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Do Track days? Don't be this A**


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I saw this on youtube the other day and then found the full story at Gixxer.com

Pay close attention around .35




Of a$$holes who don't know how to ride. This is what happen to me over the weekend at Auto Club Speedway in Fontana, ca. I suffered a broken left collar bone, punture in left lung, sprained hand and some bruises. The topper is that this guy never said sorry and him and his dad (who was also on the track) denied this to the end...until my friends pulled together and brought Fastrack the video of the guy riding behind me who thankfully caught the whole thing on video. Result was father and son have been banned from riding with Fastrack and every other trackday organization out there. If you ever see this guy on the track be sure to give him the cold shoulder for being a freakin IDIOT!!! Enjoy the video and spread it where you can. These guys don't deserve to ever ride on a track if they can't even admit someone fck'd up. Total BS!!!

Guys name is Austin Friesen #116 and his Dad or brother has and identical bike but with the number 117"

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yea that deff sux! I hate to say it,but this stuff happens to even the best of the best riders. The guy not saying sorry is dick,but the actual crash is all part of the sport.

Even during trackdays? I could understand racing but damn, whats the point of such a dangerous over take during a trackday?

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yea i'm deff sory it happend to you. I have seen this happen many many times at trackdays. What class was this in? Im guessing in I(intermediate) because that like the meat grinder on track days.

No didn't happen to me, and I'm not sure what class these guys were running.

I have heard about that about the intermediate class being a cluster fuck at times in some organizations but I would say thats just because of a few problems, mostly lack of skill and too many people in one session, as for the video it looks like that guy actually thought he could pass and out brake the guys in front of him. He should have known better period no matter what class and its not even in a race.

oh well it just shows everyone who wants to go to the track to still keep your head and pay attention. The track is by far safer than the street but shit still happens.

Edited by nochknstrps
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He needs some instruction and shouldn't have a racing number at all! One he's not going anywhere with that line he chose except right into the guy taking the correct line. 2 he target fixated at that. He started to just go straight off the track anyways. 3 he's a complete fucking douchebag and shouldn't be on a race bike.

Edited by NinjaNick
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It was apparently the Level 2 class which is Intermediates. Looks like they had a racer in that group and he was too hot into the corner. You can see he was out of shape...

Too hot in and probably cold tires... Not good at all. More on the shoulders of the passer, obviously...

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Even during trackdays? I could understand racing but damn, whats the point of such a dangerous over take during a trackday?

I believe something similar happened at Mid-O in the intermediate class when I went up to watch Parks track day...the guys almost started throwing punches, so I would assume someone said they were sorry... :D

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Sucks but it happens. Thats why intermediate is a stressful pain in the ass.. And here I come intermediate at Jennings.. !!! yikes

Dude was definitely going in too hot and tjust sat up and went straight. That really blows

By the way, I still need to shoot some pics of the Suomy "how to". Or, did you get it on?

Let me know and I will do it today...

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Not a race line, not a defensive or qualifing line.

He was totaly out of controll before he even hit you and it looks like the bike was heading right off the track !!

SR's are a mother !!

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