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Begging for money


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When I worked at Jegs on 11th back in the day, we would go to LaBamaba on High St. every Wedsday for lunch. We got approached by a homeless man asking for money. I flat out said no and went in to order by burrito. My buddy brings the guy back out an application. It was funny on one hand but kinda true.
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While back I was working in clintonville and a homeless man came up to my truck while I was parked and asked me for food,well I just finished my lunch and all I had was an apple and a banana left so I offerd him both. He turned down the apple because he had no teeth but was very appreciative of the banana.I watched him eat it as he walked away. He was actually holding back tears when he asked me. True story. Never judge a book by its cover.
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When I worked at Jegs on 11th back in the day, we would go to LaBamaba on High St. every Wedsday for lunch. We got approached by a homeless man asking for money. I flat out said no and went in to order by burrito. My buddy brings the guy back out an application. It was funny on one hand but kinda true.


Have you ever filled out a job application where your "home address" was a homeless shelter? I can imagine its pretty funny.


While back I was working in clintonville and a homeless man came up to my truck while I was parked and asked me for food,well I just finished my lunch and all I had was an apple and a banana left so I offerd him both. He turned down the apple because he had no teeth but was very appreciative of the banana.I watched him eat it as he walked away. He was actually holding back tears when he asked me. True story. Never judge a book by its cover.


This is the kind of homeless person I would give money to; the kind who asks for a bite to eat, or the bare minimum to survive.


There was one homeless guy in Boston I got to know. He was possibly the nicest guy I've met. Whenever he asked for something, he'd always start with "how are you doin today?" and when people would ignore him he would just jovially say "well I hope you have a good one, and go get a coat if you don't have one its gonna be windy today!" or something in that vein.


I later found out that he was one of the only homeless guys in the area who was able to read and could tell homeless guys the weather, which is important when a bridge is the best form of shelter you have.

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Have you ever filled out a job application where your "home address" was a homeless shelter? I can imagine its pretty funny.




This is the kind of homeless person I would give money to; the kind who asks for a bite to eat, or the bare minimum to survive.


There was one homeless guy in Boston I got to know. He was possibly the nicest guy I've met. Whenever he asked for something, he'd always start with "how are you doin today?" and when people would ignore him he would just jovially say "well I hope you have a good one, and go get a coat if you don't have one its gonna be windy today!" or something in that vein.


I later found out that he was one of the only homeless guys in the area who was able to read and could tell homeless guys the weather, which is important when a bridge is the best form of shelter you have.


Oh so what your saying is homeless people should not apply for jibs because they are homeless? Or maybe the ones faking it or the ones who caused it due to alchoholism or drug addiction should just keep on that same path and expect handouts for dope money because they are to ashamed to apply for a job?


I am all for helping someone who is willing to help themselves out. But i will not hand out anything to anyone who is not willing to make an effort for their own benefit.

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Oh so what your saying is homeless people should not apply for jibs because they are homeless? Or maybe the ones faking it or the ones who caused it due to alchoholism or drug addiction should just keep on that same path and expect handouts for dope money because they are to ashamed to apply for a job?


I am all for helping someone who is willing to help themselves out. But i will not hand out anything to anyone who is not willing to make an effort for their own benefit.


What I was saying was that no matter how much initiative they may have, the world is against them and attitudes like that are doing no help. One thing I've heard from talking to homeless people that really unsettles me is how no one ever makes eye contact, as if to treat them as inhuman or to prevent human contact. That bothers me.


If you are stuck to your beliefs and will defend them to the face of a homeless person then I have no problem with that, but I [mis]read your comment as the idea that you won't pay heed to anyone unwilling to demonstrate initiative in your presence. If someone is asking me for money, I at least try to look them in the eye and say "sorry, no" or "I don't have any on me".


On a lighter note, I knew a homeless guy who was severely mentally disabled. Connecticut Valley Hospital was once one of the largest mental institutions in the country but had to release a ton of patients due to budget cuts. Anyways, Middletown, CT became a bit of a Mecca for the homeless and this one guy was basically their king. He had "the best fawkin spot undah tha bridge" until one day he disappeared. Everyone assumed he'd fallen into the river and died until one of the Red Cross people who knew him said that he'd met up with the guy at a Phish concert in Vermont, and he was currently touring the country with them. I suppose the moral of that story is that people willing to be friendly and outgoing occasionally get their due.

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I just had a talk about this the other day... I dont like to hand out money... But I put myself in their shoes.. My grandpa always used to go and buy them food.. So anytime Im on my way to lunch and I see someone.. I get them food.. Ive never had anyone turn it down..


Not everyone that is homeless are dead beats... Some just let other things control their lives..


My dad for one is almost there.. Im not going to go into all of the details.. but he is very close to being homeless and living on the streets..


If I dont have time to get them food, I will give them 1-2$...



But to each his own.. I have friends that say "fuck that I dont give them shit" And I have others that are like me..

