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Since Blue98Ls1 made a thread magically lock for no reason-


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Its bullshit. The whole "legal" this is a smokescreen of bullshit. A webmaster If it was an issue-it can be made more private-do a purge of all the trolls, the pigs, and anyone why was not an actual "contributor" to the racing scene.


Is facebook or myspace liable when someone kills themselves? Fuck no. Is the mother/father of the bullys them selves even liable? FUCK NO. Only those participation int he acts as per our own Supreme fucking court per


United States v. Lori Drew






Finkel v. Facebook





If there were "scared" about it-they could easily make all users click a no-fault waiver that cover's their ass. Further, they can not control the actions of its users nor the outcome of what they do. Anyone that thinks something near that would stand up in court is a fucking moron.


So, if Anthony, His wife, brother, or ANY of the MOD team think that CPD>The Supreme fucking court, then we indeed have an issue.



I personally dont know you but I would be willing to bet that when all this shit went down that you didnt have the police questioning you. Regardless of what you see is fair or not. This is still Anthony's site and he can set whatever rules he wants to set. If that means shutting people up to keep the heat off of him then so be it.

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Whose getting double stuffed ?




Me either last to reply is getting dp


Not it


Paul your getting dp fag!!!
























































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I personally dont know you but I would be willing to bet that when all this shit went down that you didnt have the police questioning you. Regardless of what you see is fair or not. This is still Anthony's site and he can set whatever rules he wants to set. If that means shutting people up to keep the heat off of him then so be it.


Way to be late to the party chief, this is only been stated 10 million times

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Had wrong info before had wrong county. I heard from a few people Rob is in jail right now in Delaware County. I dont know his last name to check online..


You got a hard on for him or something? Looks more like he did a week in Delaware on felony support from June 1st to the 8th, got OR'd out and released from community control. so how is he still in there?

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I just laughed so hard. That pic was perfect

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There has been shit talking and ribbing on here forever. I've been off and back on since '03, and it hasn't changed a bit. Simply people getting older and grumpier (or is it butt hurt?). It's the running joke on every single forum. The internets is serious business. In 6 or 8 years the current crop will complain about the newbs and the cycle will start over again. Go look at some of the oldest threads in the kitchen. It's a great history lesson for those that complain that the "Trolls" have/are ruining CR.


Hammer meet nail.


This is so true it's not funny and only the old members will see this pattern. This was they same thing that happened in Dayton on SRD. Oh and the Admin was a Douche. But everyone got old, there was no where to meet anymore, the new ricers came on and the site went to shit, it just didn't make it through the cycle, it probably would have if Louis would have paid the bill.

I think in general though that the scene has dwindled tremendously though. May the be from the economy or the core user base getting more mature, (kids, lives, jobs etc.) You guys are lucky to have such a good site, don't ruin a good thing by bitching.

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This is a genuine interview with a eunuch...


Mark is a 45-year old white male with a stocky build and a beard. His head is shaved. He responded to my ad to be interviewed for this article wearing only leather pants, leather boots and a leather vest. I could see that both of his nipples were pierced with large-gauge silver rings.




Questioner: I hope you won’t be offended if I ask you to prove to me that you’re a nullo. Just so that our readers will know that this isn’t a fake.



Mark: Sure, no problem. (stands and unbuckles pants and drops them to his ankles, revealing a smooth, shaven crotch with only a thin scar to show where his genitals once were).



Q: Thank you. That’s a remarkable sight.



(laughs and pulls pants back up). Most people think so.



Q: What made you decide to become a nullo?



(pauses). Well, it really wasn’t entirely my decision.



Q: Excuse me?



The idea wasn’t mine. It was my lover’s idea.



Q: Please explain what you mean.



Okay, it’s a long story. You have to understand my relationship with Scott before you’ll know what happened.



Q: We have plenty of time. Please go on.



Both of us were into the leather lifestyle when we met through a personal ad. Scott’s ad was very specific: he was looking for someone to completely dominate and modify to his pleasure. In other word, a slave.



The ad intrigued me. I had been in a number of B&D scenes and also some S&M, but I found them unsatisfying because they were all temporary. After the fun was over, everybody went on with life as usual.



I was looking for a complete life change. I wanted to meet someone who would be part of my life forever. Someone who would control me and change me at his whim.



Q: In other words, you’re a true masochist.



Oh yes, no doubt about that. I’ve always been totally passive in my sexual relationships.



