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Any plumbers on here?


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Just bought a new house, upstairs tub has a clog. Not 100%, but it slowly goes down.


We used drain-o, but no good..


I think it might have a toy down in it? Im not sure..


If someone can look at it before weds that would be great.. Shoot me a PM so we can talk..

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First fill it with water and hit it with a toilet plunger hard. A lot of times that will cause some gunk to pop out. If that is no good I would get a cheap snake from Home Depot and snake it ($20). A lot of time soap and hair gets stuck in there. Chemicals only dissolve some of that stuff and weaken the pipes.
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Might not have enough air flow going up and out the roof.

Isnt that only for the toilet?

First fill it with water and hit it with a toilet plunger hard. A lot of times that will cause some gunk to pop out. If that is no good I would get a cheap snake from Home Depot and snake it ($20). A lot of time soap and hair gets stuck in there. Chemicals only dissolve some of that stuff and weaken the pipes.




pull the drain cover off, (usually a screw of some sort) and use a coat hanger. You'd be surprised what youll find just beneath the drain cover. If that doesnt get it, check the trap. This could be difficult since its upstairs, but their might be an access panel somewhere. If that fails, look into a cheap snake. If that fails, call a pro

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Thank you for your useless input.


Don't be hating the "google" Great home owner stuff out there. For example here is how to unclog your drain with a plunger like I suggested:



You can also buy a "zip It"at a hardware store for $2





I use google and my library to learn all kinds of new things. Like how to pour a custom shower pan.

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Thank you for your useless input.


Don't get mad Bruh Bruh. The line goes plunger, drain o, snake. Just about everyone knows that...except you.


I just put in new floors with the help of friends and some lowes.com videos. Home ownership is a learning process.


either way glad you got it cleared up

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how the fuck does a washcloth get down a drain


I was wondering the same thing...


Owning a home is a huge learning process..


Im not knocking google search.. I just wanted another opinion on what should be done..


Infact I looked up zip it on you tube and saw a video of how it worked.. Spent 3$ at home depot and pulled it out of the drain..


Kind of like when people ask car questions, to me would be a stupid question since im a mechanic... And could just say "your cars broke, google "how to fix your car, If you write a check everytime your car breaks you will be broke fast."


But instead I help out and give my input on whats going on with it.

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