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Hell, now that i think about it id probably make a report anyways. Say she says shell pay up tonight when you confront her and tell her that you want $xxxx.00 by y date. She then agrees.


You then tell her that if she doesn't pay up youre taking your police report report, pictures and signed confession/agreement and going to an attorney. Of course keep all receipts and have her sign a document with said payment specifics and an admittance of takign the car and doing the damamge complete with dates.


Also have impartial witness sign on the payment/ admittance document.


prepare for the worst. the last thing you want to do is get bogged down by BS if this does have to go to small claims or what ever


If she bitches or moans, go right to your attorney.



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I would have no mercy. She's 55 years old and hasn't gotten her shit together yet? The fact that you were willing to put a roof over her head and take partial responsibility for her was already above and beyond anything you needed to do for her. She didn't respect you enough to take care of your property while you were gone and even went so far as to steal from you, then not take up any opportunity she had to tell you about it and try to make it right. I'd have the police and the witness waiting for her at the house at 8:30 for the discussion. Fuck thieves.
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I'd have the police and the witness waiting for her at the house at 8:30 for the discussion. Fuck thieves.


I was just wondering if I could do this. Could I contact the local police dept and ask that they have someone there? I will be having her take all of her stuff out of the house tonight. She is on all kinds of meds for different things and due to the recent charges for other stuff, the court is forcing her to take anger management classes along with a few other classes.

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I was just wondering if I could do this. Could I contact the local police dept and ask that they have someone there? I will be having her take all of her stuff out of the house tonight. She is on all kinds of meds for different things and due to the recent charges for other stuff, the court is forcing her to take anger management classes along with a few other classes.


I don't see why not. They're a service to the taxpayers and I'm sure they do it a lot for evictions.

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I was just wondering if I could do this. Could I contact the local police dept and ask that they have someone there? I will be having her take all of her stuff out of the house tonight. She is on all kinds of meds for different things and due to the recent charges for other stuff, the court is forcing her to take anger management classes along with a few other classes.


If she resides there, (sounds like she does) you will have to go through the eviction process. Big things they look for to determine residency are: is there mail delivered there, kind and quantity of personal belongings (clothing, hygiene products, etc usually point to a persons residence). I would say that they would take her on the TWOC and probation violation. While that is in process you could begin the eviction process.

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If she hasn't already told you she did it, she'll most likely deny it.


"you could have got that scratch anywhere"


"your neighbor is mistaken"




I've thought of this too. Too bad for her she is on probation and my neighbor has no priors and has been an established member of the community for 30+ years.

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If she hasn't already told you she did it, she'll most likely deny it.


"you could have got that scratch anywhere"


"your neighbor is mistaken"




You called it exactly. She is 100% denying everything; even after I told her that she was witnessed taking my car.


I took back the keys to the house and the garage door opener. All of her stuff is still in my house. Her and her partner said they will pay for it anyway, but they don't have any money. I told them that I don't care about their financial situation; it's not my problem. I told her she would get her stuff back when my car is fixed and paid for.


So, she said she would pay for it. Now, I have asked for the agreement in writing. What all needs to be done to make it legit and stand up in court, if it has to come to that? I have asked that I have the agreement in writing by end of day Sunday, or I'm filing a police report first thing Monday morning.


I took pics and will post them as soon as I get them off my camera and onto photobucket.

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You called it exactly. She is 100% denying everything; even after I told her that she was witnessed taking my car.


I took back the keys to the house and the garage door opener. All of her stuff is still in my house. Her and her partner said they will pay for it anyway, but they don't have any money. I told them that I don't care about their financial situation; it's not my problem. I told her she would get her stuff back when my car is fixed and paid for.


So, she said she would pay for it. Now, I have asked for the agreement in writing. What all needs to be done to make it legit and stand up in court, if it has to come to that? I have asked that I have the agreement in writing by end of day Sunday, or I'm filing a police report first thing Monday morning.


I took pics and will post them as soon as I get them off my camera and onto photobucket.

Well, one thing to make it hold up would be to not use her stuff as leverage. That's illegal, bruh.

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Well, one thing to make it hold up would be to not use her stuff as leverage. That's illegal, bruh.


Technically, she still lives there. Her mail still comes to my house. Before she left, she asked for her medicine. I said "Go in and get it." She said, "No, I'm not going in the house. It's on the dresser. Please get it for me." So, I grabbed it and a couple other things on the dresser and handed them to her.

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Here you can see the outline of the fog light on the well pump as well as marks above it and below it from the bumper.



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At this point, as you are moving into legal document territory, the best thing would be to consult an attorney for advice. You need to find out from him how to make a legal contract, what all you are eligible for in terms of compensation and any risks you might what to mitigate up front.


All the advice i gave is simply based on what i see when it comes to various health care legal documents.


Off the top of my head get an independent 3rd party to witness and sign, be as specific as possible when it comes to dates, times, payment type, and why you are being paid(for damages done to my, your name here, 1999 Trans Am on 7/x/2011 in the amount of $XXXX.XX. $XXXX.XX will be paid by, her name here with initial, in full by 7/x/2011."

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