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Thanks for lending a hand CR!


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Today I moved some basic office furniture into the new hangout. I say "I moved" but actually I only drove the moving truck.


Patrick (BIGGU), Chris (major payne), Sean (Crossle), and Steven (macpyro2) did all the lifting and carrying. Many thanks, guys.


My office is now 90% set-up and about a 30% of the CR hangout room is together. Currently there is seating for 14, refrigerator, small counter with cupboards. I'm searching for some oversized stuffed chairs, maybe a recliner or two, some rug runners.


I'm going to need to set up gaming for the big screen, so if you have some advice or some appropriate equipment to donate/sell cheap, let me know. I was told that if I went with PS3, I wouldn't have to buy a separate blu-ray player. It's simple things such as that (which I didn't know) which can be very helpful and save me some money.


Before it turns cold, I hope to have room in the garage for two loaner spaces for members to use to work on their cars.


It's a work in progress, so have patience. I don't have the time to get it all done myself, so I'm very appreciative to those who have helped so far and to those who have volunteeered to help. :)

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No problem doc I'm always down for helping out


Btw I left my coffee cup at the club house is there any way you could bring that out with you to night if you come out


Preferably full of that magical liquid you call coffee but I call heaven in a cup. Jk

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Pics of this place? I've seen you offering to let people come detail cars there but never seen it. How big is this office/hangout/garage?


The garage is 3,000 sf, heated, with an area to wash/detail cars.





The office is adjoined to the garage and is an additional 900 sf. It is heated and has A/C.




About 200 sf will be my office. The remaining 700 sf will be available as a hangout for small gatherings of CR people. It will double as a reception area for a free clinic two afternoons a month. As the weather gets cooler, it will be nice to be able to meet at a parking lot where the lights stay on and where people can go inside where it's warm, share a pizza, watch the big screen, but still have a clear view of their cars:



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Very nice place Doc. Do you run any sort of business out of it or just keep it around for relaxing/getting away?


I use it to clean and store my cars. The office will be for the free clinic. It's not much of a getaway ...... just another place to go to work. But I admit, I enjoy cranking up the music, lighting a cigar, and polishing a chrome grill.

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May have a big tv to donate. Give me a few weeks, and I'll know for sure.


I've got a 53 in big screen if you want it. Problem is it's a 2002 rear projection unit...


Thanks for the offers, gents, but the TV is purchased already. Really looking for advice/hookups for a video game system and excellent condition easy chairs/recliners. Blue, gold and cream are colors that might work with what I already have. Ideally, a classic pinball machine, foosball table, and jukebox would be great, but we know that isn't going to happen on the cheap.

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