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Tips for executing skunks within city limits?

Guest Hal

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Hal, if you can get your hands on a .22, thats going to be your best bet where you live. Pistol or rifle will do fine.


I used to use this method for live trapping coons at my parents house, im not sure if it will work with a skunk, however. Take an empty, normal sized trash can and set up an 8 ftX6" board like a ram to the top of the trashcan. Leave the lid off, put some foods down in the can, and maybe on the ramp to the top. They will follow the food up the ramp, fall in the can trying to get the shit inside the can but wont be tall enough to get out. pop it with the .22 inside the can and there will be little sound.



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If you place poisoned bait out, I hope you are ok with killing cats too.

I'm not ok with that. Like I said earlier, I would be selective in my murderous rampage.


ever watch an animal die of renal failure?


Nope, but I've heard about it. Not something I would consider semi-humane.


Looks like I'll just trap them and let someone else deal with them.

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WESTERVILLE, Ohio (AP) -- This is one surly squirrel. Police have set traps, sent out special patrols, even cornered the critter, all to no avail. Try as they may, they can't catch the elusive gray squirrel that has attacked at least eight people during the past three weeks.

The furry suspect with beady black eyes has taken over a tree-lined neighborhood in this Columbus suburb, lying in wait on porches and park benches.

"It's just impossible to catch a squirrel," said police Sgt. Mike Hatzo, who cornered the critter on a porch and underneath a car with no luck. Hatzo saw the squirrel leap at one victim and bite her leg while he was patrolling the area last week.

The squirrel stays in a two-block area, and appears to be friendly, inching closer and closer before making its move.

"Then he just zooms up your leg like it was a tree," Vicki Albright said, recounting her 13-year-old daughter's description of how the rodent bit her on the leg. Albright says the squirrel has also chased her other children. None of the injuries has been too serious, but nearly all the victims have taken antibiotics to ward off any diseases the squirrel may carry. Most squirrels don't carry rabies.

Since the squirrel seems so comfortable approaching humans -- and didn't make an appearance until school got out -- officials think it may have belonged to a student at Otterbein College, a liberal arts school that borders the neighborhood.

"He's vicious," Albright said. "He's either been someone's pet or he's just crazy."

Among the victims are a United Parcel Service delivery man bitten on the knee and a college student scratched and bitten while walking to his car. About a week ago, the squirrel went on a real tear, attacking three people in one day. "It's absolutely not intimidated by anyone," Lt. Don Richardson said. "Personally, I think it was raised by someone."

There haven't been any reports of attacks for almost a week, and police say the squirrel may have been injured when it was struck by a victim.



Eventually they shot and killed it.



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Seriously hal if you use a "have-a-heart" you're going to get blasted. And the pellet rifle would be lucky to kill a squirel with a head shot.


Not true. I have a Gamo break barrel that will put a pellet through the body of a squirrel at 25 yards without issue. I probably killed 15 or so over the last two years. You should have no problem with something 1200-1500fps and a head shot.

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22 subsonic


if semi auto hold bolt closed


no louder than firecracker if barrel > 20 inches.


This. I had coons in my attic last fall and I knew they would tear the spit out of it. Borrowed a trap cage from a friend, and trapped em all one by one. Took out to backyard, waited til night, and shot em in the head with a single shot .22 with subsonic round. Doubt even my neighbors heard it.


I checked on a exterminator but it would have been close to $800 to $1000 for them to remove em. Screw that....

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why not just take them a mile or so away and let em go?





you have to take them 30+ miles to release them, plus you really are not supposed to

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If you place poisoned bait out, I hope you are ok with killing cats too.


I am. Cats are actually a bonus.


ever watch an animal die of renal failure?


No. Don't care what it's like either. Only care that it ends in death.



At what range are you doing this with a 22 air rifle?[


50-100ft. Again, think Dublin area and suburban yards. Not far. Like I said, it wasn't an instant kill, he walked around but not very far. The Skunk was shot through the neck. He made it to the road and died. Bled out from what I could see.


Here's the ammo I'm shooting:





Edited by TTQ B4U
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The ones I find out here are super slow. So I just walk up behind them and turn thier heads inside out with my .45


Maybe some other resident hunters can give you an idea as to what food to try. Cat food, fish eggs, Cat food/poop/fish egg combo?


There slow because they know no animal wants to mess with their backside.



Hal could just drop them off near my house. I have a pet skunk out here. We look at the stars together and he hasn't sprayed me yet, though he did try one night when I accidentally startled him.

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Oh and depending on the air rifle (yes even pump models) I have killed birds, squirrels, and rabbits with one so they could work, but I wouldn't use it on a skunk. It would probably go all monty python killer rabbit on you as its dying act.
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I am. Cats are actually a bonus.




No. Don't care what it's like either. Only care that it ends in death.






50-100ft. Again, think Dublin area and suburban yards. Not far. Like I said, it wasn't an instant kill, he walked around but not very far. The Skunk was shot through the neck. He made it to the road and died. Bled out from what I could see.


Here's the ammo I'm shooting:








After meeting you and seeing what you look like, and then reading many of your posts on here, I am convinced you are a serial killer.

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Not true. I have a Gamo break barrel that will put a pellet through the body of a squirrel at 25 yards without issue. I probably killed 15 or so over the last two years. You should have no problem with something 1200-1500fps and a head shot.


I only posted this because I head shotted a squirrel with a .22 break-barrel gamo pistol and it lived. My friend had to follow up with the 22 lmr to finish the job. This was from about 60 feet too.

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Not true. I have a Gamo break barrel that will put a pellet through the body of a squirrel at 25 yards without issue. I probably killed 15 or so over the last two years. You should have no problem with something 1200-1500fps and a head shot.


+1 I also have a Gamo break barrell I use for when I hear kids out over at my closest neighbor but must kill something. Mine has a silencer and is in .22. Hits pretty good. Wait, wait wait....that makes it sound like I'm hunting children. I am usually shooting ground hogs....I just don't feel like scaring any children close by with gun shots. I'm a considerate killer like that.

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