Anyway, we met and there was instant chemistry. Scott is a few years older than me and very good looking. Our personalities meshed totally. He’s very dominant.



I went back to his place after drinks and had the best sex of my life. That’s when I knew I was going to be with Scott for a long, long time.



Q: What sort of things did you two do?



It was very heavy right away. He restrained me and whipped me for quite awhile. He put clamps on my nipples and a ball gag in my mouth. And he hung a ball bag on my sack with some very heavy weights. That bag really bounced around when Scott ****ed me from behind.



Q: Ouch.



(laughs) Yeah, no kidding. At first I didn’t think I could take the pain, but Scott worked me through it and after awhile I was flying. I was sorry when it was over.



Scott enjoyed it as much as I did. Afterwards he talked about what kind of a commitment I’d have to make if I wanted to stay with him.

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Q: What did he say exactly?



Well, besides agreeing to be his slave in every way, I’d have to be ready to be modified. To have my body modified.



Q: Did he explain what he meant by that?



Not specifically, but I got the general idea. I guessed that something like castration might be part of it.



Q: How did that make you feel?



(laughs) I think it would make any guy a little hesitant.



Q: But it didn’t stop you from agreeing to Scott’s terms?



No it didn’t. I was totally hooked on this man. I knew that I was willing to pay any price to be with him.



Anyway, a few days later I moved in with Scott. He gave me the rules right away: I’d have to be naked at all times while we were indoors, except for a leather dog collar that I could never take off. I had to keep my head shaved. And I had to wear a butt plug except when I needed to take a **** or when we were having sex.



I had to sleep on the floor next to his bed. I ate all my food on the floor, too.



The next day he took me to a piercing parlor where he had my nipples done, and a Prince Albert put into the head of my cock.



Q: Heavy stuff.



Yeah, and it got heavier. He used me as a toilet, pissing in my mouth. I had to lick his ******* clean after he took a ****, too. It was all part of a process to break down any sense of individuality I had. After awhile, I wouldn’t hesitate to do anything he asked.



Q: Did the sex get rougher?



Oh God, yeah. He started fisting me every time we had sex. But he really started concentrating on my cock and balls, working them over for hours at a time.



He put pins into the head of my cock and into my sack. He attached clothespins up and down my cock and around my sack. The pain was pretty bad. He had to gag me to keep me from screaming.



Q: When did the idea of nullification come up?



Well, it wasn’t nullification at first. He started talking about how I needed to make a greater commitment to him, to do something to show that I was dedicated to him for life.


When I asked him what he meant, he said that he wanted to take my balls.



Q: How did you respond?



Not very well at first. I told him that I liked being a man and didn’t want to become a eunuch. But he kept at me, and wore me down. He reminded me that I agreed to be modified according to his wishes, and this is what he wanted for me. Anything less would show that I wasn’t really committed to the relationship. And besides, I was a total bottom and didn’t really need my balls.



It took about a week before I agreed to be castrated. But I wasn’t happy about it, believe me.



Q: How did he castrate you?



Scott had a friend who was into the eunuch scene. One night he came over with his bag of toys, and Scott told me that this was it. I was gonna lose my nuts then and there.



Q: Did you think of resisting?



I did for a minute, but deep down I knew there was no way. I just didn’t want to lose Scott. I’d rather lose my balls.



Scott’s friend restrained me on the living room floor while Scott videotaped us. He used an elastrator to put a band around my sack.



Q: That must have really hurt.



Hell yeah. It’s liked getting kicked in the balls over and over again. I screamed for him to cut the band off, but he just kept on going, putting more bands on me. I had four bands around my sack when he finished.



I was rolling around on the floor screaming, while Scott just videotaped me. Eventually, my sack got numb and the pain subsided. I looked between my legs and could see my sack was a dark purple. I knew my balls were dying inside.



Scott and his friend left the room and turned out the light. I lay there for hours, crying because I was turning into a eunuch and there wasn’t anything I could do about it.



Q: What happened then?



Eventually I fell asleep from exhaustion. Then the light switched on and I could see Scott’s friend kneeling between my legs, touching my sack. I heard him tell Scott that my balls were dead.



Q: How did Scott react?



Very pleased. He bent down and felt around my sack. He said that it felt cold.



Scott’s friend told me that I needed to keep the bands on. He said that eventually my balls and sack would dry up and fall off. I just nodded. What else could I do at that point?



Q: Did it happen just like Scott’s friend said?



