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Former Lybian Dictator - Gadhafi - DEAD


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2 down 1 to go, gotta get rid of the crazy from N. Korea


We just need to kill everybody and take everything like we are already doing, but just admit that's what we are doing instead of trying to do it under the illusion of us actualy caring for those people we conquer. Eff them. We are America, We are more powerful, therefore We are the only ones who have a right to exist. Down with other countries because we don't like their people, their leaders, or their policies! Here here!

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We just need to kill everybody and take everything like we are already doing, but just admit that's what we are doing instead of trying to do it under the illusion of us actualy caring for those people we conquer. Eff them. We are America, We are more powerful, therefore We are the only ones who have a right to exist. Down with other countries because we don't like their people, their leaders, or their policies! Here here!




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Holy Crap Qaddafi’s Corpse Is Being Stored in a Freezer at a Mall


Muammar el-Qaddafi, the former dictator of Libya, was killed yesterday but Libyans don't know what to do with his body just yet. Right now, Qaddafi is being stored in a room-sized freezer at a shopping center in Misrata, the home city of the fighters who killed him. A fitting end?


The AP saw Qaddafi's body and described it as:


The body, stripped to the waist and wearing beige trousers, was laid on a bloodied mattress on the floor of an emptied-out room-sized freezer where restaurants and stores in the center normally keep perishables. A bullet hole was visible on the left side of his head—with the bullet still lodged in his head, according to the presiding doctor—and in the center of his chest and stomach. His hair was matted and dried blood streaks his arms and head.


Qaddafi was supposed to be buried today (in accordance to Islamic tradition) but the interim government wants to figure out how he died before they put the former dictator away. So the freezer solution it is! Incredibly odd that they picked a mall though, as crowds are growing to sneak a peek at the dead man's body.

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