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I'm a Christian myself (bad example but one none the less) I've always tried to do something food, a buck or two, whatever. But, it gets old and people will use the hell out of you. I try to keep the view of letting the Lord guide me in who to give a hand UP to. Not, a hand OUT to. I don't try to guess their motive just stay open to his leading. Just my 2 cents
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One thing I've heard from talking to homeless people that really unsettles me is how no one ever makes eye contact, as if to treat them as inhuman or to prevent human contact. That bothers me.


I always look them in the eye, a good portion of the time you can tell if they are just a bum or really need it. Well I guess they all need it or they wouldn't be asking, but you know what I mean.


I know you guys think I'm a POS as so many say when we talk pets, but what I hear some of you saying about your fellow man in this thread I hope you don't really mean. Myself I help them when and where I can. Luckily the company I work for allows me to just call in and say I'm helping some poor people and will be a little behind and they are cool with me giving them a ride across town etc.


Any one of us are a simple accident away from being that homeless mental case. Look at our friend 614streets. He's obviously went off the deep end and if he vocalizes his "new beliefs" at work he's out a job. If he has the type of anger the nazi types usually have he could be a homeless mental case soon.

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I give to my church which in turn gives out a ton of the money to help the homeless community. I wouldn't mind giving on the streets if it was truly needed (and who's to say it's not). I have a major problem with the ones who "work" the parking lot's in the short north or the ones who talk shit if you don't give them anything.
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While back I was working in clintonville and a homeless man came up to my truck while I was parked and asked me for food,well I just finished my lunch and all I had was an apple and a banana left so I offerd him both. He turned down the apple because he had no teeth but was very appreciative of the banana.I watched him eat it as he walked away. He was actually holding back tears when he asked me. True story. Never judge a book by its cover.



^^ You're a good human being.


I have never been so humbled as I was when I just got the job I'm at now and was in Sacramento at corporate for training. We as a group just got through with dinner at a mildly expensive restaurant when on the way out as the three groups went different ways I noticed a man approach one of my new co workers. I paused as at first I was leary and unsure of what was about to happen just 50ft away.


I then noticed a woman and two very young children about 15ft from the man. I noticed my coworker hand over his take home food, exhange a handshake and then the reunion of what turned out to be a homeless family.


I'm a very blessed 41 year old father who tears up thinking about it, but that family which included a 4yr old girl and a son not far from my own sons age. They didn't ask to be put in that situation and I'm sure have baggage like all of us. Bottom line is no human being here in the USA should have to be in that situation. I'll never forget seeing people who could easily be my wife and kids and me receive someones leftovers in a parking lot seem so grateful. I'm humbled and saddened. Those kids have no home and regardless of the parents situation, those were just kids.


Not all are angels and victims, but I will tell everyone that until you walk a day in their shoes and hopefully you never have to, don't judge too quickly. I no longer do.

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Im sure a lot of the homeless definitly need a leg up and some help. But there was a news story they did a few years ago about a couple of 'homeless' that grossed something like 40-60k a year begging... Just saying. I've given out some food, a few dollars here and there but generally its a no go from me.
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I've been suckered in many times by people asking for change or gas... I've always kind of resented them asking but lately with all the cutback and unemployment it could easily be any of us. It doesn't mean were lazy it just means there's no jobs making what we used to make and mcdonalds doesn't pay enough to pay our mortgage.... Most of us are one layoff and a 6 month nest egg away from the street... Just think about that next time you judge someone.
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I don't like when the homeless guys approach and you tell them you don't have anything and then as you walk past they say "F**k you mothaf**ker" I had that happen and was about to fight a homeless guy because I DIDN'T HAVE ANYTHING on me...I wasn't going to hand him my credit card and tell him enjoy.
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I only give food to beggers I never give them money.


this ^^


I used to deliver pizzas in high school/college and would get free pizza's or the ones that got screwed up and would take them to a guy that used to hang around a certain off ramp......I figure instead of hoping they spend the money on something 'to help' you just take a step out of the equation and do it for them....have to feel bad, but at the same time there are many programs and opportunities to do SOMETHING.

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this ^^


I used to deliver pizzas in high school/college and would get free pizza's or the ones that got screwed up and would take them to a guy that used to hang around a certain off ramp......I figure instead of hoping they spend the money on something 'to help' you just take a step out of the equation and do it for them....have to feel bad, but at the same time there are many programs and opportunities to do SOMETHING.


I don't trust giving them money because I feel they will waste it on alcohol. If you are really homeless you won't give up a free meal.

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I can't remember the exact figures, but as im starting my mental health rotation tomorrow ill find out, a nation wide study found that for every $1 invested into mental health and addiction services, the county or counties save something like $3 or $4. Decreased hospital visits, jail time, crime, etc.


But it's usually one of the first thing that get's cut from government funded programs. :dumb:


It hit's close to home since I have a schizophrenic uncle. We can take care of him but it's really sad to think about what would happen to someone like that who doesn't have a support network when they decide to cut mental health funding.

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