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Who here has been to NYC?


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My wife and I along with a few buddies are planning a trip to New York City on New Years to watch the ball drop. We will be leaving on Friday (30th) and arriving in NYC on the 31st. We want to get some site seeing in before heading to times square for the ball drop. I just have some questions to those who have gone to NYC and even seen the ball drop


1. How early should we get to times square to watch the ball drop?

2. What are the must see attractions in NYC? There are a ton of things there, what can you not see?

3. Best way to get around NYC?



Hell any info you have about a trip to NYC would be helpful, this is my first time there since I was 9 lol. No one else in the group has ever been there either.

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It sounds like you need someone in the city to party with...all the major touristy stuff will be closed on the 31, plus if your only there for 18hrs you dont want to spend 4 of it sitting in a theatre with a bunch of your boys


foot, cab and subway are your means of trasport.

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Well we are staying there on the 1st as well, we figured a lot of shit would be closed due to new years eve preperations. Not sure what all will be open/closed on the 1st but if we are able to see some things that'd be pretty cool. I am not a big drinker so not really needing someone to party with. Just doing this as a "hey we was there to see the ball drop" type thing, plus my buddies and I have been wanting to take a road trip to NYC, so why not combine em.
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Been researching and this is looking like a hassle lol. Most people are saying that the trains stop running to Time Square around 4pm and once your inside times square you can't leave and get back in. They also state no restrooms which could pose a big issue considering we will have my wife with me lol
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Everything in NYC is geared to capitalizing on too many people in one place. Bathrooms are for paying customers only, etc...


If you really want to go, check out Lady Liberty, Times Square is pretty cool, the financial district. It really depends on what you like. Personally I can't stand NYC. Too expensive, too many people.

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Been researching and this is looking like a hassle lol. Most people are saying that the trains stop running to Time Square around 4pm and once your inside times square you can't leave and get back in. They also state no restrooms which could pose a big issue considering we will have my wife with me lol


YEP....I would avoid it like the plague. Security is retarded and once you are in you can't leave, if you do...you can't return. Unless you are standing on the street, they charge an a@@ load. I think it was $3-10k a person depending what joint you party at for a club/window party seat/view which are sold out years in advance.


Not to mention its a nightmare for people/traffic and everything else. Unless you are just going to say you went, I wouldn't do it again. Other than that.....LOTS of fun stuff to see/do. It's probably one of my favorite cities at Christmas time...

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Been to NYC many, many times. Never for New Years Day as I knew better, but I have been there during Christmas and it's a mess but beautiful. I went to see the Xmas decorations and to visit FAO Schwarz, some museums, etc. NYC is the hurry up and wait city. Getting in/out of the city will be a nightmare. The day before Christmas it took me 5 hours to drive into the city. Don't take a nice car into the city, take a beater or a rental with full coverage. They are all assholes and will cut you off or try to run you off the road if you aren't an aggressive driver. (I took my Firebird this last March, road construction added a few hours to trying to get out of the city, and I will never take a 6spd car into the city again after that.)


Reserve parking WAY ahead of time. Parking garages are going to be packed. Street side parking won't be an option unless you get extremely lucky and park somewhere on the opposite side of the city where you don't want to be. Subway will be your friend for transportation as cabs can be pretty expensive.

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I've been to NYC for a few New Year's Eve's. I went to a private party a few blocks away from Times Square and it was a nightmare just getting to the restaurant. I would never, ever go to Times Square during NYE for any reason whatsoever. It's crazy packed, cops everywhere, and you have to spend most of the day standing there.
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Yeah it seemed like a cool idea, but the more I have researched it the more I have learned its a pain in the ass. I think we're just gonna go sometime before then or afterwards and go site seeing


Smart move. If your wife really wants to do it sonetime, my wife will go with her because she wants to do it one time. That way, she's happy and I don't have to go. :lol:

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I am grew up 1.5 hours north of the city and my sister lives in the city. Don't go on New Year's unless you want to just say you went.

If you go New Year's eve, get there around noon-4. You will stand in those gated areas until the ball drops. No restrooms, can't move, cops and people everywhere. If you can't see the ball they set up big TV's everywhere. Once it hits, the crowd moves and you go where they go.

NYC is great at Christmas. Things to do:

Take Staten Island ferry for a free drive by of Lady Liberty (about a mile away)

Go to Empire State building

City Bus tour (might be cold) hop on, hop off anywhere

Central Park is neat

Hit up Ground Zero

MOMA is interesting

National History Museum is huge

Brooklyn Bridge is neat to walk half way across

Rockefeller center tree and "The Rock" not as tall as Empire, but still neat.

Times Square, expensive stuff since it is all tourist

See a Broadway show, go to TKS day of and they are half off

Many great restraunts, but stuff is expensive. I like a place called Beccos. They have a special for $22 all you can eat Italian pastas. http://becco-nyc.com/

Stay at a hotel in the city, easier then taking the subway in. Expect to pay $150 for a cheap place (motel 6 or worse) and $200+ for a decent place per night.

You can fly to JFK or LaGuardia and take a train/taxi to the city for around $20-$40

Get around on the subway, only $7 for a day pass I think. Subway maps are easy to read.

Take a taxi once, just to do it, but they are pricey.

Things look close on google maps, but it takes time to travel. Walking is the best way around, not many fatties in NYC. Figure about 10-20 min per mile to travel. Farther north you go, cheaper things get.

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^ agreed


the tour buses are nice but I think it s even better to get one of those tour boats that go all the way around manhattan...i think they begin around the west side somewhere between 34th and 42nd street by the big Navy carrier that was (still is) stationed there

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Thanks for the info guys, we was actually going to drive to NYC from home (Newark). Since its a group of us, we was just gonna rotate drivers every so often and drive straight through. Still may end up going on New Years Eve just to say we did it, but at the same time my biggest concern is my wife, I swear she pisses like she's pregnant (please god don't let her be again lol).
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Seriously, consider the Slice of Brooklyn bus tour. http://www.asliceofbrooklyn.com/pizza.html

Hopefully you will get Paula as your guide ;)

My wife and I go NYC way too much... (at least for me)

The tour is a great time! Especially, if you are just figuring out the area and what to get an idea. Best to take it the first day if possible or you will be kicking yourself otherwise.


A cruise on The Pink Lady is great, we have taken them several times, I like it best when it includes an open bar, which the Brunch cruise includes during the summer.


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Only flag down taxi vans so you can be on Cash Cab. :fuckyeah:


Actually, CashCab is not that random. They normally have production assistants out scouting for photogenic people/groups. They might be there scouting in a bar/cafe or sometimes on the street.

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Well we are staying there on the 1st as well, we figured a lot of shit would be closed due to new years eve preperations. Not sure what all will be open/closed on the 1st but if we are able to see some things that'd be pretty cool. I am not a big drinker so not really needing someone to party with. Just doing this as a "hey we was there to see the ball drop" type thing, plus my buddies and I have been wanting to take a road trip to NYC, so why not combine em.



you could knock over a card stand :gabe: :D

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