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I will NEVER invest in BAC again. Shit company, and they cost me money in 2007 when they didn't do shit when every other stock I had what taking off!!! :fuuuu:


I started buying at 10 and bought every .50 drop to 5$ then doubled down at 5. I think at some point within the next 20 years it will be at 50$ again without splits.


Something else you can look at getting into is starting a position in a small/mid cap mutual fund. 2012 may be the year for small caps. I got into Huntington Funds in 09 and they have performed way better then my Schwab managed funds. Look at HSUAX

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anyone buying into facebook?


I personally believe their going to bait the fuck out of thousands of people, only to make off like a bandit.


I kinda agree. I think they're going for one glory-pass before collapsing and dying off/selling out. No supporting evidence, that's just what I suspect. You read it here folks, FB will not survive 2012.

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I do. For just over a year now, wish I had gotten in sooner but I'll take the gains I have made!


No kidding! I have had it for 3 months and am more than happy. My over all return is over 18%. Just over a year, you are sitting pretty nice.

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I personally believe their going to bait the fuck out of thousands of people, only to make off like a bandit.


I don't think so. FB is huge much like Google. I see it being Google priced. I was listening to Stern today which made me research David Choe. He's making out like a fat rat on it. Zucker is set to make $28.4 billion.!!!

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I'd stay away from facebook.

There's only so much they can grow. Facebooks growth already decelerated from 154% in 09-10 to 88% in 2011. Facebooks profit fell for 2 quarters last year.. compared to rising 92% in 2010. A $100 billion valuation means that its worth 53% of google yet Google has 10 times the earnings of Facebook. Plus charging companies and advertisers for pages that you can "like" will hinder growth.

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You guys should have gotten on DRYS @ $2.17 with me.


im waiting for earning before i start a position...


I shorted GME Weds at 25.5, shorted lulu in AH yesterday at 65.55 looking good so far..


I have CEDC at 3.8, got so greedy changed my sell at 6.15 to 6.45 it hit like 6.2 then crashed. Guess im goin to wait to buy more or sell at 6 now if it hits again soon.

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where ya sittin now?


Up around $0.90 per share but now I'm pissed that I only got 1000 shares. This was one of my very few speculative buys. I think once I'm up around $1.00 per share I'm just gonna take my wins and put it into something that I really like, especially if BRK continues to hover under $80 per share.

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  • 2 weeks later...
anyone buy into news that Apple may buy SIRI


I go some SIRI awhile back, haven't done much. Should I buy more?


I'm watching that too. My Apple has blown up. I would love to get in early on SIRI and see them come together. I'll post what I see. Please do the same.

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