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Anyone else take CFD's written test?


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Nice! No worries on my end. I tend to read to fast, so i just make myself slow down and i miss a lot of stupid errors. a couple guys i worked with paid the $100 for the pre test seminar(you probably got a letter in the mail soliciting you for it). I could believe that he paid for it...funny thing is i got a higher score then him, although we both passed. The only thing i flubbed on was writing down the zip codes for the street addresses for the 2nd portion.


Are you training at all for the physical?


A few months back there was a piece on fox news about a citizens group in dayton that was pissed off because Dayton PD was accused of lowering entrance test standards in an effort to attract more minorities. The rep from the citizens group was a dayton resident and pretty much said we dont care about the race or sex of our police just as long as they are fair and arn't retards.


It was obviously was a pretty big hit in the dayton area.

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haha, a couple thousand take the written and pass and from there it gets whittled down. It gets crazy competitive from there, like we have the same exact profile and score except you smoked pot in high school and i didnt.....i get the job, or i have a ticket on my licenses and you dont, you get hired. From what i hear cfd is looking to hire 150-200 off this list.
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Look for any government job (especially federal) in the next five years, there will be a lot open because of the mass exodus of the baby boomers.


Good luck with the rest of your tests.

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I passed everything in the 89th percentile back in '07ish, never got any call back. The stairsteps w/ the 80lbs vest on during the physical almost did me in though. They make it the first thing you do during the physical part and my legs were like jell-o afterwards.
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I passed everything in the 89th percentile back in '07ish, never got any call back. The stairsteps w/ the 80lbs vest on during the physical almost did me in though. They make it the first thing you do during the physical part and my legs were like jell-o afterwards.


isnt that great?! We did a similar test for the CPAT where you start out on a stiar climber for 3min, 80lb vest and cant touch the rails. Once your off it, the trick is to just keep moving. the ymca down town has one to train on.

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Guest Z Fag Jr.

If you need any help I worked fire/ems for the past 6 years (Fire Officer 1). The key to anything fd related is to keep moving weather its cpat or ff challenge.

That is a huge hire how long is the probation period?

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Right on, im a FF/EMTP myself for 5years also. the academy is pretty long, 6mo. they just had a class start in dec or jan and their first day was this past monday. probie period is a year for cfd. i think they are doing it in classes of 25 or 50 at a time. This list(that were in the middle of testing for) will be good for x2 years starting in 2012
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Guest Z Fag Jr.
Right on, im a FF/EMTP myself for 5years also. the academy is pretty long, 6mo. they just had a class start in dec or jan and their first day was this past monday. probie period is a year for cfd. i think they are doing it in classes of 25 or 50 at a time. This list(that were in the middle of testing for) will be good for x2 years starting in 2012


6 months with experience? What training do they do firefighter 2 i'm assuming nims ics, hazmat tech, emt b?

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6 months with experience? What training do they do firefighter 2 i'm assuming nims ics, hazmat tech, emt b?


I'm not sure, I would assume it includes emtb dice tbey turn them loose after that. There is a lot of ride time involved during rookie school, that much I do know.

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Isn't that going to be pretty much everywhere?


A lot of private sector companies are planning on just eliminating positions as the baby boomers retire.

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Guest Z Fag Jr.

Retirement costs money for an company, not only that but some government (city state federal) agency's allow use of a "terry" type program where somebody "retires" and then is re-hired by the same company to do the same job. That way the employee gets his retirement check and a regular paycheck. Hopefully that will be done away with, but I have seen it in person.

Mass retirements also can adversely affect Departments Columbia SC has this issue. A large amount of higher level staff left, thus leaving a void. So a large group moved up to fill those slots. However this ended up leaving a void in their Capitan ranks. Now they have a bunch of people with no "right seat time" riding officer. They are coping well but very few meet promotion requirements for Captain so they had/have a step learning curve and are not getting the pay for the seat they are in.

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A lot of private sector companies are planning on just eliminating positions as the baby boomers retire.


Really? Links to articles on this? That is not what I have been told, or seen at my company. They are kind of freaking out on what to do with all of these people leaving.

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Really? Links to articles on this? That is not what I have been told, or seen at my company. They are kind of freaking out on what to do with all of these people leaving.


There are ton's of different articles across the board with different companies.




Just one. A lot just are not filling positions after people retire because a lot of the positions can be combined or are made up because of tenure.


I dunno where you work, but I would say it is something that is split down the middle on replacing everyone vs eliminating a lot of jobs.

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