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Amy Winehouse: Found Dead


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sounds like she went on a drug bender yesterday...cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, HORSE TRANQULIZER :eek:


Although....with that face of hers....


Awesome sig. Heroin is already crack head status, but how in the hell does Horse Tranquilizer come up as a good idea?

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Shit you never now. On CNN a year or so ago, there was a story about how in LA there was widespread skin infections because some genius decided to cut their coke with some type of horse tranquilizer. The skin would have a bad reaction and start looking like poo poo. Edited by 10phone2
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And the media has already started with the "Forever 27 Club" musician curse...seriously? She had ONE song that anybody can name, and the only reason that one springs to mind is because she turned it into a near-perfect definition of "IRONIC".

she was much bigger in Eng than she was here


don t hate!



I never liked her anyway personally

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If I were making the dough most of the Hollywood nut-jobs do I could see dying in a car or on a bike; I might even be a divorced sex nut job bathing in nymphos paid to please, but i just can't see sticking that shit in my blood as being a desirable thing to do.
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sounds like she went on a drug bender yesterday...cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, HORSE TRANQULIZER :eek:


Although....with that face of hers....


Guy across the street from me went to the hospital from doing coke mixed with horse tranquilizer.

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Im sure as Austin knows ketamine in not only a drug for horse tranquilizers but for young and middle aged kids. ketamine creates a "disconnected sedation but still breathing on their own"(setting broken arms in the ER, etc) and theyll wake up talking seeing about pink elephants when they were out. For what ever reason as kids grow closer to adulthood the pink elephants apparently become much more intense and some older age kids and adults will even freak out a la bad acid trip when they get it, which is why its abused. Its one of those drugs that been around for ever and probably been abused for almost the same length of time. But saying horse tranquilizers is more BA than saying little kid sedative.


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Who would even mourn this crackhead whore. 80+ people get massacred over in Norway and you got peOple talking about this piece of trash like she was something great. What a joke. I see shut about her all over Facebook and makes me laugh.




Five soldiers died in Afghanistan a couple days ago but you don't hear a damn thing about them. Why? Because the people in this country are more concerned with some crackhead 'singer' than with the really important shit. Then you've got a Norway thing. Again, what's making headlines? Meth addict singer takes a bit too much meth and kills herself.


Good riddance.




And yes, Ketamine is used on people too (medically). 'Horse tranquilizer' just pulls in the attention of retards when blasted all over CNN.

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That should be the poster for "Say no to drugs"...DAMN!!



I agree. I'm sure looking back from where ever she is, she's probably glad to have ended that ugliness. WOW! I'm shocked that people still want to do that crap after seeing countless examples of how it not only fucks you up, but it FUCKS YOU UP!

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