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road work openings


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There has been talk about hiring a few new people at my work installing the markers in the road. It can be a very physical job, so the more in shape you are, the better. The job is dangerous, we run out operations different than most road construction you see because it is fast moving, so there is less protection from the traffic zooming only a few feet by our heads. You can't be a pussy. Must have good driving record. I would suggest you are single, we travel everywhere and out of state, sometimes not coming home for 2-5 weeks. Prevailing wage. Hotels are paid for. Have to buy your own food. Work 8-15 hour days depending on restrictions. Don't really take lunches, just kind of eat when you get the chance. Usually work 40 hours a week in Ohio. Can work all the overtime we want out of state. Get laid off during the winter months, most people collect unemployment during that time until hired back in the spring. I love the job and get along great with just about everyone in the company. Travel around, see all kinds of cool shit, pick up some strange.


Link to company site and application:



Any other questions about the job, feel free to ask.

Edited by Duff
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