Yeah, a week or so later my package just fell off. Scott put it in a jar of alcohol to preserve it. It’s on the table next to his bed.



Q: How did things go after that?



Scott was really loving to me. He kept saying how proud he was of me, how grateful that I had made the commitment to him. He even let me sleep in his bed.



Q: What about the sex?



We waited awhile after my castration, and then took it easy until I was completely healed. At first I was able to get hard, but as the weeks went by my erections began to disappear.



That pleased Scott. He liked ****ing me and feeling my limp cock. It made his dominance over me even greater.



Q: When did he start talking about making you a nullo?



A couple of months after he took my nuts. Our sex had gotten to be just as rough as before the castration. He really got off on torturing my cock. Then he started saying stuff like, “Why do you even need this anymore?”



That freaked me out. I always thought that he might someday take my balls, but I never imagined that he’d go all the way. I told him that I wanted to keep my dick.



Q: How did he react to that?



At first he didn’t say much. But he kept pushing. Scott said I would look so nice being smooth between my legs. He said my dick was small and never got hard anymore, so what was the point of having it.



But I still resisted. I wanted to keep my cock. I felt like I wouldn’t be a man anymore without it.



Q: So how did he get you to agree?



He didn’t. He took it against my will.



Q: How did that happen?



We were having sex in the basement, and I was tied up and bent over this wooden bench as he ****ed me. Then I heard the doorbell ring. Scott answered it, and he brought this guy into the room.



At first I couldn’t see anything because of the way I was tied. But then I felt these hands lift me up and put me on my back. And I could see it was Steve’s friend, the guy who took my nuts.



Q: How did you react?



I started screaming and crying, but the guy just gagged me. The two of them dragged me to the other side of the room where they tied me spread eagled on the floor.

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This is a genuine interview with a eunuch...













Mark is a 45-year old white male with a stocky build and a beard. His head is shaved. He responded to my ad to be interviewed for this article wearing only leather pants, leather boots and a leather vest. I could see that both of his nipples were pierced with large-gauge silver rings.




Questioner: I hope you won’t be offended if I ask you to prove to me that you’re a nullo. Just so that our readers will know that this isn’t a fake.



Mark: Sure, no problem. (stands and unbuckles pants and drops them to his ankles, revealing a smooth, shaven crotch with only a thin scar to show where his genitals once were).



Q: Thank you. That’s a remarkable sight.



(laughs and pulls pants back up). Most people think so.



Q: What made you decide to become a nullo?



(pauses). Well, it really wasn’t entirely my decision.



Q: Excuse me?



The idea wasn’t mine. It was my lover’s idea.



Q: Please explain what you mean.



Okay, it’s a long story. You have to understand my relationship with Scott before you’ll know what happened.



Q: We have plenty of time. Please go on.



Both of us were into the leather lifestyle when we met through a personal ad. Scott’s ad was very specific: he was looking for someone to completely dominate and modify to his pleasure. In other word, a slave.



The ad intrigued me. I had been in a number of B&D scenes and also some S&M, but I found them unsatisfying because they were all temporary. After the fun was over, everybody went on with life as usual.



I was looking for a complete life change. I wanted to meet someone who would be part of my life forever. Someone who would control me and change me at his whim.



Q: In other words, you’re a true masochist.



Oh yes, no doubt about that. I’ve always been totally passive in my sexual relationships.



Anyway, we met and there was instant chemistry. Scott is a few years older than me and very good looking. Our personalities meshed totally. He’s very dominant.



I went back to his place after drinks and had the best sex of my life. That’s when I knew I was going to be with Scott for a long, long time.



Q: What sort of things did you two do?



It was very heavy right away. He restrained me and whipped me for quite awhile. He put clamps on my nipples and a ball gag in my mouth. And he hung a ball bag on my sack with some very heavy weights. That bag really bounced around when Scott ****ed me from behind.



Q: Ouch.



(laughs) Yeah, no kidding. At first I didn’t think I could take the pain, but Scott worked me through it and after awhile I was flying. I was sorry when it was over.



Scott enjoyed it as much as I did. Afterwards he talked about what kind of a commitment I’d have to make if I wanted to stay with him.



Q: What did he say exactly?



Well, besides agreeing to be his slave in every way, I’d have to be ready to be modified. To have my body modified.



Q: Did he explain what he meant by that?



Not specifically, but I got the general idea. I guessed that something like castration might be part of it.



Q: How did that make you feel?



(laughs) I think it would make any guy a little hesitant.



