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Yes... I'm mad bro!

V8 Beast

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Over the last year I've noticed a lot of changes going on with my job. As we change and grow so do my responsibilities and stress. Just as with any big business (run by people that are detached from the workers) we are rated by things that look good on paper but not in real life. In my position I find myself putting in extra hours to assure my workers are ahead of the curve and comfortable enough to at least be able to enjoy their jobs a little bit. I'm one of the few suits that care about the people I have working for me as I'm obviously a dying breed. What this has turned into is having just enough time for work and my immediately family. No more video games, less CR, less time to do anything car related... hell I only see my mom once every 2 months where it used to be every weekend.


My company is full of greedy money hungry suits and I get to play Daddy to wipe all the tears of the employees we are dragging through the coals. I know when it all started I was looking for a new job but now its almost a necessity. My heart palpitations are back, I cant sleep, I've cussed out my boss so much that he avoids me... basically... I'm mad bro. The biggest problem is they pay great and all the other jobs I have found are no where near the pay. I've put in 10 years worth of promotions and raises so no other company is willing to come close to my salary... these fuckers have me by the balls and they know it. I used to run around sticking up for them and promoting them... now I cant stand them.


If I ban you then say I'm sorry the next day you know why.

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There's always a trade-off. I've stepped down a pay grade in my past to get a job I love...no price tag can be put on your soul and emotional/physical health.


The real question is...which sacrifice are you willing to live with everyday?

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There's always a trade-off. I've stepped down a pay grade in my past to get a job I love...no price tag can be put on your soul and emotional/physical health.


The real question is...which sacrifice are you willing to live with everyday?


I would gladly miss my diaper wearing, wheel chair, nursing home days to provide for my family today. I wont miss my mid-life crises, newly made a grandpa days. I think this place is dipping into that timeline. Time to start saving up so I can afford to move on...

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Sounds like middle management to me. Its to bad numbers (which are often fudged) are the only things upper management sees in most cases.


Been there done that, i am much happier and alot less stressed today. However i am moving back into mid-upper management once again.

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I would gladly miss my diaper wearing, wheel chair, nursing home days to provide for my family today. I wont miss my mid-life crises, newly made a grandpa days. I think this place is dipping into that timeline. Time to start saving up so I can afford to move on...



The best thing to do is figure out what it is going to take to live comfortably. I can honestly say taking my huge pay cut may have been one of the best things for me at the time. However, being in any job for a period of time is going to cause you to move right back up the promotion ladder. Sometimes taking a new job and growing with the company is alot more rewarding than staying stagnant.


Good luck in whatever venture you take, just remember family comes before all else in life. Which it sounds like you know that.

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The best thing to do is figure out what it is going to take to live comfortably. I can honestly say taking my huge pay cut may have been one of the best things for me at the time. However, being in any job for a period of time is going to cause you to move right back up the promotion ladder. Sometimes taking a new job and growing with the company is alot more rewarding than staying stagnant.


Good luck in whatever venture you take, just remember family comes before all else in life. Which it sounds like you know that.


I grew up fighting Steve over the extra hamburger so I could deal with a lot less :lolguy:


When upper management consists of million/billionaires for a fortune 500 company you know they dont care. If all else fails they sell and take off. I miss the old days when the company wasnt national.

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Look for a new job, the money isn't worth it. Obviously you have to be able to survive, but it wears on you so much. That's why I gave up great money, benefits, reporting to the president, and left Stanley; it was turning my life into absolute hell. It's amazing how good it feels to not dread waking up.
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Shut up, or nut up. I have been in this position for years! Either cope, or leave.


I know I cannot leave and go ANYWHERE for NEAR what I make, doing what I do. I love my job, but the MGMT SUCKS!


You just gotta eat the bad, enjoy the good, and leave work at WORK! That shit DOES NOT come home.



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do whats happy for you and your family. if family and your hobbies is more important to you than a couple thousand dollars then leave. you gotta think about if you will be happy in the end if you loose too much time with your mom (if close) and being with other family. For most people money doesn't bring happiness, but for some it does. this is a personal thing that you need to weigh the pro's and con's of leaving or staying. hope this helps and if it doesn't just ignore
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Did kevinr make that graph?

Seriously ofcoarse the top 1% makes grossly more... That's the definition of "top 1%"

at the beginning of the graph the "top 1%" makes less than the average... Well that's isn't the top anything... Its less than average.

Also productivity slowly increased..... EL fucking OH fucking EL. People are so lazy now, it's not even funny. Even just 10 years ago an 8 hour work was atleast 7 hours of work. Now it seem like it's 4 hours of work an hour of breaks and 3 hours of surfing the net...


Back on topic:

Sorry to hear your company is going to shit. Big business sucks. Find a niche in the market you know well and find a way to start your own business based on it. Best way to real freedom.

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I know exactly how you feel. Been there myself. You know what needs to happen....you said it yourself. It's not longer a "want" but a "need" to find a new job. I refused to become a miserable bitter old prick because of a job. I could either sit around and get bitter about things or just move on. Life is too short and there's more to life than money. I'm not saying quit work and go broke but you can do something for less money that still allows you to be happy.

I quit working altogether ~4 years ago. Had a good paying job at Coca-Cola. I was frigin miserable though. I woke up every single day hating to go to work. It was effecting me, my wife, and my kids lives. No job is worth that. My wife makes good money so we decided I would stay at home with the kids. By far has been the best decision I"ve ever made. I've been albe to watch my kids grow up and the kids are better off having a parent at home. It's been awesome and I'm thankful as hell for the opportunity to do it. Hang in there and keep your eyes peeled. A better opportunity is out there.....you just gotta find it.

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. Sometimes taking a new job and growing with the company is alot more rewarding than staying stagnant.


Good luck in whatever venture you take, just remember family comes before all else in life. Which it sounds like you know that.


+1 for this Im currently looking to downgrade to a lower position to a federal GS position in a area I like and doesnt require 12 hour days, working every other weekend etc.., and just bust my ass and work my way back up.


I suffered for six years on a low salary job until I got the training I needed and the time in to move up, I could do it again and hopefully in a more enjoyable situation. I was greedy and wanted more money and didnt think about quality life outside of the work place.

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you sound burnt out. (i know that feeling right now too). can you take some time off work. a 2 week vacation? let you get away a bit. you might feel a bit more recharged and able to deal with all the shit easier.


sadly enough there are way to many company's that care for their workers like yous does. sees them as just replaceable tools. no different then a pair or brakes pads. ride em till they wear out. keep looking around though there are some goods company's in the rough. ones that realize if they take care of their workers, the workers will take care of them.

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Did kevinr make that graph?

Seriously ofcoarse the top 1% makes grossly more... That's the definition of "top 1%"

at the beginning of the graph the "top 1%" makes less than the average... Well that's isn't the top anything... Its less than average.

Also productivity slowly increased..... EL fucking OH fucking EL. People are so lazy now, it's not even funny. Even just 10 years ago an 8 hour work was atleast 7 hours of work. Now it seem like it's 4 hours of work an hour of breaks and 3 hours of surfing the net...


Back on topic:

Sorry to hear your company is going to shit. Big business sucks. Find a niche in the market you know well and find a way to start your own business based on it. Best way to real freedom.

The graph is percent change, not salary.


Not sure if it's entirely accurate because everything I've read shows that average worker wages have been stagnant since the late 90's/early 200's.


Brian, you have to do what you think is right for you and your family. It's never an easy choice when you have good money on one side. A year ago I switched jobs and took a small pay cut, but now I don't live in a hotel room 20 weeks a year. That made it worth it for me and now I'll get to be home with my family nearly every night.

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