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Doesnt look good for HTC and Android...Discuss


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I only scanned, so I apologize if any of this has been repeated.


First, this is not anything new. Jobs loves suing people. He is well known for his anger and angst. He even claimed "thermo nuclear war" on the big 3 and sued them in almost every country; HTC, Samsung and Motorola. HOwever, after 2 years of pursuit, they've accomplished almost nothing.


As a matter of fact, the only two suits that were upheld were easy get arounds. Samsung simply widened the frame on the Galaxy Tab and HTC removed a tiny software feature that allowed you to click a phone number in an email to bring up a list of options.


At this point, Android is now the top smartphone platform and Samsung is the largest manu of s.p.'s. One 3LP's big patent attorneys was quoted saying that Apple basically needed to watch their ass and instead of suing everyone, start trying to make some royalty deals instead of trying to completey crush his competition as fiercely as possible. It only gets harder when you start losing these court cases and it's only a matter of time before they begin to crumble a bit.


Of course, that's not the way Job does things but with Apple's new leader (dont recall his name) the way things run may change a bit.


Moral of the story: Android isn't going anywhere and competition only makes products better.

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Someone tell me who complained to apple to make them not give me an auto purchase button on all the apps I paid for. They need a good punch in the face. Mr Apple knows what free shit I downloaded in the past and also the items I purchased legally. If I happen to wipe and reload my device I have to either use itunes to force my apps to re-install or do them manually one by one on the device. Now that makes no cents bro. That and the OS holding onto running apps forever even after rebooting is enough for me to never buy an iphone. Other then not being able to remove the battery the iphone is alright.
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Ben vs Chris, what happened? Its like the longer you guys go the more out of the loop you are on the other operating systems. You used to throw factual heat.. now its like two old men fighting in a park over a chess game.




It's true.

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Here my professional take on the two systems


Apple creates one look and runs with it. If you have used an iPod, ipad, or iPhone you know what I mean. Android allows manufacturers to create different looks and options tailored to their customers. Having different screen sizes and physical keyboards are proof of that.


Apple releases a new phone every 12 months. This makes for a more stable program with less bugs due to being very cautious in the new additions. Android has a new phone released every two weeks. The level of testing is compromised because people want to claim they were the first to do something.


Apple has less menus and less touches to get to most features. This makes it easier to learn. Android has a higher warranty return rate per customer. Not that the phones are broke.. its just people don't know how to work the phone so they think its broke. A large percentage of android phones replaced through warranty are in a perfect running order.


The extra menus that cause the android to be harder to use.. also make it easier to customize. Doing certain things through iTunes only is limiting.


The iPhone camera is great. The HTC camera is great. The rest are good to OK.


The iPhone display is great, the Samsung display is great. The rest are good to OK. (Special mention to the razr for its crisp display)

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