Q: But it didn’t stop you from agreeing to Scott’s terms?



No it didn’t. I was totally hooked on this man. I knew that I was willing to pay any price to be with him.



Anyway, a few days later I moved in with Scott. He gave me the rules right away: I’d have to be naked at all times while we were indoors, except for a leather dog collar that I could never take off. I had to keep my head shaved. And I had to wear a butt plug except when I needed to take a **** or when we were having sex.



I had to sleep on the floor next to his bed. I ate all my food on the floor, too.



The next day he took me to a piercing parlor where he had my nipples done, and a Prince Albert put into the head of my cock.



Q: Heavy stuff.



Yeah, and it got heavier. He used me as a toilet, pissing in my mouth. I had to lick his ******* clean after he took a ****, too. It was all part of a process to break down any sense of individuality I had. After awhile, I wouldn’t hesitate to do anything he asked.



Q: Did the sex get rougher?



Oh God, yeah. He started fisting me every time we had sex. But he really started concentrating on my cock and balls, working them over for hours at a time.



He put pins into the head of my cock and into my sack. He attached clothespins up and down my cock and around my sack. The pain was pretty bad. He had to gag me to keep me from screaming.



Q: When did the idea of nullification come up?



Well, it wasn’t nullification at first. He started talking about how I needed to make a greater commitment to him, to do something to show that I was dedicated to him for life.


When I asked him what he meant, he said that he wanted to take my balls.



Q: How did you respond?



Not very well at first. I told him that I liked being a man and didn’t want to become a eunuch. But he kept at me, and wore me down. He reminded me that I agreed to be modified according to his wishes, and this is what he wanted for me. Anything less would show that I wasn’t really committed to the relationship. And besides, I was a total bottom and didn’t really need my balls.



It took about a week before I agreed to be castrated. But I wasn’t happy about it, believe me.



Q: How did he castrate you?



Scott had a friend who was into the eunuch scene. One night he came over with his bag of toys, and Scott told me that this was it. I was gonna lose my nuts then and there.



Q: Did you think of resisting?



I did for a minute, but deep down I knew there was no way. I just didn’t want to lose Scott. I’d rather lose my balls.



Scott’s friend restrained me on the living room floor while Scott videotaped us. He used an elastrator to put a band around my sack.



Q: That must have really hurt.



Hell yeah. It’s liked getting kicked in the balls over and over again. I screamed for him to cut the band off, but he just kept on going, putting more bands on me. I had four bands around my sack when he finished.



I was rolling around on the floor screaming, while Scott just videotaped me. Eventually, my sack got numb and the pain subsided. I looked between my legs and could see my sack was a dark purple. I knew my balls were dying inside.



Scott and his friend left the room and turned out the light. I lay there for hours, crying because I was turning into a eunuch and there wasn’t anything I could do about it.



Q: What happened then?



Eventually I fell asleep from exhaustion. Then the light switched on and I could see Scott’s friend kneeling between my legs, touching my sack. I heard him tell Scott that my balls were dead.



Q: How did Scott react?



Very pleased. He bent down and felt around my sack. He said that it felt cold.



Scott’s friend told me that I needed to keep the bands on. He said that eventually my balls and sack would dry up and fall off. I just nodded. What else could I do at that point?



Q: Did it happen just like Scott’s friend said?



Yeah, a week or so later my package just fell off. Scott put it in a jar of alcohol to preserve it. It’s on the table next to his bed.



Q: How did things go after that?



Scott was really loving to me. He kept saying how proud he was of me, how grateful that I had made the commitment to him. He even let me sleep in his bed.



Q: What about the sex?



We waited awhile after my castration, and then took it easy until I was completely healed. At first I was able to get hard, but as the weeks went by my erections began to disappear.



That pleased Scott. He liked ****ing me and feeling my limp cock. It made his dominance over me even greater.



Q: When did he start talking about making you a nullo?



A couple of months after he took my nuts. Our sex had gotten to be just as rough as before the castration. He really got off on torturing my cock. Then he started saying stuff like, “Why do you even need this anymore?”



That freaked me out. I always thought that he might someday take my balls, but I never imagined that he’d go all the way. I told him that I wanted to keep my dick.



Q: How did he react to that?



At first he didn’t say much. But he kept pushing. Scott said I would look so nice being smooth between my legs. He said my dick was small and never got hard anymore, so what was the point of having it.



But I still resisted. I wanted to keep my cock. I felt like I wouldn’t be a man anymore without it.



