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A few of the Audi


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I was the same way, I had to buy my own stuff and had a great work ethic. But as I look back on the experience I dont know if it was best. I worked all the time to pay for my car and never really socialized. The few times I did make an attempt to hang out with others, it seemed like I never fit in. To this day you will really never see me coming out to hang as I never developed those social skills. If I can spend a few hundred dollars to help ensure my kids dont suffer the same fate, I am all about it. Life is socially hard for kids these days, I know they have so much but its hard to fit in. My parents werent aware enough of this issue when they moved us from the southend of columbus to pickerington in the middle of HS. We have always tried to be aware of this and address it.

I've never noticed you being socially akward.... I always thought you were a pretty damn cool guy.


There's a difference between hanging out with friends and not working for what you want... my 14 year old didn't get a job this summer and when I asked her why, she told me it was easier for people to buy her stuff than for her to work for it.... that right there told me I'm doing the right thing by not buying her anything else PERIOD. Learning the value of a hard earned dollar is one of the best gifts you can give your kids, so far I've failed her... I won't continue that mistake. Besides that, you make friends with the people you work with so I'm not really sure I understand your logic about hanging out.


regardless, that's a pretty damn nice car for 600 dollars.

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I was given a 6 year old Taurus se when I turned 16. 5k car. It was my dads. I took excellent care of that car. Washed and waxed regularly, maintained it, put a stereo in it, etc.


I could not have taken better care of the car, and it was a gift. I took better care of my 3 to 5k cars in highschool than I do my 25 to 35k cars after, which I paid for.


It isn't like you can't take the car away or sell it to discourage bad behavior, or improper care of the car...


I will be buying my kids a car.


^^ Exactly the same feeling and upbringing. I've told the story before that my cousins who both had to work their ass off to drive a POS hated me and our other two cousins who got really nice cars. Those of us who had nice ones respected them and took great care of them. The others were bitter and hated their car and treated it like shit. I enjoyed working to put nice tires, stereo, etc...on mine. They hated theirs and hated working to pay for gas.


My kids respect what they have and I've been putting $100mo into a savings account for each one since month one. My son has enough to by me a car now :) However, it won't all go towards a car.

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Very few have actually seen me out socially, and even then not in years. Unfortunately anxiety, and social issues tends to run in my family extending several generations. I am trying to change this with my kids. Nothing says it will work but its not much to spend on the effort.
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Very few have actually seen me out socially, and even then not in years. Unfortunately anxiety, and social issues tends to run in my family extending several generations. I am trying to change this with my kids. Nothing says it will work but its not much to spend on the effort.


C&C man. No one bites. If they do and she's cute, I call first dibs. :gabe:

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He would, dad doesnt. He doesnt get his license for another 3 weeks. I will let him drive it for awhile and if/when he has enough money for something different I will allow him to trade it in/sell it. He's still responsible for gas, insurance and maintenance so its not completely free. If he down right just hates driving it he can drive my suv or moms minivan. Either of us will probably gladly trade with him for awhile.
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I have said I was coming about a dozen times but the day it arrives, I have a million excuses why I cant go. None of which carry any real validity.


I'm not far behind you, but offer still stands that I will come over and personally bring your butt to Cup O'Joe.


Now with your son having wheels, you need to have him bring you and show us his new ride!

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No way in hell he's getting up that early. I will do my best to come to the next one especially if its over on this side of town. Last saturday I about headed up in it, but with it being his bday I just had way to much to do. I appreciate the offer of the drag out though:)
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Hates driving it? I hope your son realizes how lucky he is to get a first car like that, and especially for free. That's a nice car no matter how old you are. I'm shocked that you got it that cheap, he should consider himself very lucky. Comfy, looks nice inside and out, fun to drive, and the high school bitches will love it. What more could he want :cool:


It's certainly wayyyy better than any V6 Mustang you would have bought him. Is he just frustrated learning how to drive a stick?

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I am sure there is some apprehension about being old enough to drive, being able to go out unattended especially on the road, and being unsure of himself as a driver. I think these sometimes come out/ displayed as being frustrated with learning to drive a manual transmission. The car itself or which tranny it has will probably be forgotten the day he gets that piece of plastic in his hand.
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