about.


They remind me of the causeheads in PCU. Throw meat at them and call it a day :)


We're not gonna protest.



We're not gonna protest.

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What I find amazing is how some people in this thread go into other threads and side with people being wrongfully arrested, etc....


You can't change your perception of what is right and wrong just because you don't like the people who are being wrongfully arrested. Quite honestly the cops in this scenario, were in the wrong. It is a protected right to assemble peacefully, period. You don't have follow any procedures, it is a protected right (1st Constitutional Amendment).


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


You can't not let people Assemble Peacefully. And since I didn't see any Assembler be violent in nature towards a Police Officer, any charges brought forth on these kids would have been dropped as a violation of the 1st Amendment.


I just can't honestly believe the contradictory people in this thread. Abuse of power is abuse of power no matter when or where it is done. You can't be okay with it, one time and not okay with it another. Quite honestly that is why we are in the scenario we are in, with rights in this country. People are willing to forgo their rights because of their personal opinions on issues (Patriot Act).

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Am I the only one who thought it was staged? Granted, I'm always calling shit fake, but it just seemed a little too - I don't know - canned to me.


Staged by the protesters who again, do this all the time. They draw attention, call out media, alert the world to what they are going to do and then make a big deal of it when it goes down. It's their 14yr kid way of supporting a cause. Pretty childish and they get what they get yet still throw a fit. Pussy behavior from adults who refuse to go about things in an more effective manner.


They broke the law, tried to make a big deal out of it, fuck them. People like this are the reason your "freedoms" are being taken away. They are the same fucks that complain about EVERYTHING and try to find shit wrong to bitch about.
^^ Exactly right. It's fucks like this that actually hurt their own cause and are too stupid to realize it. Their actions in turn hurt everyone. Essentially they are more effective at ruining things for the rest of us while caring less about anyone but themselves. The Taliban would be proud of their actions.


What I find amazing is how some people in this thread go into other threads and side with people being wrongfully arrested, etc....Quite honestly the cops in this scenario, were in the wrong. It is a protected right to assemble peacefully, period. You don't have follow any procedures, it is a protected right (1st Constitutional Amendment).


Really? Wrong? How so? They were enforcing an appeals court ruling and these kooks chose to break the law. Again, don't like the ruling then fight about it without acting 14 and retarded.


Park Police ordered the revelers to disperse and arrested them when they did not. Pretty fucking clear to me that they were indeed not wrong.


Oberwetter sued on free speech grounds, but the appeals court ruled last week that her conduct was indeed prohibited "because it stands out as a type of performance, creating its own center of attention and distracting from the atmosphere of solemn commemoration" that Park Service regulations are designed to preserve.



Ha ha! free speach my ass. No one is squashing Oberwetter's rights...go fucking speak all you want somewhere else. WTF is with people who think that they can do whatever they want where ever they want and hide behind the constitution. Again, pretty fucking selfish. What bubble do they live in? If they were dogs, I'd say there not properly socialized. Someone needs to explain to them that there's a time and place for everything.




You can't not let people Assemble Peacefully. And since I didn't see any Assembler be violent in nature towards a Police Officer, any charges brought forth on these kids would have been dropped as a violation of the 1st Amendment.
See above, they broke a law and ignored the police giving them a direct order. When you're in front of an officer, it's not his job to try the case there on the streets. They are there to serve and protect and let the court systems figure the rest out. Thus I support hauling them away, neutralizing the situation and let the lawyers and judges hash the rest out. Let others on vacation and with their families enjoy the memorial grounds as they were intended.


These people don't give one fuck about the memorial or the grounds. The only thing they care about is when someone tells them they can't do something. How about they do what they are allowed to do and fight for their causes the way they should be?

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Staged by the protesters who again, do this all the time. They draw attention, call out media, alert the world to what they are going to do and then make a big deal of it when it goes down. It's their 14yr kid way of supporting a cause. Pretty childish and they get what they get yet still throw a fit. Pussy behavior from adults who refuse to go about things in an more effective manner.


^^ Exactly right. It's fucks like this that actually hurt their own cause and are too stupid to realize it. Their actions in turn hurt everyone. Essentially they are more effective at ruining things for the rest of us while caring less about anyone but themselves. The Taliban would be proud of their actions.




Really? Wrong? How so? They were enforcing an appeals court ruling and these kooks chose to break the law. Again, don't like the ruling then fight about it without acting 14 and retarded.


Park Police ordered the revelers to disperse and arrested them when they did not. Pretty fucking clear to me that they were indeed not wrong.




Ha ha! free speach my ass. No one is squashing Oberwetter's rights...go fucking speak all you want somewhere else. WTF is with people who think that they can do whatever they want where ever they want and hide behind the constitution. Again, pretty fucking selfish. What bubble do they live in? If they were dogs, I'd say there not properly socialized. Someone needs to explain to them that there's a time and place for everything.




See above, they broke a law and ignored the police giving them a direct order. When you're in front of an officer, it's not his job to try the case there on the streets. They are there to serve and protect and let the court systems figure the rest out. Thus I support hauling them away, neutralizing the situation and let the lawyers and judges hash the rest out. Let others on vacation and with their families enjoy the memorial grounds as they were intended.


These people don't give one fuck about the memorial or the grounds. The only thing they care about is when someone tells them they can't do something. How about they do what they are allowed to do and fight for their causes the way they should be?


They didn't break any law. There was no signage posted, as to not allow people to loiter or assemble. A Park is a public place in which anyone can loiter and assemble as they choose.


Quote all you want, when it goes to court that is how it will go down. A Park is public domain, and in public domain you can loiter and assemble, without any consequences. Hence why employees rally and strike right outside of company property and grounds ;)


If you don't break a law you can't be arrested. You can't be arrested for simply not listening to a law enforcement officer. If that was the case then you could be arrested for not letting an officer in your house, even if they ask to come in. I have and never will allow an officer inside of my house without a search warrant, period.


If you feel they broke any law other than "not listening", please show me what it is.

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