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Casey Anthony found...


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somebody needs to wipe that fucking smile off that bitchs face


$100 says someone will. I'm starting a collection.


I don't know who this is, but I assume I don't give a fuck.





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Reasonable Doubt being the keywords. There was more than enough reasonable doubt she didn't do it.


The Prosecution fucked themselves even better by trying her at once for everything. She got off an all the major offenses, which now she can never be tried for again. Had they had a competent prosecutor, he would have seen how weak the case was and just gone for murder this time. That would have left the other charges available to try later.


At any rate, good for the justice system for once.


I agree.

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If you laugh you go to hell.























































































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I was not able to watch the final judgment but was wondering if one of her charges was conspiracy to commit murder?




Just wondering because that charge and murder charge are two different and not seen as double jeopardy

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I didn't watch too much of it, but as mentioned above she needed to be found guilty beyond reasonable doubt and when you are dealing with someones life essentially as a juror you need to be damn sure of your decision.
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