Q: So how did he get you to agree?



He didn’t. He took it against my will.



Q: How did that happen?



We were having sex in the basement, and I was tied up and bent over this wooden bench as he ****ed me. Then I heard the doorbell ring. Scott answered it, and he brought this guy into the room.



At first I couldn’t see anything because of the way I was tied. But then I felt these hands lift me up and put me on my back. And I could see it was Steve’s friend, the guy who took my nuts.



Q: How did you react?



I started screaming and crying, but the guy just gagged me. The two of them dragged me to the other side of the room where they tied me spread eagled on the floor.



Steve’s friend snaked a catheter up my dick, and gave me a shot to numb my crotch. I was grateful for that, at least. I remember how bad it hurt to lose my balls.



Q: What was Steve doing at this time?



He was kneeling next to me talking quietly. He said I’d be happy that they were doing this. That it would make our relationship better. That kind of calmed me down. I thought, “Well, maybe it won’t be so bad.”



Q: How long did the penectomy take?



It took awhile. Some of the penis is inside the body, so he had to dig inside to get all of it. There was a lot of stitching up and stuff. He put my cock in the same jar with my balls. You can even see the Prince Albert sticking out of the head.



Then they made me a new pisshole. It’s between my ******* and where my sack used to be. So now I have to squat to piss.



Q: What has life been like since you were nullified?



After I got over the surgery and my anger, things got better. When I healed up, I began to like my smooth look. Steve brought friends over and they all admired it, saying how pretty I looked. It made me feel good that Steve was proud of me.



Q: Do you have any sexual feeling anymore?



Yes, my prostate still responds when Steve ****s me or uses the buttplug. And my nipples are quite sensitive. If Steve plays with them while ****ing me, I have a kind of orgasm. It’s hard to describe, but it’s definitely an orgasm.



Sometimes Steve says he’s gonna have my prostate and nipples removed, but he’s just kidding around. He’s happy with what he’s done to me.



Q: So are you glad Steve had you nullified?



Well, I wouldn’t say I’m glad. If I could, I’d like to have my cock and balls back. But I know that I’m a nullo forever. So I’m making the best of it.



Steve and I are very happy. I know that he’ll take care of me and we’ll be together always. I guess losing my manhood was worth it to make that happen for us.

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You got a hard on for him or something? Looks more like he did a week in Delaware on felony support from June 1st to the 8th, got OR'd out and released from community control. so how is he still in there?


Wow, I may be missing something, but that response seems disproportionate to the post.




And what the hell with the eunuch story? lol

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^^^^^^its shit liek that that is slowly killing cr.

shut the fuck up with the shit seriously its annoying go the fuck away


shit like you getting married and turning into a crotchety old fuck at age 24 is killing CR




PS this is the kitchen in case you forgot what section you were in.

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Paul, you honestly just dont like him since he said shit about your sister ages ago. Honestly man get over it, i find him funny and so do others, stop holding grudges my friend it isnt healthy. :fuckyeah:


idk even know who apache is with all these name changes so good try with that. he has that "trool": crap in this sig so hess apart of the saame three people the thread shit in every single thread that annoy the shit out of me. an i dont see how its even remotely funny but thas just me so kindly EAD

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idk even know who apache is with all these name changes so good try with that. he has that "trool": crap in this sig so hess apart of the saame three people the thread shit in every single thread that annoy the shit out of me. an i dont see how its even remotely funny but thas just me so kindly EAD


This coming from the guy that challenged everything to a race, and I mean everything.

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shit like you getting married and turning into a crotchety old fuck at age 24 is killing CR




PS this is the kitchen in case you forgot what section you were in.


Paul, you honestly just dont like him since he said shit about your sister ages ago. Honestly man get over it, i find him funny and so do others, stop holding grudges my friend it isnt healthy. :fuckyeah:


This coming from the guy that challenged everything to a race, and I mean everything.


Why you mad paul? i'm even your friend on facebook. Should I rethink our relationship? :fa:

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idk even know who apache is with all these name changes so good try with that. he has that "trool": crap in this sig so hess apart of the saame three people the thread shit in every single thread that annoy the shit out of me. an i dont see how its even remotely funny but thas just me so kindly EAD


I never stated that what was posted was funny, i didnt even read it, so why dont you try the same thing and NOT READ IT! You choose to read his post like everyone chooses to read anything. So please dont tell me to EAD until your get your balls back from the wifey there guy :gabe:

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