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How not to disassemble an M4 rifle/Rocket attack long read and pics


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Great story Joe and I am very glad to see you are alright. Get yourself a kevlar cup will ya?


They actually have what we call a Kevlar diaper we are suppose to be getting. No one wants it. just funny in a not funny kinda way.


You need to get that story and the pics out...send them to http://www.ehowa.com, the owner is part of the team that runs Let's Bring 'Em Home, they supply troops who can't afford it with free airline tickets for the holidays.


Good info. I will past that along to the guy who was injured. And as for pic getting out there, I have a couple more I can put up and we are checking on more, like the rocket itself.


They've been shooting a Chinese 75mm recoilless rifle at us every so often for the past 3 months. So far they've managed to get three to land on camp. None of them detonated though. One crashed through the medical tent (no one injured), one smacked a HMMVW, and one buried itself about two feet underground. I had to dig that somebitch out by hand only to find that the dumbasses put the wrong fuze on it. Just recently they shot an RPG at us while we were prosecuting an IED as well. They must've left the shipping cap on, because we got to watch it skip across the ground like a flat stone on a pond. It tumbled past us and then fell in a canal. We both just laughed and went back to what we were doing while they lit the dude up with a MK19.


We might be in the same area it sound's. we should talk.


Joe got another wooden nickel. :fuckyeah:


Glad you are ok! Come back in one piece so we can fuck some more shit up around here. :masturboy:


Fun will be had for sure when I get back there. BTW, this info does not get commented on Facebook, the girl and family don't know and I'll wait till I'm outta here before talking about it. Thanks Bro.



Thanks for all the support everyone. It means a lot to read the comments on here. I'll post what I can.

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Handled it like a bauce! Glad to hear everyone is ok.


I read your story to about 20 people at work today and all of them said, wtf, damn, or holy shit afterwards. They also told me to tell you and the others thank you for your service. Thanks broham!

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I have no clue what part you're in but I'm in Afghanistan also but on a low key area and thank god I've not been through something like that. Closest I've had is sitting in bed one morning about 7AM and BOOM, then I hear rocks on the roof of the metal building I sleep in....walk outside ok roof is good.....WTF


Rocket hit across the street about 250ft from the building I was in. That's as close as I care to get personally!

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Ya'll gettin Talibananas or Haqqani? Keep your ass safe, I'll have your box ready to roll this weekend after I hit up Cabela's for ya. I hope ya'll sent back some 155 shake n' bake at em. Our Infantry Battalion loved to send out HE to start then box them in with some ol' WP rounds, thus the shake n' bake.



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Ya'll gettin Talibananas or Haqqani? Keep your ass safe, I'll have your box ready to roll this weekend after I hit up Cabela's for ya. I hope ya'll sent back some 155 shake n' bake at em. Our Infantry Battalion loved to send out HE to start then box them in with some ol' WP rounds, thus the shake n' bake.


Sounds like what they do here when we get hit the few n far between times we do. The incident I described above they returned 15 in their direction as a thank you I'm not sure they saw em coming.


Marines are nuts as well those guys literally were jumping at the bit to kick some ass!

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Handled it like a bauce! Glad to hear everyone is ok.


I read your story to about 20 people at work today and all of them said, wtf, damn, or holy shit afterwards. They also told me to tell you and the others thank you for your service. Thanks broham!

Thanks Brian man that's solid, and thank your co-workers for their support.


Of course, do you think I'm telling Carri about this! :lolguy:

Carri would have my ass and yours too. Hell, I'll have to play it like you never knew if I do talk about it to her later haha.


I have no clue what part you're in but I'm in Afghanistan also but on a low key area and thank god I've not been through something like that. Closest I've had is sitting in bed one morning about 7AM and BOOM, then I hear rocks on the roof of the metal building I sleep in....walk outside ok roof is good.....WTF


Rocket hit across the street about 250ft from the building I was in. That's as close as I care to get personally!

We get a lot of activity here. For about four days we were getting hit about twice a day with rockets. But since this one, we haven't had any. With 9/11 this weekend, I think we will see some activity.


Ya'll gettin Talibananas or Haqqani? Keep your ass safe, I'll have your box ready to roll this weekend after I hit up Cabela's for ya. I hope ya'll sent back some 155 shake n' bake at em. Our Infantry Battalion loved to send out HE to start then box them in with some ol' WP rounds, thus the shake n' bake.


Shit Scotty, I'm here and don't know what your saying sometimes. haha. Thanks for putting some things together man. Did you get my message about the laser on FB?

You would like what I have going on tomorrow. Instructor certification for CCO and ACOG training. Cake day and get to play.

As for out going, I don't recall for right after what I wrote about. But, we are lighting shit up all the time. Birds of every kind are here. So wish I could take pics and post them. I know the guys on here would love it too. OPSEC is a fine line and everything in the back ground here is intel. That's why the two pics I did post are pretty close up.



Again, everybody, THANK YOU for the support.

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Damn Joe, glad to hear your okay. actually thank God everyone made it out alive, i hope that all our men in arms make it back in one piece breathing. looks like shit over there is heating up once again........ im going to ask my buddy where hes going, he deploys on the 15th and is a combat medic with the National Guard. i cant wait to go to basic and wear the flag on my arm, i wish i was there with you buddy get home safe!
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I have no clue what part you're in but I'm in Afghanistan also but on a low key area and thank god I've not been through something like that. Closest I've had is sitting in bed one morning about 7AM and BOOM, then I hear rocks on the roof of the metal building I sleep in....walk outside ok roof is good.....WTF


Rocket hit across the street about 250ft from the building I was in. That's as close as I care to get personally!


Are you on Leatherneck? I think I know the exact incident you're talking about. How long ago was this?

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Shit Scotty, I'm here and don't know what your saying sometimes. haha. Thanks for putting some things together man. Did you get my message about the laser on FB?

You would like what I have going on tomorrow. Instructor certification for CCO and ACOG training. Cake day and get to play.

As for out going, I don't recall for right after what I wrote about. But, we are lighting shit up all the time. Birds of every kind are here. So wish I could take pics and post them. I know the guys on here would love it too. OPSEC is a fine line and everything in the back ground here is intel. That's why the two pics I did post are pretty close up.



Again, everybody, THANK YOU for the support.

The ACOG zero targets are pretty awesome. The Air Force PJ's developed it for the ACOG's. You basically have to keyhole that bitch to qualify with it.


Sounds like ya'll are staying pretty busy for the most part. I heard there was a good increase in enemy activity this year for some reason. Thank God you've got some birds above helping out. Like I said, I'll send some weapons cleaning items for ya too.

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